Chapter 11

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"Nice to see you, Kitten." Kenma flinched. He didn't even realize Kuroo was there, but I guess that's a good trait for a rebel leader. THAT STUPID NICKNAME THOUGH-
"Stop calling me kitten..."

"You know you like it, you can't exacly hide that blush you know." Kuroo smirked as he said this, and Kenma just got even more flustered. However, when Kuroo started laughing, he couldn't help but laugh as well.
"What's with your laugh-"
"Listen it's all natural, now let's get out of here before someone find us."

With that, Kuroo and Kenma left towards the forest. Out of pure curiosity, Kenma started a conversation.

"So where are we going?"
"We're going to the forest. It'll be good to show you around incase something happens."
"So we're just gonna walk around?"
"No, I've got a few things planned."

Kuroo focused on the path ahead of them, and Kenma was almost left in his dust trying to keep up. Eventually, they arrived at the entrence to the forest, and Kuroo stopped Kenma from going any further.

"Alright, I guess I should explain some things. As you know, there are 5 main kingdoms, Karasuno, Seijoh, Fukurodani, Kozume, and Shiratorizawa. Each Kingdom more or less has equal land, but at some point they all meet in the middle. That point is marked by a huge mountain, which is called The Summit. Surrounding the mountain is this forest. It connects to all kingdoms, and if you learn some routes, it proves as great cover for getting around unnoticed. So we'll be exploring it today, so you can get used to what this section is like." Kenma nodded, understanding the explanation. It would be nice to learn his way around, but he could also find some plants along the way. It was a win either way.

"Okay, let's get going."

Kuroo led the way as they entered the forest, and Kenma was immediately captivated by all the plants. He could barely focus on what Kuroo was telling him, and instead he was stopping once he saw an unfamiliar piece of greenery. Soon, Kuroo realized that Kenma was lagging behind.

"What are you looking at that keeps you so distracted?"
"oh...sorry, i got excited by all the plants. I find them interesting."

"Wait, you like plants?"

"Oya Oya? What part though, because I'm all about how plants adapt to different climates and which plants grow in which climates."
"Oh, I like learning about their meanings and symbolism... wait you like plants?" It was now that Kenma faintly remembered Yaku talking about how much of a nerd Kuroo was when it came to plants.

"Hey, guess we're a pair. You know the symbolism, and I know the structure. Guess we're the ultimate plant knowledge tag team!" Kuroo gave a smile that made Kenma's heart flutter.

After that small conversation, the 2 started walking a little slower and Kuroo would explain some plant structures to Kenma. To say that Kenma enjoyed this would be an understatement. After all, how often is it that you find someone with the same weird obssession as you? Finally, Kenma had practically seen every plant that caught his attention, and they picked back up their pace.

Kuroo continued to show Kenma all the twists and turns of the forest, and showed him some basic survival skills. Like which plants were edible, where certain animal territorys were, and where water sources were. It was all very serene to Kenma, especially in the moonlight. As he became more familiar with the forest, Kenma started walking around with a bit more confidence.

"Whoa look at the kitten walking like a tiger."
"I will rip your face off."

"Good to know." Kuroo didn't even try to tease Kenma again after that. Call it instincts if you will, but he didn't doubt what Kenma told him, and he wasn't putting his "precious" face in danger.
"Well, now that you know this place well enough I want to show you one more place before I take you back." Kenma nodded, agreeing to the plan.

The rooster head then lead the way through a specific part of the forest, and Kenma started to hear running water. Eventually, Kuroo pulled back a few bushes and they were met with a beautiful sight. Falls. Waterfalls, ones that led into a pond and into the river. Kenma was shocked, he'd never seen something like this before.

"Do you like it?"
"Yeah. It's pretty."

"I'm glad you think so, I used to come here a lot when I was a kid."
"When you were a kid?"

"Yeah, when things got stressful and I needed to chill I would always come here. It's calming isn't it? The rushing water, the plants, watching the sunrise..."
"Wait what was that last part?"

"The sunrise..? OH SHIT."

To say that the 2 rushed back to the castle was an understatement. What would usually take 20 minutes was somehow accomplished in 10. However, the 2 had one last conversation before departing.

"Hey kitten, I enjoyed this."
"Me too, and stop with that nickname."

"Whatever you say, so how about the 16th? Thursday, same time?"
"I'll see what I can get past Yaku, but I'd be happy if we could."
"Good! Well, see you later Kenma."

Kenma was left flustered as Kuroo ran off, after all, it was rare that Kuroo would say his actual name. However, as the blush left his face it was immediately replaced with pure terror as he realized what he was about to have to deal with.

Kenma quickly made his way back to his room, and surprisingly made it without being noticed. However, as he was making his way to his bed, he noticed a figure sitting on it. He watched in terror as it slowly stood up and walked towards him. It took 19 words.

"So where the hell did that rooster bastard take you that made you stay out 3 fucking hours past curfew?"

Kenma had a lot of explaining to do that morning.

A/N I had fun writing this-

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