Chapter 5

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Kenma didn't know what to think. He had no clue what was happening, but those 3 words...

"Welcome to Nekoma...."

It confused Kenma. What the hell was Nekoma? Why were so many people there people he knew? Was this the secret organization? Why the hell did their leader look familiar? Millions of thoughts and questions were flying through his head, until the familiar looking bed head started talking again.

"I'm sure you're confused, but I'll explain everything to you after you answer a few of my questions."
"Aww, look at Kuroo being all professional like he's supposed to be-" So his name was Kuroo. Why did that so sound familiar?
"Shut up Yaku! Anyways, Kenma, what do you think about how your parents are running the kingdom?" Well that was very direct.

"What do you mean?"
"Do you like how they run things? The laws they enforce?" There was a long pause. The tension in the air was thick, and Kenma's next few words were some that could change the course of this encounter.

"...No I don't. They run this kingdom like tyrants and have no room in their brain for peace. I hate that all other kingdoms have accepted same sex marriage except for ours. Why can't they just let people live their lives in peace..."
"Good answer. I guess Hinata was right about you. Well, I guess I'll explain Nekoma's purpose now. We're rebels. We want to overthrow the King and Queen in hope for a better future." So this was the secret rebel organization.

There was a look of surprise on Kenma's face, he didn't know how to answer. He would save his questions for later, but this just caused even more. He knew that an organization against the King and Queen existed, but how were so many members guards at the castle? Were they spies? Was this how they were never able to find their base? Also, what kind of rebel leader tells the prince of the kingdom their overthrowing that they're planning a revolution? Kenma was seriously doubting these guys at this point. After realizing he zoned out, he quickly nodded his head, telling Kuroo to continue.

"Everyone here has a reason to liberate this Kingdom. All of us want same sex marriage to be legal, but there are other issues as well. The peace issues, the border issues, the economy, really this kingdom needs a lot of stuff fixed. That brings us to why you're here. I won't beat around the bush, we want you to join us Kenma. We know you're a military genius and that you don't agree with your parents rule, so why not?" Kuroo starting receiving looks of surprise from everyone across the room. It was obvious this proposal wasn't planned. However, Kenma still needed to answer.



"Yeah, we want you to join Nekoma. You said yourself that you don't like the way things are, so why not change it? We could use more people gathering information, and you would get to leave the castle to come to meetings, so why not join us?"

"Kuroo, are you sure that's a good idea?" Yaku was the first to breakout of his state of shock.
"Yaku, you've kown Kenma for a while, so do you trust him?"
"Yes, but-"
"Well, then there you go. If you trust him then there's no reason to worry."

After a pretty long awkward silence, Kenma spoke up again. After all, all eyes were on him at the moment, he might as well get information before they pressure him into a decision.

"No offense, but I just found out about this organization. Can I ask questions first?" This is not how Kenma expected this night to go.
"Sure, what do you want to ask?" The better question was what not to ask, he only had a limited amount of time afterall. He was going to get as much information as he could before even considering going against his parents.

"Just who is everyone here?" Kenma was still confused as to what was happening.
"Oh shit we forgot to do introductions didn't we." The aura of professionalism that Kuroo was emanating was suddenly gone. Instead, you could see the look of forgetfulness on his face.
"Damnit and here I thought that Kuroo was being responsible." No one was surprised that Yaku immediately picked on Kuroo. It was more common then you'd think.
"Shut up Yaku, you baked bean." Lev had to hold Yaku back for that one. If he didn't, Kuroo wouldn't have seen the next dawn.

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