Chapter 4

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As Kenma woke up, the first thing he noticed was the sound of 2 people talking in the main room of the house. The 1st voice was one he didn't recognize, it was deeper then the 2nd one, which he could recognize from a mile away.

"So that's him?"
"Yep! Why do you sound disapointed?"

"Well, I expected him to look more refined or something."
"Wow Kageyama, I didn't expect you to stereotype royalty. Not all royals have a stick up their ass you know."

"Shut up Hinata Boke I know that! I guess I didn't expect a prince that no one has ever seen before to have pudding hair."
"Maybe not other royalty, but this is Kenma we're talking about. Yaku has to pretty much forced him out of bed every morning."

"Wow, so why was he hidden again?"
"Cause he's smart."

"That it?"
"Yep, pretty stupid if you ask me."

"I think it's stupid if you ask anyone."
"True. Anyways... Oh! Kenma, you're awake. I guess we should do formal introductions. Kenma, this is Tobio Kageyama. He's a good friend of mine-"

"UGH, fine. Kenma this is my illegal BOYFRIEND Tobio Kageyama. He's also from Karasuno. I know that this is against the law, but you understand don't you? Don't think I haven't seen those looks you've given the guards in training. Anyway, Kageyama this is Kenma, as you know he's the prince."

"Nice to meet you Kenma. I've heard a lot about you from Shoyo."
"...Nice to meet you too Kageyama. Shoyo has told me stories about his milk obssessed friend, so I guess I know about you."
"Wow out of all the things you could've said about me, you talked about my milk?"
"I've seen the cellar." Kenma said that with a straight face, but you could see the judgement in his eyes. Hinata died laughing at that, while Kageyama looked like he was questioning his life. He had officially been outed.


"Shoyo, what's this?"
"Those are Gardenia flowers, they're in season right now so the entire village smells like them."

"What are these?"
"That's a food stall."

"I know that part, but what is it selling?"
"Oh, that's apple pie. Do you want some?"

"Yes please, I promise I'll pay you back."
"It's no problem Kenma. Here." Shoyo handed Kenma a plate of apple pie. They were walking around the village, Kenma practically asking about everything. Kageyama found it annoying, but he understood why Kenma was so curious.

"You know what goes good with apple pie?" Kageyama has finally spoken up after a being silent for a bit.
"What?" Kenma was curious for the answer, but from the look on Shoyo's face he almost didn't want to know.
"Tobio I swear to Asahi if you say what i think you're gonna say..." Hinata knew what was coming, and he sure as hell didn't like it.
"Milk." The disappointment on Hinata and Kenma's faces were very apparent.


It was later that day, and Hinata had been showing Kenma around the village. He was fascinated by everthing. The people, the shops, and most of all, the flowers. His particular favorite were the gardenia flowers. Their wonderful aroma was all around the village, and the beautiful bushes were all on full display. After seeing practically everything the village has to offer, they went back to Kageyama and Hinata's shared house.

"So, how do you like the outside?" Shoyo was knew Kenma was enjoying himself. Actually, anyone could tell.
"It's much better then the castle." Kenma didn't want to seem overly excited, so he gave a pretty monotone response. He was actually very overwhelmed, it was like a whole new world outside.

"I'm glad you think so. Tomorrow night, I want to bring you to meet a few people, ok?" Shoyo seemed a little nervous with that proposition. It made Kenma curious as to who he would be meeting.
"Ok, why do you say that like I would have a problem?"
"Oh, no it's nothing." Shoyo seemed calm after Kenma agreed, but it was still suspicious. However, as much as it killed him, he would just have to wait till tomorrow.


It was the next day, making it 2 days since Kenma had been outside. Tomorrow, his parents would come back and he would have to return to the life he lived before. It was currently around 9 pm, so Kenma was waiting for Shoyo to come back and take him to the metting. He didn't know what to expect, he just knew that he would be meeting new people. Kenma was lost in thought thinking about evrything he had seen, and soon he heard a familiar voice calling to him.

"Kenma! Hurry up, it's time for the meeting! Follow me." The 2 both dawned a cloak and started their run to wherever the meeting was. Hinata led Kenma through several allyways, it seemed like he knew them like the back of his hand. Kenma was suprised by this, Shoyo had never mentioned him ever being in the village before. He only mentioned him living in Karasuno then immediately transfering to Kozume to join the guard program. How was he so familiar with the village if he had never been here for a long period of time? Kenma's train of thought was soon cut off when they finally arrived.

"Under here." Shoyo led Kenma under a piece of tarp, and into a large space. Kenma was astounded. It was a large, dimley lit room. There was a huge rectangular table, and all seats except for 2 were taken. What surpised Kenma the most, was how many people he recognized at said table.

After Kenma and Shoyo sat down, a tall man with very recognizable bed head stood up and spoke, officially starting the meeting. He turned towards Kenma and spoke 3 words that would start the journey to spark a revolution...

"Welcome to Nekoma."

A/N in case of confusion, the 1st day that Kenma's parents were gone was the day Kenma left, the 2nd was Hinata and Kageyama showing Kenma around, and the 3rd was the day of the meeting. Hope this helps. Also, the pic at the top is a Gardenia. :)

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