Chapter 12

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STARTING NEW THING!!! If words are in italics, they're Kenma's inner thoughts. Keep that in mind as the story progresses.

"Yaku I swear-" Kenma was fucking terrified. Yaku was already an impatient person, but making him wait more then 10 minutes? How am I not dead yet?
"Kenma. I waited here for 3 fucking hours." Well isn't that scary?

"well no one told you to do that..." ah. Sass. The worst possible time to use it. Immediate regret already.
"Not the point. I told you to come back at 2 and you came back at 5. Where were you that you couldn't tell time?" Big trees. Who even looks at the moon to tell time anymore?"

"The forest..." B i g T r e e s
"The what?"

"The forest. Kuroo showed it to me, and I lost track of time. I know it really well now though." I know Kuroo better too. I hate this feeling I've discovered since I met him, but at the same time it makes me feel nice. I don't know if I want it to go away.
"Well I can't really complain about that since knowing the forest is handy, but next time please make it back by 4 at least." Holy shit I survived-

"Ok, I'll keep that in mind." Monotone is the best way to go. Conceal don't feel-
"Don't give me that shit, I ain't waiting another 3 hours. You're boyfriend is as good as dead as well." Oh no the mom tone is back- WAIT BOYFRIEND. I don't like Kuroo that way. We just met.

"He's not my boyfriend..."
"He took you to his secret spot right? I've never even been there, he's talked about it but he's never shown it to anyone. You're the first." Kenma just assumed he wanted him to see someting pretty, but Kuroo did talk like it was important to him.

"Should I feel special?" I'm special in more ways then one.
"Ugh go sleep, you're cranky right now. I won't wake you up, but you should eat later too." Sleep? Eat? Be human? Ew.

"Ok, bye Yaku."
"Bye, I'm gonna go kill your boyfriend." Good. WAIT-
"He's not my boyfriend!" Yaku slammed the door as he left. Rude.

As Yaku slammed the door, Kenma embraced the comfort of his bed, slowly processing the conversation he just had. To say he was tired was an understatement, and his brain currently had no filter. The sun was now fully out as well, but Kenma couldn't care less. He just went to sleep, thinking about how he'll deal with it later.


It was currently 3:30 pm, and if it weren't for the obnoxious knocking at his door Kenma would have had no intention on getting up. However, because he had a feeling on who it was, he opened the door. And he was right, a tangerine was knocking at his door.


"I heard from Yaku that you didn't come back till 5, and you haven't left your room all day. I wanted to check up on you. So, how did it go?"
"It was fun, he showed me around the forest and I learned about plants. A win for us all."

"Well that's good! So, what about you and Kuroo?" Kenma could see the growing smirk on Hinata's face and he hated it.
"What about me and Kuroo?"

"Well I thought you 3 had chemistry." Hinata pretty much shipped the 2, but he wouldn't tell that to Kenma. Yet.
"T-There's nothing like that!?!" Kenma's stutter practically gave everything away, but seeing as Kenma didn't really know love, he didn't know what to do about it.

"Whatever you say Kenma. I hope I get invited to the wedding!"
"I'll say the same thihng when you and Kageyama get married, so don't pull that with me!"

"Touche." Hinata doesn't know what this means. Kenma knew it as soon as it came ot of his mouth.
"Do you even know what that means?"

"No but I heard Tsukishima say it once." That's where he heard it from. A smart person.
"Why am I not surprised."

"Cause you know me. Anyway, share the details!"
"Fine, some sit down. You're loud and this hallway echoes." Kenma was glad that no one ever came through this hallway, otherwise Hinata's excitement would've been an issue.

Kenma led hinata into his room, where they sat on the bed as Hinata listened to how the night went. It took around an hour to explain everything in detail, but eventually they got through it. Seeing as it was almost 5 pm, Kenma decided to eat then go back to sleep, already anticipating the meeting on Thursday.

A/N Sorry for the short chapter, I just needed to put something in between the last and next chapters. Anyways, thanks for reading! :)

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