Chapter 10

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Kenma still didn't know what to do. His brain was still flustered from yesterday, how could he be so vulnerable infront of someone he barely knew?!? He didn't know how to handle these new emotions, so he went to everyone's favorite vent mom, Yaku.

"So you are telling me-"
"That you are letting KUROO take you out of the castle to just HANG OUT?"
"And you feel flustered by him?"
"And he calls you kitten?"

"When are you going?"
""Sunday, the 12th."
"When will you be back?"
"He didn't say, but I'm assuming before dawn."
"Your curfew is 2."
"Ok Mom."
" Don't call me that, but have fun on your date!"
"It's not a date..."
"Sure, go get him kitten."
"Don't call me that."
"Wasn't planning on doing it again, hold up gonna go throw up now, bye!"

Kenma was left standing with a light blush and a look of confidence.


Days flew by, and soon enough it was 2 days before Kuroo was going to come get him. Kenma still had no idea how he was gonna get in touch with him. Eventually, he consulted Hinata about the situation.

"So he never said anything?"
"And you still haven't heard anything?"

"So how's this gonna work?"
"If I knew I wouldn't be asking you."
"That's mean, you sound Saltyshima."
"ANYWAYS, if I know anything about Kuroo, it's that he always pulls through in the end. I say just wait a little longer, maybe something will happen."
"Okay, thanks Shoyo."

"No problem! Have fun on your date!"
"It's not a date!"

Once again, Kenma was left with a blush, this one a little more apparent then the last. However, the thought of considering this encounter a date wasn't somethng he was opposed to.


It was in the evening, and Kenma had finally gotten a chance to retreat to his room. He practically collapsed on his bed before noticing a small letter on his dresser.

10 pm, I'll meet you at the hole in the wall. Can't wait to see you, Kitten.

Kenma was doing fine with the letter, until he read the kitten part. At this point, he accepted the seemingly never leaving blush on his face. On the bright side, now he knew when they would leave. However, he had 2 days to prepare himself, the question was whether he would be ready or not.


It was 2 days later, and Kenma wasn't prepared. He didn't have the energy to leave again, he wasn't prepared for more embarressment by that stupid nickname, and he sure as hell wasn't ready to be with Kuroo for a night. He had been consulting Yaku, who he learned was childhood friends with Kuroo, about what to expect.

"Kuroo's a dumbass. He may seem smart, cunning, confident, and like some sex god, but he's just a huge dork. Ask him about a plant and he'll probably be able to tell you everything about it, from what it's used for to where you can find it. His laugh is terrifying. You'll probably regret agreeing to go with him by the end of the night, so good luck."

Kenma didn't know what to think of this. The impression he got from Kuroo was someone who was strong, a confident leader, and tries to piss people off as a strategy. Did they really share an interest? Kenma could also say with confidence that he knew quite a bit about plants, so if Kuroo was exceptional at the subject then Kenma considered it a good conversaton starter.

God why do I want to have a conversation with him. Why am I going out of my way for this. Kenma didn't know what to do about this. All his life, he's never shown interest in learning about someone, but a rooster head comes along and turns his world upside down? It's like something out a book, a fairy tale, and apparently Kenma needed saving.

Kenma looked at his clock and realized that it was almost 10, so he started his way to meet with Kuroo. It went a lot smoother then last time, he didn't have any run-ins with anyone. The entire palace was silent, you couldn't even hear Kenma's soft footsteps. Eventually, he found himself at the hole in the wall, and qaited for Kuroo. He didn't know how long he would have to wait, but Kenma's train of thought was soon cut off by a hand grabbing him from the otherside of the wall and pulling him through.

"Nice to see you, Kitten."

A/N Sorry for the short chapter, but I'm slowly getting out of writer's block. The next chapter will defintely be longer. Also, I finally got my shit together and planned the rest of part 1 out. Y'all are gonna hate me. But ya know what they say, no one can hate you more then you hate yourself, so ima cry while writing. It's gonna be around 40 chapters, so look forward to that. We love a long book. Anyways, thanks for reading! :)

Love Is War {Kuroken} (Discontinued)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora