Chapter 13

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TW : Sexual Assault

3 days went be slowly, more then Kenma thought any day could. He assumed that it was because he couldn't wait to get outside again, but deep down he knew that it was because he wanted to see Kuroo. That's when Kenma started thinking.

"Why would he like me? Kuroo has good looks, he could probably date anyone he wanted. Why would he want to date me? Besides that, we would never work out. He leads a rebel group, and I'm a prince. We're both boys too, we would never work out. He's way out of my league, hell, he's in a different one completely. What made me think I had a chance in the first place?"

With these thoughts in his head, Kenma slowly drifted off to sleep, that way he would have energy for tonight.


As Kenma woke up, he looked at the time. 10:30. Soon, he would meet up with Kuroo. The thought made Kenma happy, until he remembered his thoughts from earlier.

There was no denying the thoughts, they were true after all. Why would Kuroo date someone like him? The only reason he wanted to get to know Kenma better was because they were working together, right? He only teased Kenma for his entertainment, right? Kenma could feel a breakdown coming, but then he remembered he had to leave fast.

Those thoughts took up too much time, 15 minutes to be exact. Kenma didn't know what was getting into him, he wasn't supposed to have emotions. He was just supposed to do what he was told and always choose what would benefit more people. His brain was just a tool. Kenma's mind raced as he made his way to meet up with Kuroo.

He saw the world pass by as he walked, his hair blocking most of it from view. He was still shaken up from his earlier thoughts, but Kenma wouldn't let it show in front of Kuroo. Once the wall was in sight, Kenma took a few deep breathes.





Then, he was ready to confront the cause of these confusing and detrimenting feelings. Kenma walked over the wall and stepped through the hole, once he was through, he looked for Kuroo. He was unsurprised when he saw him leaning on a nearby tree. Once he heard Kenma walking towards him, Kuroo quickly looked up and started running towards the smaller boy.

"Hey Kitten! Took you long enough, I thought I would be here all night."
"You didn't have to wait..."
"And stand you up? I'll have you know I'm a man of honor." Kuroo put his hand on his chest and gestured towards Kenma. However, Kenma just sighed and walked past him. After a few steps he realized he had no clue where they were going.

"Where are we going?"
"Huh? Oh yeah- We're gonna go into town today. The hideout is actually on the quiet side of town, so I'm gonna show you the lively side. By the way, it may be hot as hell during the day, but it's pretty chilly at night. Sure you don't want a jacket?"
"Oh, no I'll be fine, but lead the way I guess."

Kuroo jogged up a bit to catch up with Kenma, and then they started their silent walk towards town. Or rather, silent until Kuroo was done with it.

"So, did anything happen in the past few days?"
"No, why?"
"Nothing, just wondering. You seem upset, is something wrong?"

Is something wrong he says? If only he knew. After all, being forced into a marriage, working as a double strategist, unrequited love, and your only redeeming quality being your brains is quite the heavy burden.

"No, everythings fine, I'm just tired."
"You should get some sleep then, lack of sleep isn't good for your brain."

Yeah. I should sleep so I don't ruin the only useful thing about me.

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