Chapter 3

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After 3 long days, Kenma's parents were finally leaving to the Karasuno kingdom. He hoped that they wouldn't incite a war, seeing as that's the kingdom Shoyo originated from, but he was extatic that they were finally gone. At nightfall, Shoyo would take him outside. He would finally see the world. They had somehow managed to keep the whole sneaking out thing a secret. They had told the guards that Kenma would not leave his room for the next 3 days while he deveolped military tactics, which wasn't hard for everyone to believe. If word got to the king and queen that Kenma had gotten outside, well, who knows what would happen. Kenma just knew that death would be involved, and he didn't want that. That didn't stop him from leaving though. The day was extremely long, but soon enough, it was time to leave.

"Shoyo where are we going?"
"We're finding that hole in the! Here it is. You first Kenma."
"Ok..." Kenma then stepped through the hole. He couldn't believe it. He was finally outside. After 17 years, he could acually leave the castle.

After the 2 had stepped through the wall, Shoyo took the lead. He led Kenma all the way through the forest and to the nearby village. Today would be the day that Kenma saw what the world was really like.
"Shoyo, where are we going?"
"We're gonna stop by a house that belongs to a ...friend of mine. We'll sleep there for the night then explore tomorrow morning."
"Ok, and again, thank you for bringing me out of that hell hole."
"No problem Kenma! I'm just happy that I can keep that promise."

With that, the 2 continued their walk to the house. In was in comfortable silence, neither feeling the need to say anything. Eventually, they made it to the house. It was on the outskirts of the village, relatively away from the palace. Kenma was sure that not a single guard would come looking for them. Though, he doubted that they would notice his absence, save Lev and Yaku. The others were blinded by the king and queen's belief that Kenma's brain shouldn't be tainted. While Kenma's mind was put to rest regarding that issue, there was another question on his mind.

"Shoyo, who's house is this?"
"Umm... don't worry about that. I mean, it's technically mine as well, but I share it with someone else. Now that I work as a guard though, I don't really get to come here often. Don't worry about the other person, you'll meet them soon. Anyway, now that we're here, you should go to sleep and change into some, uh, less flashy clothes. There should be some your size in the closet." Kenma had completely forgot about that. Though he was wearing a cloak, he was still wearing his usual night clothes.

"Now, after you get changed, go to bed. I have some stuff I need to do, so you stay here, ok? I'll be back by 10 (am), so help yourself to whatever's in the cellar." Kenma never questioned when Shoyo had to do something. It was very rare, so when it happened, Kenma found it best to just let him go do whatever he needs to.

As Kenma entered the house, he noticed a few things right away. A lot of things in this house were blue. Most of the rugs were dyed blue, and so were the bedspreads and table cloths. Kenma soon started looking for the closet, seeing as he wanted to get out of his current clothes as soon as he could. He opened the closet and saw 2 sizes of clothing. One was similar to Shoyo's, so Kenma just assumed they were Shoyo's. He grabbed a shirt and pants, but he also examine dthe other size in the closet. It was much bigger then his friend, probably someone around 6 ft (around 180 cm I'm American sry). After some more inspection, Kenma decided to check out the cellar. He walked down the stairs, feeling the chilling air of the cellar from the top base. Once he reached the bottom, he opened the door, and was quite surprised with what he saw.


Lots and lots of barrel's of milk. There was the occasional loaf of bread as well, which only confused Kenma even more. Who the hell puts bread in their  cellar? Kenma slowly backed out of the cellar, back up the stairs, and into the bed, confused as ever. All he could do now was wait for Shoyo to come back in the late morning.

A/N I had to look up what they used before refrigerators.

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