Love Hurts Chapter 13

Start from the beginning

" Girl what is wrong with you?! " I busted out laughing as she was flinging her arms in the air.

" I'm sorry but when my boo thang Chris comes on, i get a bit ratchet. I know" Camilla Shrugged.

" Um...I'm sorry but...the right term is...mega ratchet." I said warily.

" Don't act like you've never been ratchet!" Camilla playfully nudged me

" I'm sorry but I haven't and my advice for you, my dear friend....Please get your life together" I chuckled, laughing at her priceless face reaction.


" We need to go there now!!!! It's my favorite store!!" Camilla shouted, as she dragged me into hot topic.

" Oh lord" I mumbled to my self as we went into the store. The thing about me is that I love rock or any genre of that sort, Don't get me wrong but I HATE the clothing. I decided I should go along into the store with Camilla since she likes it that much.

I slowly walked through the store as I saw Camilla run wildly through a store like a child at a candy shop. I browsed around until a saw a shelf filled of cute wallets. I gawked at all the wallets, looking at each and every single one of them . I took a white glittery wallet with small , colorful neon mustaches all over it. As I went up to the registration counter, I noticed a black wallet behind several key chains. Out of my curiosity, I moved the key chains around to see a misfit wallet which had a sticker that said " Limited Edition" . I quickly grabbed it, avoiding any altercation with anybody.

Once Camilla and I were done with shopping, we both decided to go to the food court. The food court was filled people on different sides. People laughing , talking, and so on. Camilla and I advanced to a Japanese food store. I bought a chicken teriyaki with rice while Camilla bought varieties of sushi. We took a seat and began to devour our food. As we were eating, Camilla impatiently tapped my arm while squealing.

" What's..up?" I said warily

" Cute b- No! scratch that! Fine ass Boy Alert!!" She turned my head and pointed to a tall guy with light brown curls. He had sparkly green eyes, Flawless Caramel Skin Tone and he had MAJOR Swag. That boy was blessed with good looks. Hell, if I didn't have any sort of relationship I would holla.

" Go say something to him!" I encouraged Camilla, nudging her.

" uhhh...I can't... What if he has a girl?" Camilla replied, looking away from him.

" Cammie, I'm sure he doesn't have a girl. Do you see a girl wrapped around his arm or anything?"

" You're right but I don't know if you haven't realized this from me...I'm sort of shy" Camilla said, placing her focus on he sushi instead of looking up.

" What do you mean?! You were twerking all over the place to Strip! Listen, the same fun vibe you have around me, give the same to him." I said, hoping that Camilla would agree.

" goes nothing!" Camilla said optimistically, raising up from her chair.

Camilla P.O.V

I know Alicia give me good reasons to talk to that boy but I'm super shy when it comes to boys. I don't know, maybe I'm insecure about myself. Plus, I don't want to make a fool of myself if I'm around him. The same way I'm around cute boys. I was contemplating on the subject of talking to him and debating. Maybe it could be a good idea after all.

" goes nothing!" Words slipped out of my mouth.

I rose up and composed myself and began walking towards him. I panicked and closed my eyes. "Don't make a fool of yourself....don't make a fool of your self...don't make a fool of your self"' I thought in my head as I was trying to imagine talking to him until I was abruptly interrupted with a violent bump. I heard a drink fell, which made me quickly open my eyes. And guess who it was? The boy Alicia and I were recently talking about. His eyes were a hundred times more gorgeous than seeing him from far away. See What I mean? I make a fool of myself in front of cute boys. I turn into a clutz.

" Oh my god! I'm so sorry " I said, noticing that half of whatever drink he bought was spilled onto his " Dope" Tee and Black leather jacket.

" It's aight , I know you didn't mean to do it...don't worry about it" He said, his mesmerizing voiced calmed me down.

" but I'm truly sorry, would you like me to buy a drink for you? It's the least I can do for spilling that all over your clothes."

" Nah, it's alright..... But would you do one thing for me?" I asked, with his green eyes gleaming at me.

" What is it?" I asked out of curiosity. I wondered what he had in mind, especially since I don't even know him.

" Well...Uhmm... There is a party around where I stay, would you be my date for the party?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

" Sure!!! I mean- yes I'll go " I said, feeling my cheeks turn hot.

" Thanks! Can I..have your number? My name is Chris by the way." He hesitantly asked and followed it with a statement. This boy is a little shy from what I can tell.

" Mhm and I think I need to get yours...for you know since you're going to be my date." I said, avoiding to ask him. I'm not the type to really ask boys for what I just feels weird for me.

We exchanged phones to add each other as contacts. I took a cute photo, making sure he remembered me.

We gave each other our phones and he looked at his phone, possibly admiring the photo I just took with his black iPhone.

" Camilla" Chris Cooed " You have a beautiful name, equivalent to your beauty " he said. As soon as he said that, I literally melted. This boy has his way with charming girls I bet!

" Thanks " I , once again blushed. " So I'll see you later?" I asked, backing away a bit.

" Yes, I'll call you " He said , grinning.

I waved bye before walking away happily. Once I headed to the table, I looked in sight of him and he was walking away, probably to get napkins. Once I lost sight of him , I began to hit the dougie in excitement.

" Oh my god that boy is so sweet! I got his number And he asked me to be his date for a party which I'm not going unless you come too." I said, after doing my little dance.

" Why?" Alicia asked, taking a sip of her soda.

" Cause I don't want to be there with a bunch of people I don't know. Bring Jacob too." I shrugged.

" Sure I guess, when is it?"

" He'll call me and tell me about it"

" Aye it's a party! It's a party!!" Alicia chuckled as she clapped in the air.


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