New Beginnings

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Alicia P.O.V

My mind abruptly went blank when Kennedy , also known as my soon to be step-sister descended from the stairs. Andrea seemed excited to show me her daughter but I knew Kennedy didn't feel the same way. She shot me daggers as Andrea began to introduce her to me. I honestly didn't have a problem with her but if she's angry that prince is my boyfriend now, she needs to get over self. He dumped her for a reason so that shouldn't take a toll on my life. Prince stood next to me dumbfounded , mouth agape. My father stood adjacent from Me with a quizzical expression fixated on prince.

" This is Kennedy " Andrea introduced . " Kennedy...this is Jacob and A-" Andrea was interrupted by Kennedy's shrill voice, attempting to grab a hold of prince .

" Jackiee!!!" Kennedy exclaimed enthusiastically , trying to hug prince .

In response prince rested his palm on her shoulder blade, preventing kennedy to go any further. " Do not call me that" Prince spoke with no emotion in his voice. Kennedy stared at him with a confused face expression plastered onto her face before taking a few steps back to her mother.

"So I'm guessing you guys have a bit of history ?" Jermaine asks, wrapping his arm over Andrea's slim shoulder.

" We all do" Prince said, with no expression plastered on his face what so ever. He looked bored with the conversation already. He looked at his gold watch numerous times and played with the spikes on his jeans.

" well in that case , I'm sure it would be easier for you guys to learn more about each other " Andrea speaks again in an enthusiastic tone. I think Andrea was oblivious to the fact that other than My dad, no one wanted to be in the presence of her daughter. Prince stood in disinterest while I dreaded to go to my bedroom any minute now.

" Rather not " Kennedy scoffs , folding her arms across her chest. To his reaction, prince scrunched his face whilst cocking his head back.

" Kennedy!" Andrea bellows. " watch your attitude!"

After Taking a glimpse of his white iPhone , prince jumps in bewilderment.

" It was nice talking to you Andrea and Mr. Monroe" prince nods, acknowledging both Kennedy's mother and my father, omitting Kennedy of course . I have an interview to go to" . Before leaving, prince quickly whispers in my ear.

" You guys are going to be in for some drama" he speaks husky tone. " Call me if anything goes wrong. I'll be here for you." With that, prince regards me with a kiss on the cheek and hastens to the door as fast as he could.

" well girls....I don't know what's up with both of you but Kennedy ...tommorow you'll be attending river banks high school. That's the school that Alicia also attends and Alicia you show her around the school and make her adjusted alright?" My father spoke in a stern voice.

" Really dad? " I groaned in anger . " I'm quite sure there are school pamphlets " I tried to reason. Having her as a step-sister was worse but having to lead her around and make her acquainted with the students would be a drag. I leaned on the brown leather, living room couch as I waited for my father to be finished.

" Yes Really, Alicia. You have to make her feel comfortable In order for her to be adjusted here."

" Alright" I muttered before exhaling loudly. " we're done here right? I want to go to my room."

" You're free" my dad said as I was ascending already, halfway up the stairs. " Don't forget to do your homework " he called out.

I opened the door of my bedroom and I rested my bag on my bed. My bedroom was fixed, opposite from what it was yesterday. That informed me that Mia cleaned it. Speaking of Mia, I wonder what she'd think of the new addition of the Monroe family. I'm slightly happy that Andrea will be here, unless if she has the same bitchy Attitude like Kennedy. As much as I would try to be befriend her only for the sake of my dad , I can already sense that she's stubborn. Who knows, I'll try tomorrow. I'm practically forced to anyways. I placed my history book and notebook on my desk along with highlighters and a pen to study for an upcoming quiz. Along with studying, I guess I should give Camilla a call. I haven't talked to her ever since the car ride home with Jacob. I can only imagine what she was doing at the moment. I guess the incident at the club hit her hard. After dialing her number I placed it between my shoulder and ear, waiting for her to pick up as it rang. After three rings, Camilla picked up.

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