17 ☠︎︎ 𝕊𝕡𝕖𝕒𝕜 𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕒𝕘𝕖 ☠︎︎

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[[ Fun Filler Chapter-- but important. I do not own music or photos. Please enjoy the story!]]

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Alana tried rushing to the meeting room the best she could without looking idiotic. Maybe there is nothing to worry about, I should not go running in and alarm them. Just tell them that Leven needs them on deck and there is a ship approaching. Alana talked herself through it the best she could, she reminded herself not to use words like 'hurry' or 'enemy'. Leven did not seem too startled, so she decided she would not be either.
When she came to the door, she could hear the low murmur of her friends and reassured herself once again. She knocked twice and heard Kazumi from the other side to come in.
Alana opened the door, revealing Leopoldo and Kazumi standing over the map on the table, and Ivo leaning against the wall. All three extremely handsome men staring her down and she forgot why she was there.
"Do you need something, little dove?" Ivo asked, of course with his signature smile. His light brown hair was let down, cascading around his shoulders. Leopoldo stood straight and crossed his arms waiting for her response as well, his white hair was in a braid over his right shoulder.
"Oh," Alana smiled. "Leven needs you on deck, there is another ship heading toward us." She beamed. If I smile, they will remain calm right? Not at all it seemed. The three men sprang into action, and she quickly stepped out their way. Ivo and Leopoldo passed her first, rushing up to the deck. When Kazumi passed, he placed a firm hand on her shoulder.
"Go to your room and stay there." He demanded and followed the other two upstairs. Alana stood in place for a moment. She did not want to go to her room, she wanted to see what the fuss was about. She debated whether or not to follow the captain's orders; on one hand, she figured she would be pushing her luck with Kazumi, on the other, she really wanted to see an interaction with pirates. She chewed on her thumbnail, lightly weighing her options.

>On Deck<

The newly arrived ship was shouting in a foreign language. The four men stood side by side at the port side railings, facing the starboard of the foreign ship.
"Do you have any idea what they're saying?" Leopoldo asked aloud to anyone cocking his head to the side.
"Nope." Ivo smiled, waving merrily to the men on the other ship, his other hand resting on the hilt of his sword.
"No clue, but I want to kill them." Leven darkly said.
"Oh," Leopoldo chuckled. "What has you so riled up, dear brother?" He pondered. Leven ignored him as he thought up with ways to dismember every one of them for ruining his true hug with Alana.
"I believe they are speaking in an eastern language," Kazumi said, even though he was from the east he never learned any of other languages than the one he was raised with. "But they don't seem to want to attack, and I would rather not bang up my ship when we are so far out at sea." He sized up the men from where he stood. They wore tattered clothes and looked worse for wear. They did not seem to be violent or looking for trouble, surely, they noticed Kazumi's colors and Jolly Rodger. But that did not stop them from yelling over to the Scorched Bones. There was one man who stood above the rest, he wore finer clothes of bright colors, and the only one who did not attempt to shout anything to them. The captain, Kazumi surmised.
"Hello! Hello?" They would shout every so often, that being their limit to the western language.
"I am getting quite bored of this now." Kazumi sighed.
"I wonder how long they plan on shouting before they realize we don't speak their language. I wonder what they are saying." Ivo joked.
"Nǐ hǎo!" That familiar sweet voice called out making all four heads whip in her direction. And the opposing ship cheer loudly.
"I thought I told you to wait in your room." Kazumi grabbed her by the arm.
"I know!" She pouted playfully hoping to soften the intimidating leader. "But I didn't hear any fighting," She said innocently. "I heard them shouting for help, so I came out."
"You can understand this language?" Ivo asked coming to stand on her other side. Kazumi finally let her go as she looked to the other male.
"Yes," She said matter-of-factly. "I know many languages." As princess having suitors from all over the nations meant she had to know what they were saying, and in turn learned multiple languages to further her parent's goals. But she was not going to explain that part to the pirates. The crew shouting on the other ship distracted her again.
"Bāngzhù wǒmen, wǒmen xūyào bāngzhù!"
'Help us, we need help!' They shouted.
"Yǒu shé me shì?"
'What is the matter?' Alana shouted back to the men who were hugging each other that finally, someone understood. The pirates watched her and the men carefully, uncomfortable they did not know what was being said.
"Wǒmen zhèngzài xúnzhǎo tǔdì!" Multiple men shouted.
"Wǒmen yǐjīng zài zhèlǐ dāile jǐ gè xīngqíle!" More men added.
"Oh," Alana said and looked up to Kazumi. "They say they are looking for land, and that they've been out here for weeks." Kazumi was amazed at the number of tricks this young woman had up her sleeves.
"Tell them to head northwest, straight on." Kazumi offered like he said he wanted to avoid any physical violence, and now that Alana was on deck, he did not even want to plunder their ship for valuables. Alana nodded.
"Xīběi, yīzhí wǎng qián zǒu!" Alana translated, and they cheered causing her to smile.
"Weeks?" Leopoldo questioned. "They must have a pretty poor captain to have been stuck in such a simple area."
'Thank you!' The crew shouted back.
"Děngdài!" A thunderous voice exploded, causing everyone to look at the man in fine clothes.
Alana furrowed her brows and listened to him speak.
"Shuí shuō wǒmen xūyào nǚrén de bāngzhù?!" He came barging to the railing pointed his finger at Alana.
'Who says we want a woman's help?'
Alana's brow twitched. "Wǒ zhǐshì fānyì duìzhǎng shuō dehuà." She called back over, motioning to Kazumi.
'I am only translating what my captain said'
Of course, he only has a problem with it after I already gave them the directions.
"Nǐ zhēnshi gè nánkàn de nǚrén!"
'And what an unsightly woman you are!' He hollered back. Alana's jaw slacked open; she could not believe his rudeness. What is this guy's problem?

"Wǒmen yǐjīng wèi nín tígōng bāngzhù, dàn nín háishì huì wǔrǔ nín ma?" The girl asked.
'We have helped you, yet you throw insults?'
"Wàng'ēnfùyì." She pronounced this word carefully, so he understood her very well.
Alana could hear the men trying to calm their captain down as he began to yell obscenities to her in his language, she kept a smile on her face, not wanting to show that she was annoyed with the impolite man.
"What are you two talking about?" Leopoldo asked as he watched the captain being held back.
Alana smiled brightly up to the white-haired man. "The weather." She lied, but she did not want to cause any more trouble with the pirates having to stand up for her.
"He is pretty upset about the weather," Ivo commented.
"Strange man." Alana agreed, looking back to the fuming captain who had stopped his tirade about 'knowing a woman's place'. He huffed once more before storming off.
"What is your name? We will keep you in our prayers!" One man shouted to the girl in his language, waving his arm to catch her attention.
"Alana! I will keep you all in prayers as well!" She replied back with a wave.
"Alana! We are grateful and wish you a safe journey! We will be in your debt, excuse our master, you are quite beautiful!" They all said in unison and bowed.
"Oh." She put her hand over her mouth as her face turned a bright red. Not only was she impressed with their unison, she had never received a bigger compliment than twenty calling her beautiful at once. She returned their bow as their ship started to set sail.
The four pirates were not very happy.
"What did they say to you?" Ivo asked.
"It stunned you to silence." Leopoldo accused.
"Even with your skin tone, I can see you are bright red, idiot!" Leven snapped.
"Something you want to share, Alana?" Kazumi looked down at the girl, almost threatening.
She nervously giggled. "No, nothing! Just that they thank us for the help." She turned on her heel to escape the interrogation.
"That's an awful lot of words for 'thank you', little dove." Ivo followed her.
"Did they say something improper?" Leopoldo was hot on her tail as well.
"I will kill them for you!" Leven took the stairs after them.
Kazumi stayed on the deck watching the ship sail off, his golden eyes then shifted to the horizon as he listened to the most important people in his life slowly fade below deck.
Yes, she is very impressive, I will never allow her to leave us.

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[[ Yes, I used traditional Chinese as the "unknown eastern language" 1. Because it is hard to make your own language. 2. It is not addressed as Chinese because China (or any country we know ie America, UK, France, etc.) does not exist in this world

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! 🖤]]

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