56- Silas's Letter

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[[ I'm awake :) I do not own the music in this book. Please enjoy, remember to vote if you would like. - L RANDY]]

Dear Silas,

I hope this letter finds you well, as I have written it times than I would like to admit. Not knowing what to say or at the very least explain my actions to you. I suppose I should begin with an apology. Though words on paper are insignificant, I truly with all my heart beg your forgiveness. I am sorry for leaving you so suddenly. I am sorry for causing you such strife, I know you must be worried sick. To ask for amends like this is not enough, I know that. I only hope you have not lost favor in me as a result of my escape.

There is so much I wish to talk with you about, so much I have come across that paper and ink will never do it justice.

That is why, forgive me, as I cannot be sorry for leaving completely.

I have met so many new people and traveled so many exotic lands with my new friends. I have experienced more in these last few months than the last nineteen years within those suffocating palace walls.

It was out here, in the real world, that I came to truly understand the cruelty of my royal blood. The blood running through me carries that of monsters who are content with slavery and the senseless deaths of the unfairly underprivileged citizens. I have seen starving children beaten in the streets, heard accounts of the slaves forced to harvest for my luxury, and that I cannot bear.

I understand if you wish to have nothing to do with me, in fact, I would understand if you continued your search to drag me back. I know it is hard to accept a rebellion, but this is what I feel needs to be done in order to fix this broken land. I desire that you will stand beside me as a supporter, a protector, and a friend when this comes to place, and it will come to place.

If you do accept, please work well with Mamoru to finish out this plan. I have included instructions on the back.

If you do not accept, this might be goodbye as well.

I do not know what will happen- if I will succeed or fail, so if I never see you again... Thank you. Thank you for protecting me for so long and standing beside me in my loneliest times.

Still, it is my turn to stand and protect.

With Love, Alana B.


Silas stood statuesque staring at the sheet of parchment with disbelief on top of other raging emotions. The first words he received from his princess in months had sent him into more shock than he expected. Anger, sadness, betrayal, happiness, confusion, a cocktail of emotions that intoxicated his thoughts.

A part of him wanted to rip the letter to shreds and finish what he started with Mamoru, a part of him wanted to cherish the paper forever.

He was angry because she was not standing in front of him saying all of this, he was angry at the mention of 'friends', and how much fun she insinuated having without him in her life.

As he stood frozen in place rereading the letter over and over, a tear forming in both eyes, he felt an odd lump in corner of the envelope.

Curiously, he shifted the envelope to the front and fished out whatever it was with his index finger.

His heart swelled at the sight of the object in his palm, and he released a breath he had not realized he was holding. It was enough to set off the stream of tears as he stared at a small embroidered rose, the size of a fingertip.

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