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Hey guys i know some of you lovely people including my dumbass is a lil bit suicidal so if you want you can call this number and they will help you if you need to talk about your suicidal thoughts and what made you suicidal. You do not have to go through this alone im here and the Hotline For Suicide is here to help you get better!

1-800-273-8255 (suicide hotline) 

1-800-273-8255 (suicide hotline)

1-800-273-8255 (suicide hotline)

1-800-273-8255 (suicide hotline)

Hey guys i know i haven't been on this and don't worry i will start posting more on this especially on this book! This book is about my love life so it is a personal story so there will be Suicidal, Depression thoughts, Crazy shit that happened in my life! And i will be changing certain names so just in case a person i know from my school don't get pissed off! Anyways so i already told you what's its about now I'm going to give a background history on all the characters in this book! Also i am replacing the real ages with completely different ones okay! Oh and i will pretend that high school life is tough and all cause I'm still in middle school! Also my first boyfriend didn't happen until the 2nd grade hahah bye bishes!       👉👈 Hey guys also just know  imma put the real names of all my fake ass friends I changed my mind I hope ya love it 😊 bye!

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