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The crimson bled into the hues of red. The rhinestones twinkled on the snug sleeves as the exuberant colors blurred in the kaleidoscope of mesmerizing shades. The shimmering golden on the borders were glittering in ecstasy as the moonlight reflected its light on them. Every crevice, every single space was littered with dainty and delicate work of different patterns.

The long, flowy train swished and swept on the pristine, marble floor. It suffused majestically with the pure white. A combination of ethereal and beauty. Feeble steps skimmed on those cool, marble tiles. The dusky pink soles blushed as they left a trail of bleeding crimson in their wake. The air was suffused with the smell of fresh roses.


She heard it.


She ignored it.


She turned around.

Brown met with azure.

One was the color of the buried soil, other spoke of sea storms.

One was the color of rich coffee beans, the other was like the breathing sky.

Yet, it was a startling contrast that at this moment his carried the buried gold underneath the ground and hers represented the rage sea howled and the storms that the skies unleashed. She looked regal in her lethal poise. He looked as if the burden of the world rested on his shoulders. Those twinkling rhinestones flirted and giggled as she walked forward.

The midnight black of his kurta shalwar was a direct contrast against her red. He stood with his spine straightened and gait fixed. Those black mop of his hair were tousled as if someone messed them up. Her steps were unwavering as she kept leaning closer towards his still figure. Wind chimed in its melody, stars smiled with their dimpled smiles and the moon blushed in affinity.

"Izhaan." A lost whisper in the dark.

"Hurrem." A hushed sigh in the dark.

He saw the pain and destruction in her gaze.

She saw the ruination and wreckage left after that destruction in his gaze.

"You finally got what you wanted. Won't you congratulate yourself?" The bitter poison of those words stung. He saw the cynical smile on her crimson painted lips. His frantic eyes searched for that gullible smile, that smile that reminded him of sunshine and sunsets. Because this smile, it reminded him of heartache and war.

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