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Standing in front of the vanity mirror, Layla gasped out loud. Ayla was standing behind her, trying to tuck in the pleats of her red, chiffon sari. Today, was the get together of his entire family and colleagues. Layla gulped at the daunting thoughts of all the people she'd have to mingle with. She looked down at herself and sighed. Ayla was trying to make her wear a sari and it was being pain in the butt for her.

It was almost seven in the evening and the guests were about to arrive in hour and half. She had already showered and now she was being pinned and prodded from all sides. Zarah and Ayla both were moving to and fro inside the room, and they seemed to be working in complete harmony. Mr Khan had been some time past kicked out of the room.

A notion, he wasn't happy about.

Layla was asked not to look in the mirror, Ayla even threatening to blindfold her, if she dared to peek before they were done. Her legs were starting to get numb from standing in one place, whilst her body was being jostled here and there. Zarah had already done her makeup and hairstyle, which she was also asked not to see.

"What if these pleats come undone? Or I accidentally step on the skirt! This thing better behave, Ayla!"

Layla was at the end of her sanity now. Ayla looked up at the fussing woman and gave her a sharp glare. "Stop creating a ruckus, woman! I know my work." Fixing and giving one last tug, she straightened her slouching posture. "Done! Now go and wear that blouse." Pointing towards the bed, Ayla asked Layla to go and do as she said.

Tentatively, Layla moved towards the bed where the opened box lied, with the glossy paper inside it. Ayla's taunting smirk and the knowing glint in Zarah's eyes was making her nervous and jittery. As she took out the heavy material from the box, her eyes took in the intricate details of the blouse and then she gasped inaudibly.

"I'm not wearing this!"

Her hoarse cry of protest was indignant. Holding up the flimsy material in her hands, she glared at the two grinning women. The maroon red blouse had deep neckline, outlined with golden embroidery. The plunging back was held up by the lace. The sleeves were full and made of sheer material, the heavy work stampeded on it. The length of it came up to her midriff.

"You don't have a choice, honey. You are wearing it and that's that."

Layla kept glaring at Ayla, fully aware that she got this piece of cloth for her. Gritting her teeth together in frustration, she spoke, "you expect me to just barge in there, wearing this thing!" She picked up the blouse on her finger and showed it to the two conniving ladies. Ayla sighed and moved towards her, or more like waddled with her protruding stomach.

"It's not that bad, Layla. We can cover up the front properly. Besides, don't you want your husband to just faint at the sight of you. Haye! Just imagine."

Layla gaped at the drooling woman in front of her, "the only thing by which he's gonna faint is by a heart attack! Which by the way, he's going to have after looking at this stupid piece of cloth! And no, I don't want him to faint. I'd rather have my husband beside me, thank you very much!" She heaved a deep breath after her outburst. A minute went in silence before Ayla's boisterous laugh echoed.

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