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T H E R E  W A S  S T I L L N E S S  around her. The wind was calm and palliative. The leaves on the trees and the grass outside the house was as still as a statue. Serenity and calmness draped around her as her head was burrowed in the mathematics textbook. The various figures and numbers blurred around the edges of her eyes as she kept trying to solve the equation.

Her lissome fingers kept fiddling with the pencil as she kept trying to do the question. Her brows furrowed further and a deep scowl settled on her face. She had been stuck on this particular question for almost ten minutes now and she couldn't figure out the technique. With her legs folded on the chair, she was busy in deciphering her dilemma when a loud, obnoxious voice jolted her.


The pencil slipped from her fingers as the thudding footsteps of someone, came closer to her room. The moment she turned her head around to see, the sturdy door of her bedroom was pushed open with a loud thud. The large silhouette of her cousin, Armaan shadowed the entrance. He was huffing as if he'd ran a marathon. She was biting her lip, waiting for him to catch his breath before she said anything.

"Ever heard of knocking?"

With her red button nose high up in the air, she glared at the intruder who was now strolling inside as if he was in a park. Armaan stopped in between his walking and stared in amusement at her. "Knock karnay ki kiya zaroorat hai. Tum konsa koi khufiya kaam ko anjaam derahi ho yahan." (What's the purpose of knocking? It's not like as if you're doing some secret work here).

She glared at his smug face with a touch of astonishment, "it is a matter of privacy!" Giving him her meanest glare, she exclaimed to his nonchalant behaviour. Armaan moved closer to where she was sitting before casually standing in front of her study desk. "Privacy? I've seen you in your undies and diapers. There's no such thing as 'privacy' here." Her face bloomed with the color of mortification at his words.

"Oh my God! That was ages ago. We were kids."

Standing up from her chair, she moved with agility and tried to punch his arm. She could barely reach his shoulder as she tried to maim him. "You're still a kid, kiddo." Laughing at her red face and small stature, he kept teasing her. It was easy to rile her little self up. "I'm not a kid! And you are so infuriating, Khudaya!" Moving her hands upwards in air, she exclaimed in frustration.
Armaan laughed freely at her angry kitten face. She was trying hard to hurt him but her plaint body was no match for his.

"Infuriating? Oho, lagta hai kisi nai aaj dictionary kholi hai." (Oh, such big words! Seems like someone has opened dictionary today). It was the last string of her patience with his obnoxious self. Huffing, she moved forwards towards him and tried to push him out of her bedroom with full force. Armaan barely budged from his position, while she was panting as if she would drop any moment from exhaustion.

"Get out of my room this instant!"

She was still pushing him when he grasped her tawny hands and stopped her. He was still laughing precariously whilst she kept her glaring intact. "Okay, okay sorry. I just came here to inform you that we're going for an ice cream. So, get up and lets go!" As she heard his words, her hands dropped down and she straightened up. Armaan was now standing on the threshold of her bedroom while he kept waiting for her response.

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