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His confession was floating around in her head. One week had passed by since the whole incident at the family function, yet the happenings were hard to forget. The confrontation, the anger and the hatred that was spewed by Roya. She was not aware that things would get that much out of hands; however, Shehryar had took over the situation and dealt with it the way it should have been.

I love you.

The words floated around in her head, the syllables caressed the corners of her mind. The gentle tint of his husky voice and the curve of his lips, teased her endlessly. With a shaky breath, she tried hard to suppress the inner turmoil of hers. One week had passed and now there was some sort of semblance and stagnancy in her life.

Neatly, she kept folding the washed clothes in a pile. It was three in the evening and Mr and Mrs Khan were taking their nap. Zarah was at the local library, studying for her exams and her husband, the ever workaholic that he was, was at the office. The house was enveloped in silence, as the ever chirpy Zarah was not in the house. No matter how hard she tried to deny but Layla was missing his presence.

The low pinging sound of her phone alerted her out of her reverie. Finding it under the heap of clothes, she stared at the illuminated screen. A text message from him, popped up on her screen.

Be ready in an hour. We're going out

Layla stared at the cryptic message with a frown on her face. Quickly, she typed back.

Where are we going? And
when was this decided?

She waited with bated breath for the reply.

Why? Can't I take out my wife for a date? Is there any problem?

Her breath stuttered, as she kept looking at the message. Slowly, a small smile stretched on her face, her eyes were twinkling with mirth and joy at the prospect of going out with him. She had never went on a date and to say she was excited, would be an understatement.

Hello? Please, don't go into
your dreamland again! I'm still
waiting for an answer 💕

With the smile still intact on her face, she typed back.

I'll be ready. See you soon 💕

With renewed energy, she cleaned the entire mess on the bed. Taking a quick shower, she started getting ready. As she stood in front of the mirror, blow drying her hair, she contemplated how life had changed for her. Layla looked at the smile on her face and couldn't help but feel grateful for all the blessings that she had been bestowed with. She quickly got ready and then checked her phone for his message for her.

Waiting outside. Don't worry about
Ammi and Baba, I've already informed them.

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