↳ the eaters of light #1

Start from the beginning


Bill Potts admired how her best friend always seemed ready for whatever life threw at them. In the few minutes it took for the Doctor to park their ship on top of a hill then another because this one wasn't good enough, she managed to grab her to go bag and change shoes. Also a jacket appeared hanged by the door, so maybe the TARDIS was just playing favorites.

"Oh, where are we now?" Nardole stepped out, still in his bright orange dressing gown and knitted woollen cap, displeasure mirrored facial expression into words.

"Aberdeen, Scotland." Bill answered him. "2nd century AD."

"You weren't complaining when it was Mars, were you?" The Doctor stood between his girls, facing his Cyborg.

"So why is Scotland suddenly more important than guarding the Vault and keeping your sacred oath?" His disappearing into the kitchen meant missing out on recent developments.

"She thinks she knows more about Romans than me." The time lord jested.

"Oh, well that's explained everything, thank you."

"You don't know more about the Ninth Legion than me." Bill interrupted whatever the Doctor was about to say firmly. "You don't. I read the book. I loved the book." She held up fingers to enumerate. "I read everything."

"They disappeared, Bee." Ophelia stuck both hands in the jacket's pockets, having stepped away from them to gaze at this part of Scotland.

"Except they didn't." She stepped forward.

Nardole took a bite of his pretzel, amused by this interaction. Not as good entertainment as binging soap operas would be but it was good enough.

"They were annihilated in battle."

"Then where's the big pile of bodies?" She sassed, crossing her arms between them. "Oh, I don't know."

"So where's the Ninth Legion?" His posture copied Ophelia's. "If they'd left, they should still be leaving. Can you see five thousand Roman soldiers marching south?"

"Down there, by the river." Four people looked towards where her finger pointed. "They'd have followed the river. That's what they did."

"There's so much that you don't understand about Roman Britain."

Perhaps 'high and mighty' wasn't the best course of action when dealing with an incredibly stubborn young woman.

"I got an A star."

"I've lived in Roman Britain." Both of the spectators had to admit that triumphed over a good grade. "Governed, farmed, juggled. And speaking as a former Vestal virgin, second class, I can assure you..."

What the hell is a Vestal Virgin?

"I bet you there is a Roman legion down there." Bill knew exactly what buttons to push in order to get what she wanted.

"Hang on." Apparently Nardole was confused too. "What, second class?"

"Fine." He acquiesced. "Girls, you go and check the river. Nardole and I will go and find their last battlefield."

"Fine." She turned, walking backwards down the hill. "I'll meet you back here with a Roman soldier."

"Be careful, Watson." The Doctor warned her, things went to shit when people had a lot on their minds.

She smiled with mirthful eyes, glad that Missy had talked some sense into her about holding grudges (the woman was a shockingly solid advice giver).

"I should be the one telling you that."

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