Chapter 28

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Hiya lovelies pictured above is the magnificent seating area near the royals' chambers.

"So you're telling me," he paused. "That the Trixie is some kind of evil kidnapper."

I let out a chuckle. "No! Not a kidnapper but definitely evil." It was six in the evening, me and Rafael were currently cooped up in the secret library, where Rafael was reading the book about the Trixie and I was sitting right next to him.

It had been a whole day since we went to the beach. I wasn't able to reveal everything to Rafael that day because Ahmed interrupted us. So today, was finally the day that I could reveal all the information I gathered to Rafael.

Rafael let out a huge gasp. "Oh my god!"

I frantically looked up to him, he mirrored my actions and looked back at me. Shock evident on his face.

"What is it?" I asked, eager to know what he read that was so shocking to him.

He hesitated for a moment before giving in. "It says here," he paused, pointing at the sentence in the book. "That the Trixie is a mixture of wizard, mermaid and fairy."

"Oh, yes I know. I already read that page," I replied in a monotonous voice as I backed away from him.

He stared at me briefly. "You do know that no one has ever seen the Trixie. It's probably just a legend, I doubt she still exists."

I narrowed my eyes at him as I studied his features. I could tell he was lying, he knew something about her but he wasn't telling me. His eyes were twitching ever so slightly when he spoke, confirming my suspicions.

"What do you know about her, that you're not telling me?" I asked, causing him to snap his eyes at me in surprise.

He laughed nervously. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Everything I know is in the book, read it yourself if you want to know more."

I slipped my hand on his shoulder. "You're hiding something. Your eyes start to twitch when you lie, I've noticed that."

Rafael's eyes widened for about a fraction of second. "Fine, you got me."

"It's just that I've always been told about a person like this, my parents called her a different name but the story was the same. One thing that they told me that isn't in the book, is that the Trixie can perform mind links." He continued.

Now it was my turn to panic. Elle has used a mind link on me, could it have really been the Trixie instead?

That's when I realised something, I hadn't told Rafael about that day yet. All he knew was that I found this book lying around, he didn't know how I came across it.

"There's something you should know," I started, as I told him in detail about what happened the day everyone was out. Once I had finished Rafael had a serious expression on his face.

"You're in grave danger." He stated. "From what I know, only the most powerful fairies can perform mind links. In fact, it's so rare that no one has ever experienced it before. So the fact that this 'Elle' fairy told you, must mean that it was really important."

All I could do was stay silent whilst he explained everything to me. But before he could continue a loud ring distracted us. My eyes trailed down to my phone, which was buzzing on the table.

"I'm sorry, I have to get that." I said as I picked up the call and walked to the bookcase, on the other side of the room. Rafael averted his attention back to the book.

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