Chapter 21

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Hiya lovelies pictured above is one of Carmela's boat. You'll find out who she is later in this chapter ;)

"Nina wait! Please listen to me, how many times do I have to tell you that I'm sorry." Natalia exclaimed as she jogged up behind me.

I didn't want to talk to her, for it had been two days since I found out about her and Elijah's little 'sleepover' and I was still hurting. I mean it wasn't fair on me that I had to find out that way, why couldn't either of them be honest  enough to tell me?

And to think I almost kissed Elijah a few days ago. The thought made me crumple my face in disgust. I had genuine feelings for him since the day we danced in the ball but now it was evidently clear that he didn't like me at all, it was all just a play to him.

"Yeah well sorry doesn't change anything." I shot back. "And whatever happened to us telling each other if we liked the same person."

Natalia now stood in front of me, clear guilt evident in her eyes. "I know, I'm so sorry Nina, I swear I didn't know that was going to happen in the first place. And besides I thought you liked Liam. Anyways, please understand that I would never do anything like that intentionally. I didn't mean to hurt you and I'm sorry. I really am."

My heart was telling me to forgive her and move on but my mind was telling me to ignore what she said and carry on with the grudge.

Did I really want to spend my time in Greece sulking about my sister and her little admirer?

I mentally cursed before I made my decision. "I'll forgive you if only you promise to tell me everything from now on. Oh and also get Mateo busy with something and let me sneak away to enjoy a good afternoon walk by myself for at least an hour. If you can manage that you're forgiven straight away!"

Her face brightened up as she wrapped her hands around me and thanked her. "From now on I'll tell you everything you want to know and I'll think of something to entertain Mateo, don't worry! Today, my sister, you are a free soul. For an hour!"

As she mentioned the last part we both shared a look and doubled over in laughter. Making my peace with Natalia was a great relief because after all she is my sister. Sure she can be a pain in the backside and even though I hate her at some times, she has always had my back.

Now the only thing left to do was talking to Elijah at some point so I could really be tension free. However, that was one conversation I was not looking forward to.

We both walked to our chambers together and as Natalia was about to disappear into her room again a question tumbled its way out my mouth. "Do you love him?"

At the reality of the words Natalia froze midway from twisting her doorknob open. She titled her head towards me and gave me a small smile. "Yes, I do."

She loved him. Even though I should've been quite shocked and annoyed I was instead the complete opposite, of course I had to support her. "I'm happy for you! Hopefully he returns the feeling this time though." I said, throwing shade without even realising it.

"Have you told Nik and the others?" I asked quickly trying to avert her attention from my last statement.

She shook her from head side to side, I'll take that as a no. "You are the only that knows but I plan on telling them after lunch today whilst your out on your stroll - just to make it less painful for you again."

Thereafter, time went pretty fast and before I knew it, it was time for my promised stroll. Operation distract Mateo was well under way as Natti texted me to make my quick escape. All the suitors and staff were busy doing their own thing that I sneakily tiptoed away and no one noticed me at all. From the corner of my eye I saw Mateo being dragged by Natti to god knows where, upon noticing me staring at her she discreetly waved at me and signalled for me to make my escape.

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