Chapter 19

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Hiya lovelies pictured above is one of the many beautiful streets of Santorini.

"Good morning your highness," Dave the butler said, bowing his head in respect.

Yesterday I managed to sleep earlier which resulted in me waking up early today. I decided to experience what people who wake up early do and so far all I got was that they had more options when it came to food for breakfast.

"Oh come on Dave! You're older than me by what, thirty years! You don't have to address me that formally." I stated.

Dave was a sweetheart he was about the same age as my father, but a little bit younger and very devoted to the royal family. He was always here whenever we needed him. He was also very professional and strict at times, almost like a second father to me.

"I know Nina, but I'm just surprised that you woke up earlier than everyone today, are you okay?" He laughed.

I rolled my eyes. "Of course I'm alright Dave. It's a lovely day today, lots of sunshine. I was actually going to go for a quick morning run."

Dave raised his eyebrows as he clapped his hands in disbelief. "Have fun! But don't forget to take Mateo if you go out. My son needs more time working, he's too lazy nowadays."

How could I even forget about Mateo. Every time I stepped out the palace he magically appeared out of nowhere. It's like he spies on me, I shuddered at that thought as I skipped to the entrance. I was not about to let Mateo ruin my happy mood.

"Stop right there. Where do you think you're going all by yourself?" Mateo asked from behind.

I groaned in annoyance. "I can't even get a little bit of freedom to go out for a jog these days," I muttered to myself quietly.

Mateos ears perked up at the sound. "What was that?"

"Nothing at all. I didn't hear anything." I said sweetly, giving him the fakest smile ever.

He gave me a dirty look and just like that we were on our way to god knows where this jog would take us.

After a solid fifteen minutes of jogging nonstop and overtaking Mateo, I decided to take a break to drink water. My break gave Mateo the opportunity to catch up with me.

By the time he stopped in front of me his face had turned a tomato red colour and he was huffing loudly. "Damn woman, since when could you run this fast, and you call this a jog!"

I guess Dave was right after all, Mateo was really getting out of shape. Normally he would've beaten me by a few metres but today he was tired in just a few minutes.

"I was born to run like the wind," I joked. "Seriously though, you should start getting back to shape, how can you be my bodyguard if you can't even catch up to me."

Annoyance crawled it's way onto Mateo's face as he stuck his tongue out to mock me.

"I'm more stronger than you though. I bet I could lift you up easily," he said proudly.

I had no doubt about that. For the short period of time we fooled around with each other he was always casually throwing me around his shoulder.

"I miss those times." He whispered after momentarily pausing.

I had to agree with him. Those days spent with Mateo last year were amazing, we had so much fun. "Me too."

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