Chapter 22

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Hiya lovelies pictured above are the dresses for our girls' trio! Which dress do you guys like the most?

There was a knock on the door.

Hurriedly, I dashed on a dressing robe and flattened down my messy hair which was lazily put up in a pathetic excuse of a pony. The knocking became louder and faster as I stood in the mirror trying to make my appearance look decent, I had just woken up from another nap in the afternoon. Once I opened the door I was met with Liam's handsome features.

"Hello! What are you doing here?" I asked, quite enthusiastically might I add. "Oh please don't mind my appearance I just woke up from a nap."

Liam let out a hearty laugh in response to my last sentence. "I'm here to deliver this outfit for you to wear at our party tonight. I chose it myself so I hope you like it."

I reached out to grab the bags from his hands. "Aw thank you! But you shouldn't have, I already have thousands of dresses in my closet."

"I know Nina but I'm hosting this party with the other suitors remember, that's why I took the liberty of buying this dress. It'll fit with the theme. Anyways, Elijah brought one for Natalia and Ahmed delivered one for Angel. Nik will probably be mad but we decided to get you girls something collectively as a group as our token of appreciation for being here." Liam explained.

I set the bags on the floor and hugged him. His body was frozen at the sudden action but he soon warmed up and let his arms wrap around my waist. We stayed like that for a moment before we let go of each others arms. Liam gave me a soft kiss on my forehead before releasing me.

"I should get going or else Ross will be hot on my trails about 'wasting precious planning time'. We still have a lot of organising to do before the party starts," he stated as he grazed his thumb across my cheek.

My heart was beating rapidly at Liam's touch and our close proximity. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach and I felt all giddy, like a lovestruck teenager.

"I'm excited to see what kind of party you guys are hosting tonight. Thank you once again for the outfit, I can't wait to try it on!" I exclaimed.

Liam gave me a charming smile and a wink before he wandered off to get everything ready. I shut the door after him and leant on it whilst I smiled widely to myself. I was really starting to like Liam. To make things better, he was a true gentlemen and had a good personality which was an extra bonus!

Rapidly, I averted my attention to the bags which contained my evening attire. Inside one of the bags was a beautiful, off the shoulder, mint green, satin dress. It had a long slit on the left side of the dress and pretty floral patterns towards the top.

One could say Liam had good taste when it came to clothes.

However, there was still another bag left unopened. I peeped inside and saw a square box and an envelope. I settled on opening the envelope first.

My beloved Nina,

When we went shopping (me, Ahmed, Ross and Elijah) I saw a beautiful light green coloured dress and immediately thought of you. Along with it, there's a little box containing something truly stunning that I thought would look splendid on you, I hope you like my little surprise! I cannot wait to see you tonight in the gorgeous gown.

Love, Liam Danes.

The note was so sweet, and now I was eager to see what was in the tiny box. I quickly opened the box to be met with diamond earrings which glittered in the light.

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