Chapter 26

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Hiya lovelies pictured above is the secret library that only Nina has discovered.

Note that in this chapter the sentences in italics are comments that Nina is receiving from someone through a mind link.

"Rise and shine," Nik sang as he loudly opened the curtains, letting all the sunlight hit my face.

I groaned in annoyance, I was having a great dream about being a mermaid and dining in an under water restaurant.

"Nik!" I yelled. "How dare you disturb me from my beauty sleep!" I flailed my arms around to emphasise how annoyed I was.

In response he mimicked my actions before bursting out with laughter. "Seriously though, get ready. We have to leave," he paused. "In about ten minutes."

I sat up straight away. "Ten minutes! I barely have any time, you should've woken me up earlier."

"Well, I woke you up as soon I got ready," he replied with a nonchalant shrug.

A painful force hit my head as I screamed in agony.

Nik looked up at me in alarm and rushed over to sit beside me. "Nina, what happened? Are you feeling quite well?"

The few seconds of pain somehow disappeared, leaving me worried and confused as to what just happened. "I have no idea what happened but I don't feel good."

Almost immediately Nik reached out his hand to feel my forehead. "No wonder you don't feel good, you're forehead's burning like fire here. Damn!"

"I'm fine!" I reassured him as I stood up from my bed. "I'll still be able to come."

But I spoke too soon. Almost immediately after I said that to him another flash of pain erupted in my head.

I'm sorry to be doing this to you, but you're going to have to stay behind today.

"What do you mean you're 'sorry to be doing this to me'. What are you talking about?" I questioned.

Now it was Nik who looked at me with confusion etched across his face. "I didn't say anything."

"No, you did say something. Stop lying, I heard you." I stated in disbelief.

He's not saying anything, I am.

There it was again. Someone's speaking to me via my mind?

Yes. I'll explain everything later. Just tell your brother that you won't be going anywhere today because you're ill.

Unable to comprehend what just happened I stood in silence for a whole minute before Nik's voice spoke out.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his tone laced with concern.

"I.. I'm feeling a bit out of the weather," I said, which wasn't completely a lie. I mean I just heard someone speak into my mind. Was I going entirely crazy?

"Oh, in that case I'll text Angel and we'll all stay here with you." He answered back.

No. Convince them to go, I have some news to tell you. It's better if no one is here to snoop on you.

I mean, they're right. If Nik and all the others were here they'd constantly be checking up on me.

"It's okay, you guys should go out and have fun. Besides it's the 'once in a month free day' right?" I grinned.

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