Chapter 20

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Hiya lovelies pictured above is the hallway that separates the royals chambers from the suitors. Please note that Nina is getting her memory back from chapter 18, read that chapter if you didn't already and need a refresher of the memory. There's going to be more drama in this chapter so I hope you all like it :)

I was starting to remember.

Bits of my memory were somehow returning back into my mind. It was of my fourth birthday. Apparently I visited a bizarre place called 'Clouds Castle'. I could faintly remember what it looked it and a person called Elle. There was something odd about it though, they were all dressed up as fairies! I mean I think it was a disguise, the other thing I remembered were the words 'incortan oblevo'.

"Hello, are you even listening?" Angel huffed flailing her hands in font of my face.

The sudden action startled me as I jumped in surprise. "I'm listening carry on, I just had a weird sort of flashback. At least I think it was a flashback."

Angel narrowed her eyes slightly before continuing on about Nikolai's eating habits."As I was saying before, the amount of Nik's daily sugar intake is crazy! If he continues on like this he could be diagnosed with diabetes."

I shook my head in amusement. "Honestly, he'll be fine. Once we go back to Spain mother and father will control his sugar again. Don't stress yourself out, besides even I consume unhealthy amounts of sugar. It's fine."

She gave me a longing look before rambling on about all the junk food Nik ate yesterday. However, at the mention of Nik I tuned out of the conversation and focussed back on the new memory. What if fairies are real? For all we know, they could be living amongst us. And the phrase that Natalia said was the same phrase I heard in the memory, it must mean something. It could be a spell of some sort, I had to find out what it was soon.

"... but the other day Nik almost ate a whole cake!" Angel exclaimed as she finished her rant. She looked at me intently waiting for me to say something.

"Oh that's so cool!" I replied, only to be met with Angel's stern glare. "I mean not so cool. Yes, very bad indeed."

The disappointment on her face turned to genuine concern. "Are you really okay Nina? Like seriously, talk to me."

As much as I would take her up on that offer I simply couldn't. I had a feeling that I couldn't tell her about whatever it was that was happening to me. I don't think she would understand anyways

So I lied. "I just miss Louis and my parents you know. It's hard staying away from them because all my life, up to this point, I've been living with my parents but now they aren't here with me."

I had to give it to myself for being really good at lying on the spot. What can I say, it's one of my many talents.

"I know it's hard but you have to remind yourself that you are not alone. Remember what your father said, the purpose of me, Alex, Nik and Natti being here is to provide support during times like this, when you miss family the most." Angel said falling for the lie.

The door to Angel and Nik's room opened as Nik dramatically strolled in, his hands full of bags.

"Well what have I missed?" He asked with a lazy grin sprawled on his face as he put the bags on a nearby table.

"Nothing just girl talk," I shrugged, not wanting Nik to know that we were actually talking about him for the majority of our conversation.

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