Chapter 27

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Hiya lovelies pictured above is the beautiful private beach for the royals and their guests.

Liam and I were currently sitting in the main room, thinking of new ways to spend time. I had my head on his shoulders and he leaned his head on top of mines.

"I've got the best idea!" He exclaimed suddenly. His eyes sparkled with happiness as he jumped up in excitement.

"What is it?" I asked gently, with a smile on my face.

"Let's go to the beach this afternoon," he stated. "We can invite the others. You haven't been outside the palace in long so I figured a nice beach day would give you a little break."

The beach was right in front of the palace. It was more of a private beach, but occasionally there'd be paparazzi who were eager to snap pictures. However, with maximum security I think the paparazzi wouldn't stand a chance.

"That sounds like a great idea," I replied as I lifted my head from his shoulders and stood up. "I'll go tell the others."

Before I could leave Liam grabbed my arms and pulled me closer to him.

"I really like you sweetheart," he whispered into my ears. There was a fluttering feeling in my stomach at the close proximity between us but it quickly disappeared within seconds.

I gulped. "You too!" I said with an awkward smile before practically running out the room, leaving behind a very confused Liam.

'What was that Nina?' I questioned myself. Truth be told I was feeling very guilty. I hadn't told Liam that I was spending lots of time together with Rafael, and I felt so bad.

Believe me, I tried to tell him but every time I mentioned Rafael's name he always pretended that he misheard what I was saying, and then he changed the subject.

I realised that I was starting to like both Rafael and Liam but I was too afraid to own up to my feelings to either of them without letting one down.

"Hey, what happened?" Angel asked from in front of me. She was walking down the stairs whilst I was climbing up.

I shook my head. "What! Nothing's wrong. Why would you think that?"

Angel gave me a knowing look. "Nina, I know you. Whenever something embarrassing happens you always go as red as a tomato and start sweating."

"If I was sweating I would know," I stated. Angel just ended up shrugging her shoulders.

To prove her wrong I lifted up my arms and looked towards my armpit. Unfortunately, she was right! My long sleeved t-shirt had a clear sweat patch between my arms where it had once, not long ago, been dry.

"Now will you tell me what happened?" She questioned, raising her eyebrows slightly.

I signalled for her to come up to my room. Once we were inside I told her everything about my feelings for Liam and Rafael.

When I finished Angel looked at me funny before laughing loudly, clutching her stomach.

"Let me get this straight." She stated. "Liam expressed his growing affection for you and all you came up with, was saying 'you too'! I'm sorry but this is actually hilarious. Come on Nina, you could have said anything but that."

I glared at her to stop laughing. Upon noticing my serious face her laughter soon died out and she smiled at me sheepishly.

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