Aj looked over at Hunter/Zekaj staring at him intently.  The next words that came out of his mouth surprised everyone in the room.

"I'm sorry alright?  I already got a lot of shit from Max about it."  He snapped.  "I know I deserved everything that happened."  He huffed as he leaned back onto the couch.

Hunter and Zekaj both were surprised that he apologized, it was completely out of character.

"That's how I got the bruise on my face.  I know you saw it.  Max was pissed that I used him to take you down.  He looks scary but,"  He paused.  "he really doesn't like hurting people.  Which is funny considering he's the one who socked me right in the face."  He laughed.

"Oh."  Zekaj slipped out.

"Yeah."  Aj laughed.  "He was scared shitless cause he directly attacked his alpha.  I deserved it to be fair.  I was shitting on him too.  I kept digging on him that maybe if he was a better beta we wouldn't have lost.  I was just spouting anything, it's not like a couple of wolves could take on a demon."  He continued laughing.

"It's true."  Zekaj confirmed.

"This will change him.  Maybe you did some good after all Zekey."  Hunter sassed. "Not saying you should go attacking everyone you meet though..."

Zekaj just huffed in reply to both Aj and Hunter.

Just then the adults came back into the room, all of them with their coats, including Hunter's parents and sister.  His mom walked over to him barely giving him any attention.  Zekaj/Hunter looked up at her.

"We're going to head over to the packhouse to continue the discussion there.  The school itself had zero evidence a demon was even there.  If you need anything just call us, leftovers in the fridge."  She said walking out with the other wolves.  Aj had gotten up himself and quickly they were the only ones left in the house.

At the same time as Hunter was pushed forward in his body.  It was like he was being tugged at from both sides and it left the feeling of emptiness inside him.  Zekaj leaving and having him pull forward left only a dull pain in his chest.

"Next time maybe let me come forward before you leave my body."  Hunter said, rubbing his chest.

"Hopefully,"  Zekaj said, flopping down onto the couch Hunter was on, "there won't be a next time.  I'm sick of being around wolves."  Zekaj added a distasteful tone to the way he said wolves.  He really didn't like werewolves.

"It's only been a day.  Not even a day!  Like 5 hours at the most!"  Hunter laughed.  Zekaj glared at him from the corner of his eyes, the pale gold piercing his skin.  A glare that could make the toughest alpha submit, but not Hunter.  Hunter punched his arm, "I'm only joking dude, no need to try and set me on fire with your eyes."

Zekaj just kept glaring at him until finally he said.

"Fine."  He crossed his arms, acting like he was mad.

Hunter walked over to the door to the backyard, overlooking the snow covered ground.  He squinted his eyes as he looked over the background, there was a solid 5 or so inches of snow he estimated.  The snow would only last a couple more weeks, it was only the early days of spring after all.

He turned back around and grabbed his winter coat off the rack.  Hunter turned around to find Zekaj staring at him from the couch.  Hunter rolled his eyes and slipped on the jacket and grabbed the door and was about to slip outside when Zekaj said,

"What are we doing?"  Zekaj asked.  His face had returned to a curious one.

"Oh I'M going outside, you're staying in here and pouting."  He said jokingly, he watched Zekajs face turn to a frown as he stepped out into the snow.

Of course it was only his plan to have him upset for a bit.  He knew exactly how to get Zekaj to stop pouting, while having a bit of fun himself.  He was in the middle of the yard now, a couple of feet in front of the door.  He knew Zekaj was probably watching him through the window on the door.  So he had to be sneaky.

He pulled his phone out, purposefully dropping it and reached down for it.  As he grabbed his phone, his back facing the door, he snatched his phone while making a snowball.

"Hey Zekaj?"  He screamed, still facing away from the door.

Zekaj quickly burst from the door, saying "I knew you'd give i-."  He was interrupted as Hunter had quickly turned around throwing a snowball right in his face.  The snow dripping down his tanned face quickly started to melt into steam as he grew angry.  "You..."

"I'm sorry?"  He questioned. Zekaj started running for him, his eyes glowing.  "I'm Sorry! I'm Sorry! I'm Sorry!"  He repeated as Zekaj got closer and Hunter ran backwards.

Zekaj had gotten close to him when Hunter quickly turned around, grey magic surrounding his hand, and blast knocked them both in the opposite directions of each other.

Both of them were lying in the snow, facing the sky.  At the same time they supported themselves with their hands.  Their eyes met at the same moment, both of them were smiling.

"You know one spell!  It's always the same one!"  Zekaj laughed.

"Hey, it's effective!  Why use twenty when you can use just one!"  He rebutted.

"I hate you so much."

"Love you too Zekey."  And with that he threw the snowball he slyly made while on the ground.

Zekaj's face heated up, but it wasn't because he was angry this time.  In fact he was really happy.  He got up from the snow, "Peace?"  He asked.

"Peace."  Hunter stated.

Zekaj walked over to him sitting in the snow, and flopped right next to him.  He put a protective arm around Hunter's shoulder as they stared at the house in front of them.

"I'm sorry."  Hunter said.

Zekaj looked over at him raising an eyebrow, "What for?" He asked.

"For never sticking up for myself.  I know it makes you mad when I don't.  I just can't for some reason."

"You're too nice.  That's the," he mimicked quotation marks, "problem.  You don't want people to be upset with you even if they deserve to be."

"Oh."  Hunter said.

"I think it works for us.  I get mad, and you pull me back.  Make me see reason. Brains."  He pointed to Hunter.  "Brawn."  He pointed to himself.  Hunter looked into his eyes that were already looking at him.

"I'm sorry."  Hunter said.

"For what?" Zekaj questioned.

"This."  Hunter smashed a snowball in the side of his face, letting out an "oh-" sound.  "I'm sorry!"  Hunter screamed as he ran towards the house, a barrage of snowballs flying at him as he took cover in the house.

Howdy yall!   In my google doc we are almost at 70 pages and we haven't even hit Chapter 10 yet.  And I've hit 15,500 words!  (not bad for a first story! I believe that this is the last chapter of what I would consider "Part 1" I might add a page, or a bit on the first chapter, that tells you you're in "Part 1 - Living with a Demon". "Part 2 - L**ing a Demon" coming soon.

I want to drop some music recommendations that helped me get this chapter out!

These albums, Chromatica by Lady Gaga, Sawayama by Rina Sawayama, and Dedicated Side B are the best albums released this year by far!  The songs on them speak to me so much and are on constant repeat as I'm writing.  Some of my faves from each being,  "Fun tonight" (Chromatica),  "Chosen Family" (Sawayama) and "Stay Away" (Dedicated Side B).  If you have any album/music suggestions you can send me a PM here or on twitter @14MEK. Twitter is by far the best place to contact me! I'm on it wayyyy to much.

Thanks for reading!  Share, Vote and Comment!  -MEK

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