Intimidating**- Cheryl Blossom

Start from the beginning

"Y/N, come on. Ease up. She just really likes you and that's her way of expressing it." Jughead tried to step in. All the serpents started to interject, trying to keep their friend from pummeling a girl just for confessing her feelings. Cheryl backed into a table, clutching the edges. She gulped, refusing to look away.

"Y/N, come on." Fangs tried, placing his hand on her shoulder. Her head broke eye contact with Cheryl instantly, snapping toward him. He dropped his arm from her shoulder and put his hands up defensively. She turned back to Cheryl. Suddenly her hard features turned into a playful grin.

"I'll pick you up at seven." She winked as the bell rang, moving around Cheryl to exit the lounge. Everyone sighed with relief but Cheryl's was the heaviest.

"Are you okay?" Veronica asked her, worried.

"God I can't wait for her to fuck me."

Y/N knocked a few times on the heavy wooden door. She was nervous but she wouldn't show it. Cheryl was beautiful and she'd be lying if she said she hadn't thought about being with her every day since she got to Riverdale. The girl who opened the door made her heart race. Cheryl's hair cascaded in soft curls down her back. Her dark red lace crop top and tight black leather skirt made Y/N feel such animalistic things. Cheryl's dark red pumps made her the same height as Y/N.

Cheryl smiled nervously, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Now that other people weren't around, she didn't mind showing how nervous she actually was. It didn't help that Y/N looked smoking in her simple white v-neck T-shirt, dark skinny jeans, and her leather jacket. So simple yet so attractive.

"You sure you're ready for this?" Y/N teased, gently taking Cheryl's hand in her own. Cheryl swooned internally.

"Yes, please." Cheryl whispered, keeping her eyes on Y/N's. Y/N bit her lip, leading Cheryl to her sleek black charger in the driveway. She opened the passenger door for Cheryl before moving to get in the driver's seat. "Where are we going?" Cheryl asked after a few minutes of driving.

"We're gonna grab some Pop's and the rest is a surprise." Y/N grinned, glancing at the redheaded bombshell in her passenger seat. Cheryl blushed. She took it upon herself to tell Y/N about herself as she drove. She could tell she was listening. After they grabbed burgers and milkshakes to go, Y/N took her back to her house.

"This is where you live?" Cheryl asked as she got out of the car. Y/N hummed out a yes, taking Cheryl's hand, holding their food in the other. She led Cheryl around the side of the simple house to the backyard. Cheryl gasped. There was a pallet of blankets and dozens of pillows in the middle of the grassy yard. A small projector was set up, the screen lighting up the back of the house. Soft white fairy lights were strung up through the trees. "You did all this for me?" Cheryl turned to look at her. It was the first time she saw nervousness grace Y/N's beautiful features.

"I wanted to impress you." Y/N mumbled honestly, letting go of Cheryl's hand to rub the back of her neck.

"No one has ever done anything like this for me. I love it." And she did. She loved every little detail Y/N put into tonight. They sat together on the makeshift bed of blankets and pillows, eating their dinner and continuing to get to know each other. When they finally started the movie, the sun had gone down and the night began to chill. Y/N shrugged off her leather jacket and draped it over Cheryl's shoulders before pulling a soft quilt over the two of them. Cheryl made herself at home curled into Y/N's side. Her jacket smelled of lavender and bonfires and she loved it. Y/N stroked her hair softly, her other hand holding Cheryl's beneath the covers.

As the movie played on, Y/N traced small circles in Cheryl's arm. Cheryl hummed and snuggled closer. She laid one of her legs across Y/N's hips. Y/N took the opportunity to continue tracing shapes on her exposed thigh that was now in reach. Cheryl couldn't pay attention to the movie anymore. She could only focus on what Y/N's soft hand did along her skin beneath the blanket. "Y/N.." she whispered softly. The other girl's hand stopped, resting on her thigh at the edge of her skirt.

"Hmm?" She turned to look down at Cheryl where her head laid against her chest.

"You don't have to wait till the end of the night to kiss me." Cheryl's voice was quiet, full of anxiety and lust. Y/N dipped her head. Her forehead rested on Cheryl's.

"I don't think I'm going to be very good at self control when it comes to you." Cheryl shuddered at her words.

"I don't want you to control yourself." After the words left her mouth, soft lips captured hers. She moved her hand to the back of Y/N's head and tangled her fingers in her hair. Y/N applied more pressure, her tongue sliding between Cheryl's lips. Cheryl opened her mouth willingly. Quiet moans escaped Cheryl as Y/N's tongue worked against hers.

"Don't stop making those sounds for me." Y/N hummed out. She moved her mouth down to her exposed neck, sucking and biting until she left her mark in multiple places.

"O-oh Y/N.." Cheryl tugged her hair gently. The other girl moaned in response, moving to hover over Cheryl. She pulled the blanket over them as she laid between her legs, gripping her thighs tightly. She paused for a moment to look at the girl beneath her. "Please don't stop. I promise it's okay." Cheryl breathes out, moving her hand to caress Y/N's cheek. Y/N connected their lips in a deeper kiss as one hand moved up to push up her shirt. Y/N groaned when she saw Cheryl's perky breasts pushed up in a red lacy bra.

"You're beautiful." She sighed, moving her lips to the tops of her breasts and biting ever so slightly. Cheryl pushed her chest up, practically begging for more. She pulled Cheryl's shirt off completely, unclasping her bra with ease. Her tongue licked small circles around one of her nipples before sucking hard. Moans continued to fall from Cheryl's lips. The cold air hardened her now wet nipple as Y/N kissed down her smooth stomach, making quick work of the buttons on her skirt. In a few swift movements Cheryl and Y/N were both naked, their clothes strung out in the backyard. Cheryl couldn't take her eyes off her. "So wet for me." She nibbled on Cheryl's ear as one of her fingers slid through her folds.

"Y-yes.." Cheryl's head lulled back against the pillows, one of Y/N's fingers pushing into her wet core. She continued to suck on her breasts, adding another finger. Cheryl's moans got louder and she bit into her own palm to silence herself. Y/N pulled the quilt up to Cheryl's shoulders as she slid herself down between her legs. "What are you-FUCK!" Cheryl's threw her head back. She couldn't see Y/N but her hot tongue pushed between her folds.

"You taste so sweet." Y/N's breath against the wetness between her legs made her shiver. She moved Cheryl's thighs onto her shoulders and held her hips down, burying her face into her heat. Cheryl's whole body trembled. Two fingers pushed their way inside her at a quick pace, Y/N sucking on her clit until Cheryl's moans became a mix of whimpers and screams into a pillow. She couldn't get enough of the taste. She lapped her tongue and slurped while her fingers thrusted inside her.

"Oh yes! Y/N!" Cheryl's cries were muffled by the pillow but Y/N knew she was close. Her back arched off the ground and her thighs tightened around        Y/N's head. Her body shook. She buried her face deeper between the girl's legs, adding a third finger and using her tongue to massage her clit. Cheryl came hard, tears rolling down her cheeks as her back arched at an ungodly angle, one hand tight in Y/N's hair as she held her face down. Y/N licked up every sweet drop, moving her tongue soft and slow so Cheryl could relax from her high. Cheryl finally collapsed against the pillows. Her legs continued to tremble. Y/N left one more love bite on the exhausted girl's inner thigh before rising out of the blanket and holding herself over the redhead. Cheryl looked up at her new lover with hooded eyes.

"You okay?" She asked. She pushed the hair off of Cheryl's sweaty forehead. The other girl could only nod, her throat dry and sore from screaming into the pillow. Y/N chuckled, laying next to her and pulling her onto her naked chest. Cheryl hummed. Her eyes closed easily when Y/N began to draw shapes all over her bare back. "I don't mind it, ya know." She spoke up into the silence of the night.

"Mind what?" Cheryl whispered. She didn't care to open her eyes. She was perfectly content curled into the crook of Y/N's neck, their legs tangled.

"Following you everywhere."

"Really?" Cheryl looked up at her now. Y/N's face held a soft smile, her eyes full of adoration for the girl before her.

"Be my girl, Cheryl?" Y/N cupped her cheek and Cheryl could see how nervous she really was. Cheryl grinned, kissing her.

"You can't get rid of me now."

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