Color 35

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"Baby," the younger whined and turned around, nearly falling off of Taehyung's lap. "Be careful." He says holding on to him.

"We landed." Jimin looked around and rubbed his eyes.

"That was smooth." He whispered. " ten out of ten." He sat up and the flight attendant laughed.

"Thank you for choosing us." She smiles. "I'll see you again." Taehyung thanks her and Jimin runs his hand through his hair while stretching.

He grabbed both of their bags and didn't hesitate to hold Jimin's hand. When they walked out the plane Jimin looked around.

It was warm for the late evening and a little muggy. He looked up at the signs and gasped.

"You took me to Jeju island! I've always wanted to come here. I can't brag to my mom because she thinks I'm going to Busan. Thank you so much."

"Don't say thank you yet. You haven't really seen where I'm taking you. Here put this back on." Taehyung grabbed his hat out of his bag and put it on while doing the same for himself.

They got to a counter where Taehyung got a rental car and while he was doing that he called Yoongi.

"Hey beautiful are you off the plane?"

"Yeah, I'm waiting for him as he gets a rental car how about you guys?" He ask hearing music in the background.

"The gps says ten minutes. You're safe right?" Jimin hummed.

"Don't worry about me. Now listen to Jungkook and let him take you where he wants to take you. It's his hometown remember?" Yoongi hummed.

"Yeah I was planning on doing so as well and don't let Taehyung force you into anything you don't want to do." Jimin laughed.

"He'd never. I'll talk to you later! Bye!" Yoongi says a quick bye and hung up.

"Was that Yoongi? How are they doing?" Taehyung came back with keys in his hand and Jimin nodded.

"They're doing well. Ten minutes away from the hotel."

"I hope they like the place I chose for them. I stayed there before and it's pretty good." He says while walking to the parking lot.

"They'll be thankful for anything you do just like me." He a comments. soon they were driving down Jeju's road.

"It's so pretty here." Jimin looked out the window and as his boyfriend placed his hand on his thigh.

"I know. I come here every summer. So I decided to take you. It's cool. Don't get comfortable because the ride is short." Jimin nodded and like he said in ten minutes they arrived at a beach house.

"Wow. Is this really all yours?" He mumbled while getting out of the car.

"Yup. And guess what." Jimin looked at him. "It's a private beach." Jimin scoffed.

"No way. So just us. On this beach and in this house the whole weekend?" It sounded too good to be true. He had to repeat it to himself a few times. Taehyung fishes a key out of his bag and opened the door.

"Just us. Go in." Jimin steppes inwide and wowed. There were art pieces hung up in the huge family room and a large screen door over looking the beach.

The kitchen was almost as big as the family room and their was a set of spiral stairs going up. Jimin ran up the stairs and Taehyung followed him with their bags.

"The master bedroom is on the right." Jimin looked to the right and opened the door. It had to be as big as His pent house back in Seoul.

"You just have a family home sitting on a private beach." Taehyung shrugged.

"Well of course I'm hoping I can put it to use in the future." Jimin laid in the bed and looked up at the ceiling. Taehyung set their bags on the side of the room and sat at the edge of the bed.

"Do you like it?" Jimin sat up and made his way over to Taehyung.

"Stop asking me if I like it. I love it." He grinned like a child at an amusement park and kissed him. This was the most exciting part about the trip to Jimin.

Being alone with Taehyung. The older smiled into the kiss and flipped Jimin around to lay him on the bed.

"Tomorrow we better live to the fullest since we have to leave right out on Sunday night." Jimin threatens.

"We are. Jeju is full of foreigners the chances of someone recognizing me are low." He comforts him.

"You say that but on Monday we go out and there's pictures of you and I all over the internet." Jimin says cautiously, causing Taehyung to roll his eyes.

"I never realized how uptight you were until now." Jimin pushed him away from him and sat up.

"Uptight my ass we can get in a lot of trouble." He whines while folding his hand over his chest.

"And you knew that the day we first kissed right? But here we are. Sitting in my beach house about to have the best weekend of our lives." Jimin heaved a deep sigh.

"Did I mention how long I've been craving you?" He added. The younger blushed a deep red and leaned in closer.

"Yeah?" He whispers. Taehyung nods as Jimin pushed him back on the bed and slowly kissed him. Taehyung kisses him back and boy was he excited.

"Did I mention..." Jimin swiftly unbuttoned his shirt while still kissing him. Then he stopped. "Did I mention how hungry I am?" He sat up for the second time and walked away.

"Seriously?" Taehyung groaned while rolling out of the bed.

"Yeah I haven't eaten since morning and all I had was cereal." He pouted and Taehyung frowned.

"I'm sorry I should've asked you if had eaten. There's a lot of places to eat in the town center. There's Italian food, there's sushi places authentic-"

"I feel for a strawberry milkshake with one of those gigantic ass burgers... and fries." Taehyung thought.

"I know just the place." He says buttoning up his shirt.


A/N: have you ever had a gigantic burger with fries and a milkshake... yummm

I love you guys sm 😡

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