Color 11

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"Mom?" The little boy named Jimin said as he walked up to a young woman who had a cigarette lodged between her lips and a syringe in her arm.

"Didn't I say to stop fucking calling me that?" Jimin flinched and looked down.

"Sorry, mam. I'm hungry." She held his face and rolled her eyes.

"You're getting too fucking fat you don't need food." Jimin frowned and trudged away with his action figure into his uncomfortable bedroom. He played with his teddy bears and toys while making weird noises. He heard the front door open and he got up as he peeked through the door.

"And why should I help you?" A tall man said as he pushed his mother away from him.

"I need these drugs." She held onto his arms and Jimin could see the man smirk.

"Get down on your knees for me." Jimin quickly moved away from the door as he didn't need to hear or see anymore because he already knows what was going to happen. After a few minutes, they were done.

"I can give you anything you need if you just come with me run away with me." The man said.

"I can't leave my boy," she mumbled.

"I'll make it easier for you. You're already not taking good enough care of him as it is." He said darkly. Jimin ears perked up and he grabbed his teddy bear and opened the door.

"M-mam where are you going?" he asked looking at her hand that was locked with his as she was being pulled out of the small rundown home.

"I will be right back. Just sit tight and have some chocolate pudding from the fridge ok?" Jimin nodded and she left closing the door behind her. He walked to the fridge and opened then whined as there was no chocolate pudding. He climbed on top of the counter and grabbed an almost empty cereal box off the fridge and climbed back down.

That's when he smelt it. The sickening smell of smoke. Jimin dropped the cereal container and ran to the window where he saw fire. It spread quickly. He yelled and grabbed his teddy bear off the floor and tried to open the door. But it seems like there was something against it. He pried the window open with his small hands and screamed for his life.

"Mom!" He yelled. but she did nothing but get into the car and drive away. The fire burned through the paper-thin walls as jimin sat on the ground and bawled his eyes out.

"Oh, my goodness a kid is in there!! Someone called 911!" The distinct voices from outside yelled. At that Jimin passed out. the smoke taking over his lungs.

Jimin sat up as he breathed heavily and tears streamed down his face He grabbed a bottle of water from his side table and chugged it. He hadn't had this nightmare in months. and now it was back.

The doorknob shook as Yoongi came in with sleep in his eyes while wearing no shirt.

"You were screaming mom in your sleep" He mumbled as he switched on the light. Jimin quickly wiped his face.

"O-oh really?" He laughed nervously. Yoongi shook his head.

"They came back?" Jimin began to cry again as he nodded. Yoongi sighed and turned off the lights while closing the door. Jimin reached out for a hug that Yoongi quickly embraced him in while laying in the bed.

"I thought they were gone." He whispered burying his head into Yoongi's chest. Yoongi ran his hand through his hair and shrugged.

"Nothing really ever goes away. There's always gonna be something there that reminds you of it for you its the nightmare of that day." Jimin nodded and took a deep breath.

"I love you Hyung." Yoongi slightly smiled.

"I love you more idiot. Get some sleep so we won't be late to school." He hummed and closed his eyes falling asleep easy in his best friend's arm. Yoongi following.


   Jimin walked into the classroom and looked at his mom who sat at the desk.

"Hey, honey- oh goodness." She got up and took Jimin's face in her hands.

"Your eyes... were you crying last night?" Jimin nodded. "The nightmares are back? I thought they were gone."

"Me too," Jimin mumbled as his mom pulled him into a hug.

"If it gets worst we're doing what we should've done a long time ago. Get you therapy sessions." Jimin nodded and she went back to sit at her desk.

"Taehyung told me he got you a gift how sweet of him right?" Jimin nodded and Yoongi walked in.

"Hi mom."

"Hey Yoongi hows Jungkook?" Yoongi gave her a thumb up.

"Perfect." Yoongi comment

"I'm glad you're happy. It's about time instead of sleeping around with everyone." Yoongi put his arm around Jimin who scoffed.

"Yeah and you need to start going on dates you don't stay young forever." Yoongi agreed.

"I'm flattered you called me young but all men my age are married by now. It's ok I have you Boys. and you guys should get to class soon." They looked as her students were flooding into the class.

"Ok bye mom we love you!!" Yoongi pulled Jimin out of the classroom who was very low on energy ad walked to Mr. Kim's room

"Good morning- yikes I don't think this is such a good morning for someone" he mumbled to himself and Jimin happened to hear. 

"Good morning Mr. Kim and no it isn't" Jimin trudged to his seat and rubbed his eyes while pulling a small desk to lay his head. The bell rang and Taehyung stood up.

"Good morning everyone!! today we will-," He glanced at Jimin who was having his back rubbed by Yoongi. Jimin sat up and dug around in his bag getting ready for class. 

"Relax. today we will relax." He looked at the younger who slightly smiled in relief as he put his back on the desk. 

"It won't happen very often I just have my first showcase here in Seoul after forever so I've been preparing partners and special guests and its very time-consuming. So take this time to catch up on any other school work you have or even sleep. Just don't make too much noise." The class quietly cheered and immediately laid back while some took out work for other classes. 

He glanced at Jimin who was already out cold and Yoongi who was texting on his phone with a smile. Just this one time. He thought


A/N: I really need to work on my name usage omfg

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