Color 32

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  It had been just a mere three days of them not talking even after class. It was painful especially for Jimin who would basically get ignored even if they saw each other in the hall.

On Monday students didn't stop asking Taehyung who he was dating or theorizing who it may be. Jimin dyed his hair a soft brown color with Yoongi's help on Sunday night.

He would be lying if he didn't like it but he did prefer the blonde a lot better. He wasn't able to focus in class or even keep it together at home when he and Taehyung were talking via messages. 

The worst part about it was that they still didn't know who sent the pictures in. On the other hand, it had hurt Taehyung as much as it did Jimin. Seeing him walk into class and only saying hi wasn't enough. It bothered Jimin how good he was at pretending not to know him. Luckily they had already decided to stay away from each other. He's had reporters show up to his house to ask him about his relationship. 

"Ok before you guys leave remember I need to hand out your tickets for the showcase tomorrow. And class is also canceled so go to every other class tomorrow except mine." He opened his desk drawer to pull out a few tickets. Jimin stands up with Yoongi and Taehyung looks over at them.

"Jimin can you stay at the back of the line for me? I had trouble grading an assignment for you." At the thought of that Jimin felt as if Taehyung finally saw him after three days.

He quickly handed out the tickets and when it dumbed down to Jimin he made sure no one was in the classroom.

"C-can I have my ticket please?" He held out his hand and Taehyung rolled his eyes and pulled him into a hug. It almost felt like his world was in his arms for a second. It was a scary feeling but he accepted it.

"Are we supposed to do this?" Jimin whispered. "I missed it." The older put his hands on his waist and hugged him tighter.

"I've never missed physical affection from someone so much," Taehyung says. Jimin slightly smiled as he kissed the crown of his head. "I'm sorry I really am." He apologizes. 

"No, I should be the one apologizing. I still can't get over how it's all my fault," he adds. Taehyung pulls back and walks to his door and locks it. 

"It's not your fault and neither will it ever be. Now was your friend waiting out there for you?" Jimin shook his head no. 

"He and his boyfriend have been spending a lot more time with each other since they had a small hiccup in their relationship. It's ok I get a lot of homework done after class anyway," he responds.

"That's good. So I was thinking we run away for the weekend you know just you and me?" Jimin stared in confusion. 

"But what am I supposed to tell my mom-," 

"You can say you and Yoongi are going out to have a weekend together, I'll literally pay for all of Yoongi's hotel expenses and whatever he wants to do, his boyfriend's as well." It didn't sound too bad but at the same time, he was worried about them being caught by anyone. 

"But what if a fan sees us or-"

"That's a surprise. Just trust me Jimin. I know what I'm doing. Talk to Yoongi tonight and ask him where he wants to spend his weekend. I'll find them a nice hotel and he can ask me for anything he needs." Jimin cracks a small smile and hugged Taehyung once again. 

"Ok, I trust you." Taehyung silently cheers and kisses him.

"Alright since I won't be in tomorrow I have a lot to do. let's call tonight ok?" Jimin nods and waves goodbye while he walks out of the classroom. He literally skipped down the hall only to bump into someone. 

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