
50 3 0

31 December 2014

Kiss me under the moonless night.
Hold me till you can't feel me anymore.
Lie to me like you care.
Tell me you love me.
Show me love like I've never felt before.

Maybe I don't know love like you do. But, these tears are for you.
This feeling.
Is your destruction.

We've been dead for awhile.
This sickness we have.
None else has.
There is no cure.
Hopeless, we are.

Press your decomposing lips against mine.
Tell me I'm pretty still.
Rub the peeling flesh on my face.
Show me you truly care.
Let me know I'm still alive.


Last night I saw you roaming around in my darkest dreams.

Screaming you were.

We are always angry but we love each other.

My feelings are always exploding like a decaying animal that has been setting there for days on end.

We are always sick.

Living in our misery.

You popped pills to subside the pain.

The painful memories I created.

We created.

You always enjoyed getting high off the smallest things.

That's when I hated you the most.

You always hated me.

So now I sit in fear and loathing.

There's nothing I can do.

Nothing you can do.

The flowers are dead.

The clouds have moved on.

The snow has melted.

And most importantly.

You have left.


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