
7 1 0

4 July 2015 | 03:41 a.m.

dreary -
is all my mind can think of.
no other words to describe my life.
weak -
my mind can't take that of the world.
I break when I hear negatives things.
depressed -
the only emotion I know well.
I can't stop the tears that want to fall.
lonely -
everyone leaves, no one stays.
those who stay, are those who care.
pathetic -
why am I around still ?
I'm just a hopeless romantic.
waste -
was my first thought.
I should just be thrown away.

all of these sum
up what I am.
no need to ask.
I'm not worth your
time or your precious
my words can't articulate
nothing makes
I'm all messed
up and can't breathe
sleep isn't
I don't know what
to do anymore.
I'm just breathing and
living for no reason.

writing dreamsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora