Mina x fem reader

Start from the beginning

“Yea, then they could born really close and grow up together. Wouldn’t that be cute? Besides, we can afford to. We could even throw them double birthday parties!” Mina squealed in excitement.

“Also, just saying, our kids would be so freaking cute.”

“They would be abso-fucking-lutely adorable…...but we’re getting ahead of ourselves here, we haven’t even asked Kirishima yet.” (Y/N) said in attempt to calm down the excited pink haired girl that was practically bouncing off the walls.

“Wanna invite him for pizza tomorrow?” (Y/N) questioned before stretching and letting out an inhuman sounding screech.

“Good idea, I’ll text him. Wait, you didn’t say no to both of us carrying…”

“Let’s do it. If Kirishima says yes...we’ll both carry.” (Y/N) finally decides.

“Yayyyyyyyy! Now, let’s go shower yea?”

“Heck yes, can you wash my hair?”

“You’re gonna have to sit down in the tub.”

“I don’t mind.”


The next day the two girls spent the day tidying up the house before Kirishima arrived. They ordered pizza and set up video games in their living room, sure they were adults now but no one is ever too good to play video games and eat pizza with their friends. When Kirishima finally arrived (Y/N) was nervous, sure she knew him since high school but he might not be comfortable with doing this for them. Two empty pizza boxes and many rounds of mario kart later Mina brings up the reason they invited him.

“Kirishima, we didn’t just invite you here for pizza and video games. We actually have a favor to ask of you.” She began.

“What is it?” Kirishima was intrigued, these girls were probably the toughest he knew, he couldn’t think of anything they would possibly need his help with.

“Is it work related?” He saw them needing his quirk for a mission being a more plausible reason.

“Ah, no..Kirishima we um.. This is kind of a lot to ask and you don’t have to say yes if you don’t want to!” Mina was getting herself worked up over asking her friend about this, what if it changed their friendship afterwards?

“We want to have kids, but you know that two girls can’t conceive. We were wondering, only if it’s alright with you of course, if you would be our sperm donor.” (Y/N) placed her hand on Mina’s knee in reassurance.

Kirishima was shocked to say the least. They wanted him as their donor? Him?

“Are you guys sure? I mean my quirk isn’t flashy or anything and can be a bit of a hassle if your kid ends up with it. Would I be introduced as their father, how would that work exactly? That would be my first kid and who would carry it?” Kirishima was rambling, his cheeks slightly pink.

“Well we didn’t ask you because of your quirk, we asked because we wanted someone we trust. We would both love it if you wanted to be in the kid’s life as their father but if not we understand also, anndd both of us.. We want two.” Mina said playing with her fingers and stealing a glance at Kirishima.

“If it makes you uncomfortable Kirishima, we’ll keep looking, don’t feel obligated t-”

“....You guys seriously trust me enough with this? You guys are sure you don’t mind getting cuts if they end up with my quirk and use it accidentally?” he questioned cutting Mina off and looking at his two friends that sat across from him.

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