P-r-o-l-o-g-u-e (P-a-r-t O-n-e)

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Alvar had been sent on many interesting jobs. It was nothing new to him. He was always willing to fulfill whatever plans the Neverseen had. He usually had jobs involving sneaking around. Like spying on his father with his plans behind the council's back.

Today, however, he had to go spy on a girl. He had done this a few times before, when his father was looking for the girl to match the DNA that came out of Prentice's memory break. 

There was only one problem. He was running late. Very late. As in, an entire day late.

Grabbing the leaping crystal off of his nightstand he held it to the light of the window. As the light carried him away, he rolled his eyes. Of course his good-for-nothing brother had to try and show off. He ended up breaking his ankle in the process. Good, Alvar smiled to himself, his brother deserved some pain after practically being born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Ugh.

Alvar looked around the neighborhood he leaped at. It was an average human place. Alvar waved his hand at the disgusting air contaminating him. Humans were so messy and didn't seem to care about how they affected their future. They were such a problem.

Alvar sighed and looked around, where was this girl he was looking for?

Behind him, Alvar heard an engine sputter. He quickly jumped to the sidewalk, afraid of being run over by one of those terrifying contraptions. How on earth did humans ever trust machinery that could break at a moments notice.

The car parked at the same house he was  supposed to inspect. Alvar turned invisible, ready to investigate.

A family of four got out of the car. A mother holding a Blonde five-year-old, and a father holding a Brunette two-year-old. Or that's what it looked like to Alvar.

"Mommy," the Blonde cried, holding her head, "My head hurts." 

"I'm sorry, Sophie," the mother said. "You'll feel better after a nice nap, okay?"

"Ow," Sophie cried. Alvar crept closer. The girl's eyes were brown; she wasn't the one. 

But as Alvar held out his crystal, he heard the girl say, "Mommy, why do you keep saying I might have permanent brain damage?" Alvar never thought five-year-old-humans new such big words. He saw the mother's eyes pop. Maybe this wasn't normal. Times like this Alvar wished he was a Telepath.

Wait. A Telepath...

Alvar stepped into the light, keen on getting answers. Could this be the girl they had been looking for?

○   ○   ○

"Alvar," Lady Gisela called, "Why did you take forever to look at some measly girl's eyes to see if she was the one?"

"I think we found her," Alvar said, careful to change to topic of why his task took so long to complete.

"Well," Lady Gisela all-but-shouted, "does she have blue eyes or not? If she does we will do further investigation."

"She doesn't," Alvar said, but quickly continued when he saw Lady Gisela about to interrupt, "She was complaining about her head. The girl said things that no one said. I think she's a Telepath." Alvar quietly waited for Lady Gisela to shout at him. He was used to it.

"Interesting," Is what she said instead. "Watch her for the next 24 hours. If she does anything more to tell you she is the one, contact Ruy and Gethen. They know what to do." 

"Yes, ma'am," Alvar told her, internally celebrating. He might have found the one they have been looking for.

Before Alvar left to go on his watch for the Sophie girl. He leapt to Everglen.

"Was she the one, Alvar," Alden asked. 

"No," Alvar told him, content  on keeping his father in the dark. He could finally make a Vacker Legacy of his own. One where he was savior of Elvenkind. He would be the one who got rid of the filthy humans.

"Alvar, dear," his mother called. "Are you staying for dinner?"

"Sorry," He told Della, "I have important school work to do, seeing as midterms end tomorrow. I have studying."

"Of course, if you're hungry, I'll save some food for you." Alvar nodded, he was going to say more before-

"MOTHER!" Biana shrieked from upstairs."FITZ STOLE MY UNICORN PRATTLES PIN!"

"NO I DID NOT," Fitz screamed. The two began to shout back and forth. 

"Hold that thought," Della told Alvar. Alvar rolled his eyes. His siblings always stole away the attention. Whether they were behaving like angles, or brats, like now.

Alvar walked upstairs to his room, slamming the door to muffle the screaming, but not before Biana shouted at Fitz, "YOU SMELL WORSE THAN A GULON AND YETI PEE MIXED TOGETHER!" Alvar smiled, Biana had always been his favorite.

Holding his leaping crystal to the window again, Alvar stepped into the light. This time he turned invisible immediately and stepped onto the sidewalk. Seeing an open window, Alvar shakily levitated through. He could not mess up this time. Who knows what his punishment would be.

Alvar crept downstairs, seeing the family all eating dinner. The girl- Sophie had a pained expression on her face, but wasn't complaining about her head anymore.

"Amy," the mother laughed, "You're making a mess." The family was eating- IS THAT MEAT?

Humans were so revolting.

"Messy mess mess messy!" Amy giggled. Sophie rolled her eyes. Alvar figured reading the thoughts  of a two-year-old-human would be exhausting. They could hardly form coherent thoughts. Unlike the prestigious elves.

Sophie closed her eyes. "Prestigious elves!" Astonished, Alvar almost fell down the last five stairs. So this girl was a Telepath, a very good one at that. How did she manifest so young?

"What was that, Soybean?" The father asked.

"Prestigious, it means very fancy. And Elves! They are fictional beings that wear tights and shoes with points. They also have long ears." Alvar barely stopped himself form snorting. The only thing correct about that statement was the ears. Humans and their fantasies.

"Alright Sophie, I think that this is enough excitement for one day," Sophie's mother said, "Let's get you and Amy off to bed. Remember, you should really rest."

"Yes, mom," Sophie hopped of the chair and took her mother's hand. "I'm a little sleepy anyways." 

"You have Amy?" The mother asked the dad. 

He nodded. "Goodnight, Soybean!"

"Ugh," Sophie groaned, "Don't call me that embarrassing name!"

A few minutes later, Sophie was tucked into bed. Alvar decided that he could also use a few hours of shut-eye. Leaping back to Everglen, Alvar slipped past the gate and ran up to his room. Thankfully, his siblings were asleep.

Changing into pajamas, Alvar set an alarm on his imparter for five hours, enough to get rest, but he wouldn't oversleep.

Closing his eyes, he laid his head down on his pillow, before drifting off he heard Fitz screaming.

"MOM! BIANA TOOK ONE OF MY DRAGON PRATTLES PINS!" Alvar sighed. It was going to be a long night.

(A/N) Okay, so prologue part one done. I'll have a part two that deals with Alvar keeping an eye on Sophie for the next day. This is such a fun story to write. Especially Fitz and Biana. I like the idea that they argued kind of often (like normal siblings do). Also, having to think in five-year-old minds is amazing. So, yeah. I hope you enjoy! On to writing the next chapter!

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