The Invite

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You were walking down the street back to your apartment. As usual, nothing had really been exciting today. You spoke a few words when you had to, but in the end, you just hung back and never bothered anyone with anything. This behavior of yours had also resulted in you having a certain lack of people in your life. Though you really didn't mind being alone, at the same time... you really wanted someone to be there for you.

"Hey Y/N!! How's it going?" Of course, that didn't stop some certain individuals from trying to get along with you. You knew who that voice belonged to, he was a very upbeat puma and absolutely loved to hang out with you, and although you generally got along with him, at the same time it would be nice if he simply didn't acknowledge you all the time. You sighed and decided to greet him as you usually did. "Afternoon Niku, as excitable as ever I see." You said in your usual monotone voice.

He caught up to you and put his arm around you and kept pace with your stride. "And your as depressing as ever." He said with a big toothy smile. "If that's a problem then you could always leave me alone." You responded in the aforementioned depressing mood. "Relax I was just joking." The puma laughed nudging you a bit. "What do you want Niku? I kinda need to get home." You said with the slightest bit of sass in your voice.

"Well, you kinda forgot something at your employee mailbox." He informed and you both stopped walking as your mind was letting that sink in for a bit. "Something came for me, in my mailbox...? Are you sure this thing isn't some sort of prank?" You asked in a suspicious tone as he removed his arm from your shoulders.

You never got anything of importance from anyone. Not even Niku would send you something because of how sensitive you are with how you spend your time, well that and there's texting. "Not really but it surely isn't spam considering it's not decorated in all those fake official documents spam mail usually has." He explained while holding the pink envelope out to you. You noticed something on the seal. That was the cherryton highschool logo.

"Are you--" "I don't know, there wasn't a return address." He quickly explained, clearly done with your suspicion despite it not physically or audibly showing. You took the envelope and reached to open it but his big paw stopped you.

"It's probably best to do that at your apartment. Anyway nice talking to you, hopefully, it's nothing bad." The puma said running in the direction of his house. Looking down at the piece of intricate parchment, you wondered who would have sent this to you, and why would the Cherryton High logo be on it? Stashing it away in your bag you resumed your walk back home.

A small ten minutes later you were on your bed in your atrocious abode, which you only lived in due to it being the only thing you can afford. After staring at it a few moments of silence you gently opened the little item that was apparently for you. The only thing in it was a single letter.

Dear Y/N

We are proud to offer you a spot at Cherryton High one of the most prestigious schools in Japan.
We understand you may or may not want to accept so allow us to break down the situation for you. Despite receiving so many applications for enrollment into the school, certain circumstances have resulted in us needing one more student to attend our school.
We have recently come to the knowledge that you are in a bit of a situation with living and food arrangements of which the specifics shall not be disclosed in this letter for privacy reasons.
Everything shall be paid for with your very own scholarship should you accept.

The principal of Cherryton High

This sounded way too good to be true, but then again there was the fact that they were right about your situation. It was possible that you were going to be evicted soon considering how little your job paid and you needed money for food to even survive, even if you didn't eat as much as other carnivores. Another piece of paper suddenly fell out of the envelope. You picked it up and examined it.

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