KAYLA- 38. Yauhken Rilins

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The people around us are smiling, star gazing in their warm clothes. Couples are holding hands and resting each other's heads to one another.

The kids are having fun with their flying lighting things and somebody in a brown jacket and a blue yankee cap was yelling "Boiled eggs! Boiled eggs for everyone! "

And me and Gon.
Standing face to face.

But I got no face to show.

Cause I was a sham.

" What? " Gon finally asks me, his face worried for I've been staring at him for two minutes straight, my lips parted and trembled undeniably.

People are laughing and enjoying and I should be too, this time tonight, celebrating our second month of love. Thus, I feel like attending a hearing, expecting a death sentence.

My legs are screaming to run away, my heart is thumping crazy saying I'll be depressed after this.

And my brain, my brain, telling me I'm doing the right thing but also telling me to think about it first.

" Babe. Stop staring at me like tha-- "

" I-! "

He gasped by my sudden aggression, way to go!

I'm so dramatic that I started with "I"! With  an epic cracked voice.

Fuckin amazing Killua. What is this a telenovela?

He took a step towards me and I bite my lips hard.

The world around us suddenly gone in a slow motion and the noises around us sounded like under water, making it feel like we're having a suspense background music and Shit, Gon Freecss.

We're inside a telenovela.






What happens in a telenovela again?
I will get slapped right?

I'd go for never.


No! now!

Shit Killua! Man up!

For once! Stop being a craven now.

" Babe? " He called softly.

My inner self gasped and my hands started to shake like those of a drunk Kpop star driving on a steep cliff on a snowy day.

Holy mother. I can't back down now.

"I have to tell you something!!...Gon. " I made my voice loud, because I have to, and I called him Gon.

Not babe!

Not honey!

Not darling!

Not hot stuff!

Not Daddy!

That means one thing.

I can't back down.

I stared at him damn sternly, more than ever, and I stopped my breathing as well.

And he furrowed his eyebrows at me, his eyes are terribly curious asking on why.

This ain't a telenovela. No one can say I'm the protagonist nor the antagonist.

I'm gonna be the one to decide.

KAYLA   (͓̽𝒢𝑜𝓃𝓀𝒾𝓁𝓁𝓊 )͓̽Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora