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•Author POV•
"Are you alright?" Hyeri asks Jaehyun who is sleeping on the bed in the hospital. After Jaehyun was stabbed, he was sent to the hospital near the island immediately.

"I'm fine. It's just a light wound tho." Jaehyun replies.

"Light wound? Aish Jinja? Don't you know how nervous I was when that thief stabbed you and you fell to the sand?" Hyeri asks in disbelief hearing her husband said that it's just a light wound. Yeah it is but seriously she's worried to dead.

"Are you worried about me that much?" Jaehyun asks teasing his wife.

"I...How could I not worry about you? When you helped me and you were the one who got stabbed instead of me." Hyeri can't do anything but blame herself for making Jaehyun into this state.

"Don't blame yourself. But how come you were there? Didn't we both agree to meet at lunchtime in the restaurant? But you didn't come on time and worse thing was you were with the thief."

"I- I was about to go the restaurant but on the way there I saw the woman got robbed by that thief so.."

"So you were running to catch that thief without thinking how dangerous it was?" Jaehyun finishes her sentence by himself. Hyeri lows her head down doesn't say anything knowing herself was at fault.

"Seriously Hyeri? Didn't I tell you to call me if there's anything happened?"

"I know but..."

"But what?"

"Aish forget it! I admit I'm wrong okay?"

"Admitting yourself is at fault is not enough."

"What do you want me to do then?"

"Promise me that you will never do this again." Jaehyun turns her to look at him.

"Promise or not?" He raises his eyebrows asking her again.

"Okay I promise."

"Good!" He pats her head and smiles.

"Yah! Don't touch my head."

"You should rest first your wound still hurt." Hyeri tells him to sleep. He doesn't protest and closes his eyes to sleep. Hyeri takes the blanket to cover his body.

Next day

Jaehyun wakes up to see his wife is sleeping on couch soundlessly. Last night he told her to go back to sleep at the resort but she didn't. She wants to sleep here in the hospital to take care of him. Jaehyun stares at his sleeping wife until he notices she opens her eyes.

"Ohh you woke up already?" Hyeri gets up from the couch and walks to see Jaehyun on the bed.

"Hmm." Jaehyun nods

"Your temperature is okay." She puts her hand on his forehead to know his temper.

"Do you need anything?" She asks

"I want to drink water."

"Okay wait a minute." Hyeri walks to pour the water in the glass and hands it to Jaehyun. He takes it from her and drinks it slowly before giving the glass to her back.

"Did the doctor tell you when can I leave yet?"

"No! They haven't told me anything. I will go to ask them after I done taking the shower."


Hyeri walks out from the bathroom and puts her old clothes into her bag.

"Are you hungry? I will go get something for you to eat after I go to ask the doctor." Hyeri turns to ask Jaehyun.

Love Arrange||Jaehyun FFWhere stories live. Discover now