Does Your Spirit Have Memory?

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I Was checked and poked by the doctors and nurses yet the female doctor Westerna I can't place a name but I seen her somewhere but where? "You'll be out at lunch." The guy that apparently crashed against whatever  I was driving. "What's your name?" "Andy Biersack." "I think I heard it somewhere..." "Your getting you memories back?" "No it just sounds familiar just like that doctor Westerna." "Well don't hurt your head on and that sleep it of before your out of here." "Thanks Andy, you should sleep a little bit too it seems we both got hit really badly." "Thanks your always been so careful." "Huh do I know you?" "Well probably you don't remember me and if you get your memories back won't either, because when we where little we where friends." "Oh well have a nice nap Andy..." She said as she turned around and fell asleep. Andy fell asleep on the couch that turns into a bed. Later on the doctors came around for their last checks and they saw them asleep. "Are you going to tell her." "What no I..." "Tell her what?" "What's going on who's telling who." Harley said sleepy as she heard the doctors and Andy talk. "Oh I was going to tell the one of the nurses that I saw her husband cheating with another woman." "Oh ok that's weird." Both Andy and Harley said unison. "Well changing the subject Harley let's get that ivy out and get your released papers." The doctors went out and the nurses took out Harley's ivy out. Andy took the belongings and give it to her. "Thanks Andy." "No problem, probably you can find something there that can help you remember." Harley took out everything and saw her wallet and opened it up.  To a picture of a man and what it looked like her smiling in the park. "Look at this pic... and this two two as well." She took out the three photos and showed them to him. He grabbed them and saw the one Harley saw first. Then looked up at Harley and said. "This man is to old for you perhaps it's your father I think. Then others are playing with you perhaps friends except her." Andy held the picture where everyone was playing around Brookelle and another girl that looked slightly like her yet little different from her. "Why do you think she could be my sister I don't see any resemblance what so ever?" Harley titled her head in confusion. "Well the way you guys are hugging..." "Well we won't find out if we are sitting here aren't we?" Harley said as she got her stuff and went to change in the bathroom. I looked at the third picture and gasped no way in hell the woman in the photo is doctor Westerna! Mind completely blown, I turned the picture over to see that what was written. "I never knew my sister and my mother but yet seeing this picture I want believe they are still here with me and father. (I'm the one in daddy's arms hehe) I wish to know where would my sister is at and who was my mother's killer." "Andy here's the paperwork..." Speaking about the devil, doctor Westerna came in. "Are those Harley's pictures?" "Um yes she found them in her wallet." "Can I see them?" "Yeah here doc." I lend them to her and waited for her reaction. "Alexander..." she said as she stroke one of the photos. I walked to her and saw she was seeing the one where Harley and her father where together. "I guess he hasn't changed much over time." "Wait in back of one of the pictures said you where dead." "Wait Lucy's dead?!" "Oh no my friend was killed trying to protect my baby girls from that bastard!" "Wait what?!" "She must not know I am Ilona Mina Quinn Murray do you understand?" "Um why?" "Here are the pictures and the paperwork sign it, and turn it  in the front desk." She left in a hurry, "Wait did she just said Quinn Murray but isn't she Westerna... oh she's using her friend's name weird."  I ignored it as I saw Harley got out with the outfit of the accident. "Well let's get going umm can I get my pictures and my wallet back please?" I placed the paperwork on the bed and grabbed the wallet and put the pictures back and gave it to her. "Lets see... oh look there's says my address." She showed me her licence where it said Harley Raven Grayson Quinn Address: 496 Stetson hills Pennington, Virginia. "Well your family must be worried come on we have an address and I have a vehicle.. so yeah let's go." I scratched the back of my neck. "What happened to mine?" "Your motorcycle was beyond repair so they took it to the junk yard." "Oh well I'll buy another one." She placed her wallet in her bag and pulled out her phone and turned it on. "Woah my dad has been calling me non stop and I suppose my friends too." She showed me her phone, she had 89 calls and messages 67 missed calls from her father, 10 messages from him the rest where from someone named Merlin, Lindsey, Jason, and Melanie. "Wow your requested today." "Yeah probably nothing important." She deleted them all without even looking at them, girl got guts. We left the hospital after we left the paperwork on the front desk and now we where on the road driving to Harley's house. "I don't know but can we go to another place first?" "Where its very late and..." "Andy let's get normal food the food in the hospital was bad." I smiled and drove towards a McDonald's that was nearby. We went and order our food and sat down. A girl and a guy came up to us with smiles in their faces, great fans I don't hate them in fact their very very nice, but can I least get a bite on my food? "Harley we've been calling you all day!" The girl exclaimed. Yay not for me yum this burger... "Sorry I don't know you." Harley turned back towards her food and started to eat it. The girl gasped and push Harley farther into the booth and sat down. "Oh please Harley Raven Grayson Quinn don't you dare say you don't know me Lindsey Graham your friend co cheerleader captain just because you are here with the greatest lead singer of the time Andy fucking Biersack doesn't mean you don't know us!" Harley looked frustrated and shove the girl out the booth and yelled. "I don't know who are because I had an accident earlier this morning and I lost my memory so why don't you do me a favour and get the fuck out of my personal space and leave me and Andy alone to eat!" The other girl got up and dusted herself up. "Poor Harley but you didn't lost who you where a bitch to everyone!" The girl buried her face in the boys arms. "Way to go Harley you live up to your name." "Who are you to judge?" Harley said getting more pissed. "Merlin our band mate, let's go Lindsey let her cool down and get her memory back." Harley sat back on and ate like nothing happened. "Harley..." "What?!" "Hey calm down, I was just asking you if I can have that damn ketchup!" "Oh sorry yeah here, I got caught up with what happened right now." "I know is hard for you because you can't remember, but take it easy they don't know what happened be patient maybe later you'll remember everything." "I don't know Andy but maybe I really don't want to remember." She said as she grabbed my hand that was reaching for the ketchup. I felt sparks going through my hand and I  kinda liked it. "Well let's forget about it for now and eat this burger before it goes cold." I said squeezing her hand and smiled at her. "Thanks Andy your smile makes me feel better already... let's eat!" I saw her blushing while trying to hide her blush behind the burger she was eating. I grabbed the ketchup and started eating again. We climbed into the car laughing as we joke about random things we came up with. We arrived at her driveway and stopped as we got off. "Come on in Andy let's get the rage of an angry parent." She said smiling her smile reminds me of that little girl I met when I was little. As soon she walked in the man in the photo ran up to her and engulfed her in a hug. "Harley Raven Grayson Quinn where the hell where you I've been calling you all day!" "First of all ouch! Your hugging me to tight that my injuries hurt, second I can't remember anything but I guess you are my father since your being fatherly like worried, third I was at hospital and was barely released right now, fourth did you do what I asked which I can't remember what but I feel I asked you something, and fifth this Andy the guy who I crashed into and it wasn't his fault." "He didn't do anything young lady now you need to apologize to me." A grown woman went up to Harley. "I don't give a flying duck who you are and I don't remember you and I don't like you plus your giving me the impression that I kicked you out of here." "You didn't loose your memory because you wouldn't be here stupid girl you don't fool me." "Listen old hag I saw my ID and it said this address and I have a picture of him who I believe is my father! Now will you excuse me, but me and Andy are going to bed!" Harley dragged me up the stairs and went into a random room where it had a lot of pink. Harley turned around and yelled, "Which one is my room and I'm certain that I hate pink judging by the way I'm dressed!" "The second door to the left Harley!" "Thanks dad?" Harley said in confusion and dragged me into the correct room which was cover by black walls with lots of band posters, drawings, anime, pictures. "Wow I sleep here?" She said as she plopped down her black bed and looked around amazed. "Good taste in music." I said as I pointed to one of my band's poster. "Hehe I guess. Well let me change into some pjs, lock the door and change too." "Umm do you mind if  I sleep in boxers?" I said awkwardly. "Nah that alright I think, since I live alone with my dad well thats what the back of the picture said!" She yelled while being in the bathroom. I changed and put my stuff on the sofa in the room. "So what's side you want?" I said getting the bed ready. She walked out and stopped in front of me. "Um which ever sexy batman lover." She winked. I blushed and try to cover them. "Don't worry Andy I've seen that since I came out of the bathroom so why hide. I'll take this side you take the right." She slid behind the covers and looked at me. I walked to my side and laid down and faced her. "Well goodnight you batman lover number 2" "So you noticed what  I was wearing right now too?" She said as she turned out the lamp which turned out the light on the ceiling too. I smirked at her and brought her close to me. She snuggled into me and instantly fell asleep. I stroke her hair for a little while then hugged her bare stomach since she had a Batman crop top that nearly covered her black laced bra and she wore Batman girl boxers. When she remembers everything I'll ask her out before I go to record some new songs even though the band and I released our fourth album. She wrapped her hands around me and brought me close and I just hugged her tighter but careful for not hurting her fragile body. "Sleep well my dark Angel." I said as dozed of to sleep.....

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