Years Pass When Youre Having Fun

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                                         ~4 years later~
    Zeynep was gathering some designs she had turned in on the next meeting of the company meeting she was going to have. "Merhaba Zeynep the meeting will be in shortly the owners son can't make it but I'm sure he'll love your designs." Pelin one of her Best friends and coworkers. "You look like your baby boy can't wait to get out." Zeynep said as she touched her friends stomach. "Tell me about it you better go to the baby shower this weekend." Pelin looked at Zeynep. "I will be there of course it the baby shower of my best friend but I'll have to go early that day you know that my uncle Kellin wanted me to assist one of his concerts on warped tour." Zeynep said as she hugged her friend. "Well at least that you attend for an hour or two I'll be fine." Pelin smiled. Well let's get this meeting arranged help me with these papers. Pelin and Zeynep arranged for the meeting and waited for the executives get to the meeting to start it. ~ skipping meeting~ Zeynep said goodbye to one of the higher ups and left the company for lunch to catch up with Pelin who left earlier. Sinan was walking in his father's company and was greeted in the reception when he saw Zeynep saying good bye to one of his board members then passed him towards outside. Sinan was led into the office by his secretary who told him details about the meeting. "Tell um who's the designers name?" Sinan asked his secretary. "Zeynep Akkaya." The sectary answered. "Tell her she needs to get ready this weekend she will go with me to the United States for fashion week." Sinan said as he looked at the designs. The secretary said yes and left to send the news and prepare everything. Sinan left his office and got on his car and drove toward to pick up his girlfriend Venus for lunch. Meanwhile he was driving he saw Zeynep walking in the streets he kept looking at while driving until he crashed with a car in front of him. He got out and checked the accident while Zeynep stopped to see the accident then cross the street to the other side and left towards some shops. Sinan gave the man he crash some cash and his info and ran up to catch up with Zeynep but lost her in the sea of people. He went back to his car and called his chauffeur to drive him in another car. Once the crashed car was taken care off he told his driver to take him to a restaurant where he could eat alone and unbothered before going back to work. Zeynep got to the restaurant where Pelin was sitting drinking tea waiting for her. "Where are you going from here Pelin?" Zeynep asked as she took a seat and motioned the waiter to serve her tea. "Well I'm going to my ultrasound and home with my husband." Pelin said as she stroke her belly. "Married life hmm never lived it and hope I won't soon." Zeynep laughed while Pelin scoffed. "Soon or later you'll find the right guy that will make you change your mind." Pelin laughed while Zeynep frowned at her. "I ordered the usual don't get mad." Pelin said as the waiter set their food down. "You know I would of order the same thing if I was here earlier." Zeynep said to Pelin who looked up smiling while eating. Zeynep laughed at her friend's antics. Zeynep's phone rang while they were eating and Zeynep excused herself. "Merhaba Zeynep this is Selin I wanted to inform you the CEO Sinan Egemen is inviting you with him to fashion week in New York you'll be leaving with him this weekend there you guys will discuss about your designs." Zeynep could believe what she heard yet made a little happy dance and smiled at Pelin. "Don't need to worry on buying the tickets for me I already have one going on this weekend." Zeynep said to the secretary. "Noted I'll await for you later in the afternoon to give you the details and what you need to bring." The secretary said over the phone. "Alright see you in an hour then." Zeynep answered containing her happiness. The sectary hung up and Zeynep ran towards the table her and Pelin were sitting. "You were right the CEO liked my designs and he invited me to fashion week in New York with him there we will talk about my designs!" Zeynep said happily while Pelin celebrated with her. "I told you they would love your designs." Pelin said as she grabbed Zeynep's hands and gave her a light squeeze. "Fashion week won't start till next week maybe he will give you Sunday off to settle in so you can watch your uncle preform." Pelin cheered while Zeynep's smile dropped. "Oh come on it won't be that bad just wear sunscreen." Pelin joked making Zeynep laugh. "I don't know what I would do without you bestie." Zeynep said as she stood up and hugged her best friend. "You know what I predict that your sister will get pregnant first then get married." Pelin said as Zeynep stopped hugging her and looked at her weird. "Oh don't start with you pregnant gave you these physic powers." Zeynep grabbed her stuff. "Oh don't worry this trip will change your life too for the better." Pelin said laughing while Zeynep rolled her eyes. "See you tomorrow say hello to husband from me." Zeynep said as she gave a goodby kiss on the cheek to Pelin and Pelin did the same. "Trust me I see you married after this trip!" Pelin joked while Zeynep shook her head and left towards the company.
Mihrimah was walking around the garden when Cenk went up to her a kneeled down "What's this Cenk?" Mihrimah asked surprised. "Mihrimah Ayşe Grayson would you make me the most happiest man and marry me?" Cenk asked as he pulled out a beautiful diamond ring. Mihrimah teared and kept nodding yes and let him put the ring on. "Yes yes I'll marry you!" Mihrimah yelled as she hugged him tightly. Mina and Alexander stared down from the terrace of the library of their house. "Finally he asked." Mina smiled. "I miss Zeynep she would've made this happen earlier." Alexander laughed. "True but shes happy in Turkey though I feel a bit sad still for leaving her there." Mina said as she hugged Alexander. "She will come back one day don't worry let her grow there she really has made a name of her own there." Alexander said as he moved a strand off Mina's hair off her face. "A model, actress, and a fashion designer I'm so proud of her." Mina said before kissing Alexander. "I'm so proud of Mihrimah too such an incredible actress where they got all the artistic side?" Mina asked. "Their grandmothers." Mina and Alexander said in unison causing each other to laugh. "Well let's get inside up here is cold." Alexander said as he opened the door for Mina to go in. "Yes let's go inside hmm I wonder what Talia will make for dinner?" Mina smiled as she went inside. Mihrimah and Cenk where celebrating when they saw Lucy Westerna walking up the walk way. "What are you doing here?" Mihrimah asked feeling uneasy around her. "I'm here to talk to you mother." Lucy said without stopping her pace. Lucy rang the bell and waited for the door be opened. The maid opened it and greeted her. "I wish to see Mrs. Grayson." Lucy said cheerfully. The maid nodded and let her inside. Mihrimah and Cenk worried went inside following Lucy. Lucy waited in the living room looking at the family photos and looking at the recent ones. "What do you want Lucy?" Mina said coldly. Lucy turned around and smiled. "You made this house lively again props to you I'm here to invite you to my daughters wedding with young Jason also to congratulate you for getting back with Alexander." Lucy said as she handed her the invite. "Me and Jonathan are getting along visiting him you know is a challenge Alexander but we are getting things back together like it should." Lucy smiled. "Congrats I guess." Alexander said confused. "I better get going to see if my son's wife need me you know she's pregnant with his third child ugh Tracey making me look old." Lucy touched her face exaggerating. "Well have a good day Lucy." Mina bid farewell to the one who used to be best friend. "Bye bye!" Lucy said as she left happily to her house. "I guess therapy made her less crazy!" Mihrimah cheered as she let out a deep breath. "Indeed now let me see the ring!" Mina cheered with joy while Alexander groaned.
    It was Pelin's baby shower and almost everyone in the company attended. "Congratulations my best friend here's for the baby I stashed something there for you." Zeynep greeted Pelin. "Hopefully is something sweet my mother in law doesn't let me eat sweets today." Pelin groaned. "Aish Carmina means well you'll get to eat cake that's why she doesn't want you to get a sugar rush." Zeynep smiled at Pelin who pouted and place the gift on the table. "You're staying to eat at least?" Pelin asked. "Yes I would miss your mothers brisket for anything in the world." Zeynep said as she squeezed her friend's hand and walked to greet Pelin's mother. "Sultana Hunkar nice seeing you this evening is that your sweet brisketi smell?" Zeynep asked. "Yes yes come and get a plate dear ill serve you all the brisket and rice you want." Hunkar served Zeynep some food and sat her on the main table. Zeynep greeted everyone and sat there to eat with the others. Zeynep didn't stay long after she ate she said goodbye to everyone and head to the airport since she already had her stuff in the car. The driver opened the door for her and got her luggage out of the car. She thanked him and she walked inside the airport to get registered for her plane. She went through check out and went up to the lobby of the plane and waited there for her plane to be ready. After getting in the plane she relaxed in her seat taking a nap during the travel. Once she arrived to New York she came down to where the people received their luggage and she got hers. She then walked towards her driver who was waiting for her. She greeted him and he led her to the outside of the airport to the car she was going to travel to parents house in New York. Sinan got inside his car after traveling to new York and asked his secretary where Zeynep was staying. "She said her parents have a mansion here in New York and she will be staying there." The secretary answered. Sinan thanked his secretary and ended the call he then got out his car and went inside the hotel to his penthouse. Zeynep arrived at the mansion and got inside she was greeted by the maids. She greeted them back and order them to bring her stuff to her room and she left to her room. Exhausted she laid down on her bed then she kicked her high heels off and fell asleep. The next day she was woken up by the sound of her phone. "Merhaba." Zeynep said still half asleep. "Merhaba to you too my sweet niece I know you're jet lagged but come here see your uncle preform please." Kellin said cheerfully. "I will uncle let me just get ready can I invite someone over?" Zeynep said as she bit her lip. "Sure your boyfriend can come let me arrange an extra ticket for you guys." Kellin said as he walked around looking for his manager. "We'll see you later uncle." Zeynep said as she hung up. She got up her bed and got ready for the concert. She grabbed her phone and decided to call her boss while looking at the info his secretary gave her. "Merhaba." A masculine voice answered. "Merhaba Ben Zeynep... since we aren't going to do anything today regarding work.. I wanted to invite you somewhere in the city?" Zeynep said nervously. She heard laughter from the other side other call causing her to facepalm herself for being such an idiot and inviting her boss to a rock concert. "Yes of course Zeynep where can I pick you up?" Zeynep almost fainted and told him the address of her house. She stood there walking back and forth thinking what her boss will think off her when he finds out where they were heading. The doorbell rang causing her to jolt and almost run inside and hide. The maid answered and greeted the person who came in. "Merhaba is Zeynep here?" Her boss asked for her but she was afraid to turn around. "Merhaba yes this way." The maid gestured for him to follow her. Zeynep kicked herself mentally as she heard footsteps drew closer. "Merhaba Zeynep." Her boss called stretching his arm to greet her. Zeynep took a deep breath and turned around to greet her boss to only freeze as she turned to look at him. "M...Merhaba Ben Zeynep..." Zeynep stuttered as she shook his hand. "Ben Sinan Egemen it's been a long time Zeynep." Sinan smiled while Zeynep just nodded in shock. "You're boss?" Zeynep asked still in shock. "Yes I thought you would've known since the name is Egemen enterprises." Sinan said as he smiled at Zeynep. "I never thought from all the Egemen companies out there I would end up in your company." Zeynep said and quickly let go of his hand after noticing she kept holding it for a while. "When I saw your name in the designs I couldn't believe my last patient as a doctor would be my star designer after 4years." Sinan said while he kept admiring Zeynep's shocked actions. "Well it's..." Zeynep was going to say a coincidence but was interrupted by Sinan. "Destiny I'm joking with you let's go?" Zeynep snapped out of it and nodded. "Aren't you a little bit to dressed up for where we going?" Zeynep asked she got inside the car with him. "You explained where we going so I just brought some casual clothes." Sinan said as he arranged his suit. Zeynep bursted off laughing while gripping on her clutch bag. "That's your casual clothes?" Zeynep asked while laughing. "Of course not the most casual is probably a T-shirt with a leather jacket." Sinan said as he laughed along Zeynep. "I guess we will need to go grab it." Zeynep suggested but Sinan refused. "Let's just go like this." Sinan said confidently. "Why?" Zeynep asked curious. "Because I left that outfit at home." Sinan answered laughing making Zeynep laugh. "Alright you'll feel out of place where we going." Zeynep said as she reached to the driver and said the address to him. "Where are we going today?" Sinan asked. "To see my uncle preform." Zeynep said smiling. "He's an artist?" Sinan asked getting curious. "Yes a rock singer..." Zeynep mumbled as they got to the destination. "Oh I thought you would be joking on wanting me to change." Sinan said as he looked around the area once they got out. "Yeah... let's go over here." Zeynep grabbed onto Sinan's hand and pulled him towards the front line. "Um I'm here to see Kellin tell him his niece Zeynep is..." Zeynep was interrupted by Kellin making his way through the guards. "Zeynep your here! They are with me let them in." Kellin told the guards to let them in while a roar of fans yelled trying to get his attention. "You're quite popular uncle." Zeynep praised him. "Yeah and this is you boyfriend Zeynep?" Kellin asked as he looked at Sinan. "N...No this is my boss." Zeynep looked at her uncle like he grew another head. "Oh welcome anyways to here and I to the family whichever you feel the best." Zeynep covered her face in embarrassment. Kellin placed the vip pass on Zeynep and handed one to Sinan. "You guys will watch the show backstage with me I don't want her to get hurt." Kellin said as he pinched Zeynep's cheeks causing her to groan while being embarrassed. "I haven't seen her so embarrassed ever since she saw how romantic her parents get in-front of her." Kellin said as he led them towards backstage. "Let's not talk about that." Zeynep urged her uncle. "Don't worry about niece anyways we are here you guys can watch the screen on who's preforming I would invite you to the tour bus but there's guys changing and I don't want to scar you." Kellin said as he kissed Zeynep's forehead and left. "Oh my god so he's that type of uncle..." Zeynep commented as he left. "You hadn't met your uncle?" Sinan asked. "Not that much all these years he moved back here and started his career and from there he is doing good and I've been busy living my life." Zeynep smiled towards Sinan who smiled back. "Let's see which band is playing it's been forever I've ever been in these concerts." Sinan said with a smile. "Oh really I never thought you'd be into this type of music." Zeynep said as she walked next to him. "Yeah but I had to leave it to do my profession you know get serious and attend patients." Sinan said while staring at the tv. "You don't have any regrets?" Zeynep asked while looking at the band preform. "No I met you by getting serious in my career." Sinan blurted it out. Zeynep just smiled and looked at the tv watching the last song of the performer sing. "Zeynep let me introduce you to one of my friends." Zeynep turned around smiling hearing her uncle came back. Sinan turned around to see which famous rockstar Kellin brought. "Zeynep this is Andy Biersack Black Veil Brides frontman and vocalist." Kellin said smiling while Zeynep's smile dropped. "What's wrong princess?" Kellin asked looking at Zeynep. "Nothing uncle." Zeynep said while pushing her hair back and smiling to him. "Ben Zeynep." Zeynep shook hands with Andy like she didn't know him at all. "Hello Zeynep your uncle told me a lot about you." Andy said while staring at her. She immediately let go of his hand and stepped back next to Sinan. "This my.." Zeynep was about to say boss when Kellin chimed in. "Her boyfriend Sinan Egemen." Kellin said proudly while Zeynep looked at her uncle embarrassed. Andy shook hands with Sinan with a slight glare on his stare. "Well good luck guys me and Sinan will be watching the bands preform." Zeynep smiled and took Sinan's hand and walked over towards the tv not wanting to look at Andy any longer. "Alright Andy's band is going on next I'll join you in a bit niece have fun!" Kellin said as he left Andy standing there watching Zeynep still holding Sinan's hand. Andy then sighed and walked towards where his band was getting ready with a gloomy appearance. "Hey what's up man why the long face?" Ashley asked swinging his hand over Andy's shoulder. "She's here with her boyfriend worse thing she acted like she didn't know me..." Andy said all sad. "Who's here oh you're Zeynep..." Ashley said as he peeked over to see Zeynep standing next to a guy. "Well she wasn't going to wait forever." Jinxx said as he patted Andy's back and got ready for the show. "Andy let's focus on our performance she came here for her uncle right she wouldn't had come if he didn't insisted her." Jake said trying to cheer him up. Zeynep realized that she was still holding Sinan's hand let it go. "I'm sorry I forgot..." Zeynep said as she looked away catching Andy's sad face. "It's ok I also forgot you took my hand in the first place." Sinan smiled at her. "Well lets enjoy these concerts shall we?" Zeynep smiled up to him. "Sure why not even if I look out of place." Sinan joked making Zeynep laugh. ~skipping the concerts~
  Zeynep and Sinan followed Kellin to the signing tents. "This is where we show our fans some love." Kellin said as he hugged one of his band mates. "Hey guys say hello to my niece and her boyfriend Sinan." Zeynep smiled and greeted everyone along with Sinan. Fans came along and asked for pictures and autographs. Lindsey along with Merlin walked up to the tent while holding a young Little red head with them. "Hi my daughter and us are great fans of you guys." Lindsey smiled. Zeynep got out of her chair and looked over. "Lindsey?" Lindsey turned her head as fast as she could when she heard that voice. "Oh my god Harley!" Lindsey yelled as Zeynep walked towards her and hugged her. "Please don't call me Harley I hate that name." Zeynep said while greeting Merlin. "But that's your real name..." Lindsey said confused. "No my father used that fake name because of you know my family's history I don't want to repeat it." Zeynep said getting annoyed. "Well what's your name now it will be weird not calling Harley." Lindsey said. "Her name is Zeynep and is the best niece I ever had!" Kellin said excited as he hugged her. "I'm going to tell Mihrimah and all of your nieces back in Turkey." Zeynep warned him causing him to pale. "Who's this little angel here?" Zeynep knelt down in front of her. "Her name is Amelie my daughter." Lindsey said proudly while picking her up. "Aww what a a nice name I'm sorry I couldn't be there as we promised..." Zeynep said feeling guilty. "Don't worry I know you wouldn't want to be around you know who and who." Lindsey said in a whisper. "You can be her god mother when she has her first communion the other place was taken by Lindsey's sister." Merlin said after getting the autographs. "I'll gladly be her godmother hopefully I can make some time." Zeynep smiled as she moved hair strands out of Amelie's face. The girl giggled and hid on her mother neck causing Lindsey to smile. "Don't worry I'll make sure she doesn't misses that day." Sinan chimed in. "Ooh Who's this guy your new man?" Lindsey teased. "No he's my boss I brought him to enjoy the concerts." Zeynep said embarrassed. Sinan smiled awkwardly on how many times they mistakenly him for her boyfriend. "He's good looking you'll end up with him you guys look like a perfect match." Lindsey whispered causing Zeynep to groan. "You two oh my god Pelin said the same thing please what's up with you girls." Zeynep said as she stepped back. "Pelin? Oh it's your new friend in Turkey right?" Lindsey asked while putting her daughter down. "Yes she also my coworker." Zeynep said. "Well nice seeing you "Zeynep" we need to collect signatures from other band members bye." Merlin said as he picked his daughter up and ran to the tents. "He's never changed... I hate to say goodbye but catch you later Zeynep when your not busy." Lindsey winked causing Zeynep to face palm. Zeynep was about to head back towards the back of the tent when someone called her name. "Zeynep." Zeynep turned around to see Damon walking towards her smiling. "Can't this day get any worse..." Zeynep whispered to herself. "Zeynep pfft you here well we're else would I thought you'd be." Cheryl Manzoni scoffed while getting autographs from Kellin's band. "Can I take a picture with you Kellin?" Cheryl asked. "Sorry I can't take pictures with someone who sent people to kidnap my niece and is part of the organization that had me kidnapped." Kellin whispered into Cheryl's ear causing her to get pale. "You look beautiful Zeynep." Damon walked up to her and was about to hug her when she stepped back and bumped into Sinan. "Sinan let go sit down I'm a bit tired." Zeynep grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the back of the tent. Damon glared at Sinan as Zeynep took him with her. "Why was he glaring at me?" Sinan asked Zeynep. "Remember in the hospital I told you about an ex that was getting married after not long ago after breaking the engagement with me?" Zeynep asked Sinan who nodded. "That's him that my ex I've been wanting to avoid along with my other ex who you shook hands with." Zeynep said as she greeted her teeth. "Which one?" Sinan asked confused. "Um the guy Kellin firstly introduce us to Andy Biersack." Zeynep said uncomfortable. "Wow I heard that Andy guy was sort of a Casanova these days." Sinan said while looking at black veil brides tent. Zeynep didn't dare to turn around and just sighed. Sinan hugged Zeynep surprising her and making her look up to him. "Don't worry I'll protect you from them even though they want to kill me with their glares." Sinan joked causing Zeynep to laugh and hugged him back. Kellin gave a high five to his band members when they saw them hugging. "Thank you for giving me that support boss." Zeynep joked with Sinan who laughed and still kept hugging her. "No problem Zeynep just pretend they aren't here and enjoy being here with me and your uncle." Sinan said smiling. "You're right I don't need them bothering me." Zeynep turned around and smiled ignoring who was watching. Later that day Zeynep and Sinan walked together following Kellin and his band to his tour bus. Zeynep was zoning off while following her uncle she was startled when Andy pulled her away from the group. "Hello Zeynep nice seeing you pretend you don't know me when we both know we know each other so well." Andy said while grabbing her chin trying to kiss her but Zeynep pushed him away. "Why are you always trying to come back when I clearly don't want you near me ever again stop chasing me." Zeynep said annoyed then walked again but was stopped by and who turned her around. "Who said we could stop this conversation?" Andy pulled her close to him. Zeynep stepped on his foot causing him to let go. "I did you took you own path and don't make me tell Kellin that you were who uncle Murad threaten." Andy paled when he remembered that scene. "I didn't meant to hurt you that day." Andy apologized. "But you did and that can never change the fact that we will never be together ever again please do your life look your getting famous now don't let it slip through your hands this is your dream." Zeynep said as she walked away leaving Andy standing alone. "I'm not going to give up on you." Andy said as he followed her to Kellin's tour bus where Sinan and Kellin were waiting for her. "Sinan let's get out of here..." Zeynep insisted but was interrupted by Andy. "Please tell them who I am to you Harley!" Andy yelled causing Kellin to look at her confused. "He's that guy uncle Murad threaten with a gun on my graduation day." Zeynep said while smirking at Andy. "The audacity you had to pretend to not even know her just to get me to introduce me to her so you could see her!" Kellin said while getting angry. "Kellin I'm sorry..." Andy stopped as Kellin was being held back by security. "Murad should've killed you that day!" Kellin yelled. "Uncle relax you know I moved on now." Zeynep said as she grabbed onto Sinan's hand. "I don't believe any word you say Zeynep prove it kiss him and prove that you're with him." Andy challenged. Zeynep cursed herself for what she was going to do and probably was about to get fired from her job by doing this. She grabbed onto Sinan and tiptoed kissing him on the lips. Sinan was surprised she kissed him but kissed her back snaking his arms around her waist and lifting her without breaking the kiss. Andy backed away with tears in his eyes while Kellin cheered. "Yes there you have it leave her alone!" Kellin yelled proudly. Damon watched from afar where Sinan and Zeynep kissed each other. "Told you she wasn't going to wait forever stop chasing after her." Cheryl whispered into Damon's ear before pulling him away. Sinan and Zeynep separated from the kiss and Sinan put her down. "I'm sorry I got lipstick on you..." Zeynep said as she pulled out a make up wipe and helped Sinan wipes it off. "Don't worry Zeynep." Sinan squeezed her hand and look over at Kellin who stood like an excited puppy waiting for them. "He left yay well I know your my niece boss but if soon you choose to become something else you have my approval." Kellin said proudly shaking Sinan's hand. "Uncle!" Zeynep yelled embarrassed. "Well I have to go now and you guys too you guys have a busy day tomorrow." Kellin said getting sad. "I'm going to miss you Zeynep." Kellin said hugging Zeynep. "I'm going to miss you too uncle promise you'll go to family reunions we need a party animal to bring them to life." Zeynep said laughing. "Oh so Ibrahim isn't enough did he lost his spark?" Kellin asked as Zeynep shook her head as a yes and no. "Kinda he needs you there." Zeynep smiled. "Goodnight and goodbye Kellin." Sinan said as he shook Kellin's hand. "Take care of her she may seems very strong but actually she's very fragile." Kellin said.
   After Sinan brought Zeynep home she didn't know how to feel either to cry or smile. She brought her fingertips to her lips while remembering hers and Sinan's kiss. "Aish he's my boss what am I thinking..." Zeynep went to sleep in her room.

Chased by the Past An Andy Biersack StoryWhere stories live. Discover now