Puppets 3 (The Grand Finale)

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Harley woke up sweating, hearing a beeping sound. "Harley you're awake!" Alexander Grayson approached his daughter that woke up from a coma. "Where am I?" "In the hospital." "What?" Harley croaked out while trying to move her stiff body. "After the doctors rolled Jason in you started to tell me what happened and you blacked out. At first I thought you where just tired but you didn't woke up at the evening and the next day so I had the doctors that you wouldn't wake up so they interned you to this room." "How many days I was passed out." "Five days almost a week." Alexander said as he went to the window an opened the blinds. "Close those damn blinds the Sun hurt my eyes, I haven't seen the light so many days remember!" "Don't need to yell at me Raven!" Alexander yelled at her face. "Well you should've listen or at least acknowledge the situation I'm in." "Hey chill out Harley give your father a break, he hasn't left your side since you where brought in." Dr. Reed said as he checked her vitals. "Your strong like your father's don't think you don't have anything that makes you look like your father, your character, your eyes, and even your perseverance to keep the ones in danger, it comes from your father." "When will I get out of here?" "Tomorrow night. Right now you can visit your friend Jason McAllen he's asking for you and Melanie." "Okay." "I'll get a wheelchair just in case you don't trust your legs." Alexander just looked at Harley fiddling the channels and stop at a show named Dracula. "Alright I'm going to see Jason, chief Grayson can you help me with this ivy thingy." Harley tried to stand but her legs buckle like Bella from twilight saga moments before her daughter was born, gladly she didn't even touch the ground by the help of her father being there. "Thanks dad." Alexander just nodded and set her down in the bed. "Hey have you tried your legs yet girly, or you're going to make your daddy do the work for ya'?" "No one tells me girly and get off my father, you slut!" Harley stood up and tried to ran over to the nurse and give her a piece of her mind, but failed and collapsed against the floor. The ivy unplugged from her arm taking the needle out forcefully when she fell. "Owe! Shit they make these days!" She said as she slid herself to the chair leaving a trace if blood behind of her bleeding hand. She managed to get her self onto the chair and yelled. "Go ahead fuck that Bitch Grayson the quarter back slept with almost every girl but there was one obstacle my mother Ilona and then me and my sister. She said as she moved the chair out of the bedroom. "Harley wait!!!" "Baby let her be she'll get through..." "Get off me and I demand you to clean up and I'll have you fired!" He said as he ran away to go after her daughter. He stopped at the front desk on the floor. "Whoever that nurse is, that right now went to attend my daughter's room I want her fired do you understand!" "Sir please..." "I don't give a damn I Vladimir Alexander Grayson Tepes owner of the half of this town I want you to fire her do you understand last time I tell you!" Jonathan Harker stalked by the floors hallway and saw his planned unveil before him. "We both lost Mina, but you lost one daughter and I gained one, and now you've lost your only thing that kept you here in this earth, I'll make sure of this." He turned to leave but only to be stopped by the nurse, "Give me what we've wager with." "Harker gave her the envelope full of money and went towards Jason's room. Things for Alexander weren't going so well as for Jonathan his mind was set to destroy the man he once considered best friend.

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