Time Passes and Somethings Never Change

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Zeynep woke up early in the morning and went for a jog around the garden when she saw the mail man giving the mail to the security guard. She walked to the security office and asked the security personnel for the mail she flipped through the mail and saw a buy buy baby catalog directed to this address. She was about to argue that the catalog was sent to the wrong address when Sinan got out his car and went to talk to her. "You're having a baby?" Sinan asked curiously. "N...no! This was sent to the wrong address." Zeynep ran towards the security guard and told them about the mistake but the guard said it wasn't to check the book. Zeynep turned to the back of the book to check the address while heading towards where Sinan was standing. "It says it's for this address for..." Zeynep looked at Sinan surprised to see to who was it sent towards to. Zeynep tearing up grabbed the phone and dialed the number of the person. "You Why didn't you tell me that I was going to be an aunt?! Wait you're here in New York when did...." Zeynep hung up as soon as she saw Cenk's car pulled up. Zeynep ran up to Mihrimah and pulled her to the side. "Are you really p...." Zeynep was cutoff by Mihrimah's hand on her mouth stoping her from spilling the tea. "She meant if I was pretty sure if I wanted the bridesmaids to be pink!" Mihrimah yelled nervous as she pulled Zeynep into the house leaving Cenk and Sinan confused. "Oh hey I'm Cenk Çelen Mihrimah's fiancé." Cenk shook Sinan's hand. "I'm Sinan Egemen Zeynep's boss." Sinan said smiling. "Welcome let's enter inside it's getting pretty warm out here." Cenk invited Sinan to the mansion as he opened the door. Mihrimah pushed Zeynep inside to her room and locked it then dragged her to her bathroom. "I ordered this damn catalog just to get ideas what I'll need." Mihrimah said as she looked through the pages then threw the catalog on the ground. "So you're pregnant?" Zeynep asked. "No I'm not but I think I might be..." Mihrimah started walking back and forth nervous. "Um you can always go to the doctor?" Zeynep suggested. "Cenk might want to tag along also and also ask why am I going to the doctor." Mihrimah said frustrated not knowing what to do. "Oh yeah he's one of the security still of the family and you can't just go with another because he will ask...." Zeynep tapped her foot trying to think of a way to help her sister. "Why don't you with me shopping right now!" Zeynep said as she pushed Mihrimah out of her bathroom. "Okay..." Mihrimah answered unsure what Zeynep was up to. "Let me shower I can't go all sweaty like that!" After Zeynep got out of the shower and changed she grabbed her purse and got out her room. "Let's go!" Zeynep called to her sister who sat on her bed still confused. They went down to the living room where Cenk and Sinan where talking. "Sinan I forgot I don't have anything to wear for tonight's fashion show so I'm going shopping with my sister also you can give me hints on what to wear and not to." Zeynep smiled at Sinan while Cenk groaned. "Don't worry Cenk you don't have to come wait don't come with us at all we'll be safe with Sinan so yeah let's go!" Zeynep dragged Mihrimah out of there before Cenk said something to them. Sinan followed them outside and Zeynep dragged Mihrimah towards Sinan's car. "We'll use this car today." Zeynep said smiling while Sinan opened the car. "Wouldn't a car like Cenk's would be appropriate for shopping?" Sinan asked confused. "Get in the car I'll tell you after we leave." Zeynep said as she got in the car. After a while in the car Mihrimah and Zeynep kept checking if any car followed them. "I think we're cleared so here is the thing since your car isn't tracked by my family's security we can go to our destination without anyone knowing." Mihrimah said as she made herself comfortable. "It's because umm I was kidnapped more than once in the past so my family doesn't want any more of those accidents happen." Zeynep said looking down to her lap. "Well were did you guys wanted to go to exactly that Cenk doesn't need to know?" Sinan asked as he checked for any familiar car. "To the gynecologist give him the address." Zeynep order Mihrimah who grabbed the paper and gave it to Sinan. "You know he will probably just head to the mall since he didn't pay much attention to what car we are on." Sinan suggested. "Let's not just relax just yet anyways are we going the right way?" Zeynep asked. Sinan just nodded and kept driving in silence till they got there. When they arrived Mihrimah got out and took a deep breath. Zeynep was about to follow her as her sister got out but she was stopped by Mihrimah. "I have to do this on my own you guys go get ready for the fashion show I'll take a cab later." Mihrimah said as she pushed Zeynep back into the car. "Wouldn't it look suspicious that you came back on a different car?" Zeynep asked. "No I'll tell him after you guys made out on the changing room of the mall you guys where heading to his place and then head over to the fashion show." Mihrimah said smiling while Zeynep's turned from worried to horror. "That did not happened at all!" Zeynep yelled at her sister while she blew a kiss. "Well now you'll have to go change to his place to make it believable for me." Mihrimah said while she laughed on her way to the doctors office door. "Let's go to the mall..." Zeynep said annoyed on what her sister made her do. Once they where on the mall they shopped on a few stores and got out. "Well let's go to....um get ready for the show." Zeynep hid her embarrassed face by looking out the window. As Sinan drove over to the way his loft was. As they got inside the loft Sinan led Zeynep into a room. "Don't worry this loft has two rooms so you can get ready here and I'll go to my room." Sinan said as he opened the door to the room. After getting changed the both got out the rooms and met up in the living room. "Do you mind if we get something to eat first?" Zeynep asked Sinan while he nodded and opened the door for her. They went to the restaurant downstairs and didn't eat that much since in the fashion show they were going to offer treats. They sat down and watch the fashion show start and saw the models strutting along the runway.

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