No Way Out

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Harley stared at Derek who was pacing up and down. "Ok I got it!" Harley stared Derek now with confusion. "Get what?" "We'll run together we will change names you'll be um I don't know a pick a name you like and I'll be Jake and we will live a life together away from everyone and Harker mostly from him!" Harley rolled her eyes. "I prefer rot here til my father find me Derek." "No! Let's run off together!" "I don't like you at all not even now you moron you killed the little chance you had when you betrayed me!" Harley banged her hands on the bed. Derek grabbed Harley's hands and kissed them which Harley yanked them away. "All I ask is for you to love me and you'll be free." "You're sick just like your father." "No! I'm not!" Derek hit Harley which knocked her out cold on the bed. "Harley! Harley!!! What have I done my father is going to kill me!" A door slammed open which caused Derek to panic and left Harley laying down on the bed. He went to the living room to see Jonathan Harker pulling Lindsey and Merlin into the house. "Help me put them in the basement put a rag on their mouth I don't want them yelling and our little guest up there to know some of here little friends are here." "Where's my sister?" "She's alright she's going to be reunited with her mother soon enough." "Why you let her go weren't we luring my mom here?" "Melanie has no use for us anymore only for her to replace Harley." "That's not happening." "I wasn't finished Derek." "Then stop pausing god damn it." "Did you not know what the bitch of your sister did?!" "I'm asking you what's going on and you just keep freaking pausing!" "She let Harley run around the house while she chased her not only that she put on some similar clothes like Harley and was yelling there can only be one and was about to stab her but I knocked your crazy sister out and left her in the warehouse where I found these two meddling around alone." "I mean craziness runs in the family so I'm not surprised..." Jonathan choked Derek against the wall. "Shut up and be useful and help me with them and don't try to do something stupid with Harley because I won't hesitate to kill you even if you're my son." Jonathan tapped Derek's chest with his gun while Derek looked away annoyed. "Go to the station and report to your shift like nothing happened we don't need to draw attention." Derek left pissed towards his job. Harley dreamt about waking up with no cuff on her foot she got up and ran down the stairs towards the downstairs hallway it seemed like she was in a hotel precisely an abandoned one seeing most stuff was worked out. She tried looking for a lobby when the elevator door open and Harley froze. "Oh Harley you want know why isn't you free is to kill you now there can only be one Harley!" Harley turned confused to see Melanie dressed like Harley running at her with a knife. Melanie tackled Harley and tried stabbing her but Harley didn't give up the fight and tried saving her. All of a sudden Jonathan Harker out of the blue came out and hit Melanie on the head with his gun. "Get up Grayson." She moved Melanie off her and got up Harker grabbed her arm and dragged up the stairs to the room she was kept. Harker threw Harley to the bed then grabbed her leg and cuffed it. "I knew this dumb girl would do something like that now don't try to escape if you don't want your family to get hurt you hear me!" Harker yelled at Harley while grabbing her by the hair the let her go. "Oh and please don't listen to Derek you know your father and mother are at stake here." Harker warned before leaving. Harley jolted up in the bed and hugged the pillow to calm her down from the memory that haunted her now a days. ~Meanwhile Lindsey and Merlin where fed by both Harker's in the basement and were left alone. "Are you ok Lindsey?" "Not comfortable many days had passed and they haven't found us." "Don't exaggerate only 1or 3 months have passed." Lindsey struggled to turn and look at Merlin but couldn't because they were both tied to a pole. "Harker have moved us from the beds to here and back one day he'll get bored and let us go." "Can't wait." A door was opened and foot steps down the stairs could be heard Merlin looked up all bruised and bloodied to see that it was Derek with tray that had a bottle, a rag, and under one arm a rope. He set it up on the table then went to Merlin and untied him from the pole. "Let's talk up stairs shall we Merlin." Derek dragged Merlin up to the living room were Harker was polishing some guns. "Sit him in the chair right in-front." Derek did as instructed and stood next to the sofa where Jonathan was sitting. "Did you put the little cub to sleep?" "She's having a very good night rest she won't here anything." Derek said as he just leaned against the doorframe while watching Merlin. "Well let's begin so Merlin who you want to be freed first you or Lindsey?" "Lindsey Of course." "Wrong answer." Derek punched Merlin in the gut. "If we let her go before you then when we free you she will see you half dead and she be terrified but if you leave now you will have time to heal before she's released back to you and your friends." Harker said as moving the gun around while he spoke. "Chose." "I still say her." "Last response?" "Ye...." Derek hit Merlin not only on his abdomen but his face until he knocked him out. Jonathan sighed and got up and went into the basement but before that he looked at Derek. "Take him and leave him on the side of the road of the forest, let's leave the girl on that old cabin and burn her in there." Derek nodded and untied Merlin and took him away when her got in the car he was trembling of what his father trying to do to Lindsey. He took merl8n to the outskirts of the woods and placed him in the middle of the road and left back to where they had Lindsey and Harley. He climbed off the car and went to the basement to see Lindsey passed out all bloody and bruised. "She tried to run away no grab her let's take her into the cabin." Derek grabbed Lindsey from the truck and placed her in the middle cabin and cuffed her to the pole. Lindsey woke up and saw Derek tying her to a different place. "Where are we?" "I'm sorry Lin." "What you mean by sorry Derek." "For everything." Derek left and leaned against the truck while Harker went in with the gasoline. Harker made a circle around Lindsey with the gasoline and splash everything with gasoline except her. "Don't worry you won't burn but if they are late to save you well you might end up crisped." Jonathan Harker laughed and left then created a little path and lit a match. "Goodbye firebird you're annoying personality wont be missed in my class." Harker threw the match on the little gasoline trail and it ignited on fire and quickly spread around the cabin. Derek closed his eyes and got in the truck and looked away Harker got on the truck and drove back to were Harley stayed. "Go to work Derek." Derek just got out without saying a word and left get ready to work. Upon arriving his house he entered it and threw stuff around his room while crying Melanie rushed in the room and demanded him to tell her what's wrong. "Your father is sick Melanie now what are you doing here?" "Came to pick up the last things on my bedroom our mother will pick me up soon." Derek left into the bathroom changed and went back to his room and grabbed his stuff. "Good luck with her have a better life with her." "Derek you can come too mother wants..." "Not now I have to stop our father." "Following his directions wont get you near to stop him." Derek turned around and slapped Melanie. "Focus on getting Jason back that's what you wanted no? Now leave me the hell alone." He left the house towards his job. Jason, Mihrimah, and Damon were in the woods searching for Merlin and Lindsey. "I got the info of my father that there's an old cabin near by these coordinates we might be near." The walked for a few minutes and stopped to take a break. "Do you smell that?" "Fire." Mihrimah answer Jason. She ran towards where the smell was coming from till they arrived at the cabin Damon mentioned which was on fire and screaming was heard. "Help me! Ahhhhhh!" "Lindsey!" Jason rushed into the cabin breaking the door. Damon turned to Mihrimah. "Call ty fire fighters if we don't come out run don't go in!" Mihrimah nodded while crying Damon rushed after Jason. "Lindsey where are you!?" Both yelled trying to cover their face with their arm so they won't inhale smoke. The ran down the corridor past the living room and saw Lindsey passed out cuffed to the pole. "Get something to cut her off!" Jason went back to the corridor and found the fire kit on the wall and took the axe. Damon checked Lindsey vitals which where weak. "Jason!" "I'm on it." "I'll spread her hands try hitting the middle please don't chop her hands!" "Let me practice here!" He pointed at the wall. "Hurry we don't have much time!" Jason hit the wall till he got decently consistent. "Ready!" Damon uncovered his mouth and grabbed Lindsey hands and spread them away to where the cuffs were stretched enough to be cut. Jason swing the axe de times hit the pole before he hit right on the cuff which got it cut in half Damon then picked up Lindsey and ran towards the entrance but was already blocked off by the caved in ceiling and fire. "Fuck!" Jason and Damon raised down the corridor towards the back of the cabin. "Try making whole here and hurry!" Jason hit the wall of a room that was still untouched by the fire and tried making a while to get out. Mihrimah saw the police and firefighters arriving and she ran towards them. "Please help my friends went in their to find our friends!" Firefighters started to put off the fire. Meanwhile Jason weakly managed to make a whole big enough for them to escape. They ran bit into the forest and coughed out the smoke they inhaled. "Jason let's go back to Mihrimah." "You go on ahead I'll stay here and take a break..." Jason collapsed on the ground. "Fuck I'll be right back with help!" Damon ran along the fire cabin towards the firefighters and Mihrimah who was standing with mr Grayson and Lucy Westerna. "Damon!" Mihrimah yelled as Damon ran to them with Lindsey in his arms paramedics rushed to them. They took Lindsey off his arms and urged him to an ambulance but he refused. "Follow me..." he walked weakly towards where Jason laid them collapsed on the ground. He pointed to him and dropped on the ground and collapsed too. Medics picked both guys up on stretchers while Grayson held Mihrimah from keeping her from running towards danger. The paramedics place the guys on the ambulance with Lindsey and Mihrimah got on the one Lindsey was in and left with them towards the hospital. They arrived at the hospital and were rushed in. Mihrimah walked back and forth on the waiting room til she heard another paramedics rushing someone in. She peeked out the doorway and saw Lady Jane rushing Merlin into the hospital yelling that he had several injuries and was almost without pulse. "Merlin!" Mihrimah ran next to his stretcher and followed him. "He can't hear you please stay her Mihrimah you can't enter any farther." Mina said as she pushed her out the restricted area of emergency area. Mihrimah walked back and saw her so called mother and walked up to her which she was talking to Grayson. "Where was he found?" "On the outskirts of the woods near the road." "Why are you here?" Jason, Damon, and I found Lindsey on a burning cabin, Jason and Damon rescued her out and passed out of exhaustion and from the smoke they inhaled." "Are you alright?" "No I'm worried for them but mostly where Harley god damn it was she in the fire too or she's still missing?!" "Reports were done after the fire was put out and no one else was there." Raymond said while walking with Lucy and Melanie. "You are the one that made this ever since you came back they disappeared and now that they are back they are in danger cause of your wretched family!" Mihrimah slapped Melanie and fought her but was pulled back from her by Grayson and Raymond. Lucy held Melanie back while Melanie laughed. "I didn't do anything so don't blame me I was in the same state Merlin was when I was freed think why would my father hurt me?!" "He always hit you so why would he beat up now probably you did something to Harley!" "He wasn't the one that kidnapped me but whatever I was set free now I'm with my mother and Jason." Melanie started sobbing while holding onto Lucy who soothes her. "Smurfit control your daughter!" Lucy said annoyed. "She's not my mother." Mihrimah walked back to the waiting area and shoulder bumped Melanie. Lady Jane looked away while Lucy just glared and Grayson stared at her with questioning look. "I have to get back to work." "Jane what did Mihrimah mean?" "She's not lying but please don't ask right now go ask your wife." Jane left wiping her tears. "Wait what my wife she's dead..." Family of Damon Alexander Gürpinar?!" Mina yelled out looking for Raymond. Mihrimah walked towards her and so did Raymond Grayson looked at Lucy and Melanie then turned to see Mina standing there with a clipboard on her hand with the name tag that said Lucy Westerna. He ran towards her and pinned her against the wall while Mina screamed. "You lied to my face and kept all these years hidden both of you! You didn't care if our daughters were sick or if I found the other one! Not even that you didn't care to show up when Lucy arrived back to town!!!" He yelled as he was pulled away from Mina who dropped down the floor crying while Alexander yelled at her. "You don't know how much I suffered wishing to see you again but now I don't want to even see your face ever again!" Alexander left while Mina yelled his name and Mihrimah whispered to Raymond to message her the health of her friends and ran after Alexander before shooting a glare at her own mother.

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