The Way to Finding the Truth is More Diffcult than Learning a Lie

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Harley thumped her head against the desk as she fell asleep in class while hearing music. The teacher was explaining something about how homeostasis work on the body. Damon looked over to Harley and smiled while he also had his head on the desk. Melanie grunted as she glared at Harley and Damon being lazy in class. Mrs. McAllen turned around to Melanie's voice and asked. "Miss Harker is there something wrong?" Melanie uncrossed her arms and pointed at Harley and Damon. "How can we have to listen to this but not them they are asleep!" Melanie jumped up her chair and was going to wake up Harley when the teacher went up to Damon and Harley and woke them up. "Grayson and Ayala can you explain what I was saying to the class." Harley rubbed her eyes and stared at the teacher then at the PowerPoint. "You were talking about one of the mechanisms on how homeostasis work." Mrs.McAllen seemed pleased then turned to Damon who said bored. "First we have to some sort of stimulus like if there's a fire the response will automatically is evacuate the area into safety and away from the fire." "Correct Melanie can you give another example of fight flight homeostasis mechanisms?" Melanie looked at the teacher surprised not knowing that what she made a fuss about it would backfire towards her. "Um.. there has to be something in order for us to react?" The teacher sighed disappointed and walked to the front of the classroom. "I was expecting a better explanation from you Miss. Harker since your father is one of the teachers here I would've guessed he would've reached you to use a better vocabulary to answer a question." Mrs. McAllen turned to the PowerPoint, clicked to the last slide of the PowerPoint, and explained the very last part of it before turning in front of her desk to address the class. "Alright students this is all for chapter 11 we will have a quiz next time we meet so please study exam 5 will be after we finish chapter 12 and it will be on chapters 10,11,and 12 so better be studying and be preparing for that exam also." Every single students got up or packed their stuff to get out the class. Harley got up and walked towards Jason and whispered to him. "Good job Sherlock your little girlfriend landed us a quiz." She rolled her eyes at him then left the classroom door and walked straight to the lockers. "So a quiz huh?" Damon stood next to Harley while she put her books inside the locker. Harley accidentally dropped a book on the ground when she remembered Andy saying that same thing when he was with her for one day at school. Damon worried grabbed the books and put them in the locker himself. "Are you alright Harley?" Damon grabbed Harley's face to make him look up to him. Harley seemed in lost of thought bought was brought back when Damon caressed her cheek with his finger. She looked up and saw a figure looking at her she saw Andy standing in front of her but sweared she heard her fiancé's voice. She cleaned her eyes and the vision Of Andy disappeared to see the face she knew since she was little staring at her with a worried face. "I'm... fine just remembered something but it's not important." "What was it?" "It was probably of Andy Biersack's face and a memory of him and hers." Melanie sneered while leaning on a locker. Harley moved Damon aside and went up to Melanie. Harley punched the locker near Melanie's face and smiled. "I was more like remembering when your boyfriend Jason left you cause he still liked me and preferred to be with me than you." Lindsey tried hiding her laughter by digging her head on Merlin's shoulder while Merlin and Jason looked at the girls shocked. Mihrimah stopped walking from the class as soon as she heard what her sister said. "Oh, fuck!" Mihrimah then erupted of laughter while saying burn to Melanie. Damon just stood there calmed while staring at the girls ready to jump at each other. "Look Melanie I'm not the obsessed girl here I have a wonderful boyfriend slash fiancé I don't need any ghost form the past. Oh, and also girl you've been fighting for a ring like this but at this point I don't think we will never see it on you." Harley smirked then walked towards Damon kissed him, closed her locker, and walked outside with Damon by her side holding hands. Melanie stood there shocked and pissed about what Harley said. Mihrimah just decided to follow the couple without getting noticed. Merlin patted Jason's back where he stood motionless looking at Melanie, then left with Lindsey towards the exit. Jason with a hint of jealousy towards Damon holding Harley and kissing her decided to leave after them but was stopped by Melanie teared eyed. "Babe..." "Not now Melanie go study with your friends I need some time alone." Jason grabbed Melanie's hand and took it off his shoulder and walked away leaving her there staring as he left. Tracey walked up to Melanie and looked at Jason's figure disappearing out the building. "Don't worry doll we will make them suffer soon enough." Tracey moved strands of Melanie's hair while whispered those words in her ears.

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