It was my turn to answer the question.

"Number 45" I said, looking at Pastor Dennis, he seemed to be confused himself. I looked at the audience, they were more interested in this competition than they ever have. I looked at Toni's direction as she gave me "the you can do this"  smile.

"Oops, this is the last question" Pastor Dennis said, and then looking straight at me he said "If you don't get it right, Ephraim gets a chance, if he gets it right he wins, if he doesn't, we have a tie,both of you would be winners". He explained  "Is that clear?" He asked

" What if I get it right" I asked, with my usually confidence.

" Oops, I forgot to talk about that" he paused and whispered with the other teens coordinator's

"We'll have another round after the Sermon, is that alright with you"

I nodded and prayed silently that I know the answer.

"David had two sisters, give us their names"

What?!?!? Why don't I know that? How don't I know that.

Those were the questions I asked myself as I started at my feet. The 20 seconds to answer was over,but I believed they were hoping I'll get the answer.

This wasn't happening.

I screamed inside, as the bell rang. All I could pray for was that this Ephraim guy wouldn't get the answer. At least I would still win.

I looked up and saw the disappointed look on Toni's face, Pastor Dennis didn't show any emotions but I was sure he was confused.

"So Ephraim, you have a chance, twenty seconds"

" Okay sir" The Ephraim guy said, and for once I listened to his voice, and I couldn't but feel butterflies in my stomach has he said the answer fluently.

"Zeruiah and Abigail" he said.

The church was silent, I was very sure he got it, I had read that part of the Bible before, 1 Chronicles 2. How could I have forgotten.

All I heard next was applause, he was declared winner, my winning streak was broken by a boy with an heart melting voice.



• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
The service was over and I tried to feel good, I was still an amazing teenager with an amazing relationship with the holy Spirit. I was going to congratulate the mystery guy as soon as I was done greeting the ministers that ministered. Apart from the whole quiz episode, the program was amazing one and I was greatly blessed.

After greeting the guest minister, I walked up to Toni who was now speaking to some people, I guessed they were the friends she talked about.

"Baby girl" I called out to her tickling her by the side.

" Hey guys, meet my best friend, I'm sure you know her, Jemima" she said to her friends holding me by the waist.

"Yes we do" Dare, the tallest one said

"I think I know you guys too" I said smiling "You were at the last teens camp right? "

"Oh yes" Dare said "how about your sister, Anne"

"She's fine oo" I replied

I knew three of them, Dare, Samuel and Anita. We talked for a while about school and all, I got to know Dare was also an aspirant of my dream school Excellers University.

"You mean you are aspiring to attend Excellers" I asked him.

" Yes ooo" he replied

" Same here" I told him

" Wao, let me introduce you to Ephraim then, he is a student of the school" he said as he called Ephraim who was sitting quietly at a corner.

My heart skipped a beat as he walked closer to us, he was more than a beauty to behold, he was breathtakingly handsome. I had to caution my self as I ran through my heart for lessons on lust I had listened to over the years. It was okay to admire him I told myself.

"Ephraim meet Jemima, I'm sure you've seen her nahhh, omo that your competition was hot oo" Dare said

" Like I was just  so attentive, I couldn't believe anyone could be better than Jemi" Samuel added.

I felt nervous but I gained back my confidence as I stretched out my hand for an hand shake.

"Hello, my name is Jemima" I said my hand stretched out.

" Okay" Ephraim said without taking my hands his eyes didn't even leave the phone in his hands.

I was shocked and embarrassed. I took back my hands, and held Toni.

That was beyond embarrassing...

The others simply laughed it off but I couldn't shake the embarrassment off, who did he think he was to snub me.

• • • • • • • • • • • •


I remembered Dare saying he schooled here but I never thought about the fact that we would ever meet. Our first encounter wasn't the best.

But the looks in his eyes now made me remember how I felt the first time I looked at him.

How much of Ephraim will I get to see, I thought to myself has I stared at his cute eyes.


Hey guys 🤗🤗🤗

So here's is another update.

Have you ever been in a competition like that?
Trust me that feeling Jemi had😣😣😣. I've been  there...
So comment your thoughts about this Chapter...

Don't forget to vote and tell your friends about the book.

I love you.


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