chapter 6 (Not Again)

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Rosalia's POV

immediately I opened the door a gun was pointed at my temple indirectly telling me to keep quiet and walking inside slowly.

Coming here was a damn trap Robert set up for me that asshole will do anything to make a dollar he doesn't even care if the person involved dies.
There were three buff men sitting down on the sofa in the room looking old and battered the guy with the gun took me to the middle of the room and made me kneel down.

Before one of them finally spoke up,so your the new dancer he asked. I didn't answer because I was terrified. he stood up and came close to me and pulled out his gun and raised my chin with it .

"When I ask a question you answer or I'll blow your brains out (understand)

I nodded swiftly.
Anyways me and my guys here need you to put on a little show here before we take you to our boss.

"I gulped"
You can get out of this Rosa I thought to myself .
The man with the gun roughly grabbed me by my elbow and forced me to stand up .
Either you do as we say or we'll reverse the case and have fun with your little friend down there he said and pointed the gun in between my legs.

My eyes widened in horror his expression sent cold shivers down my spine.
"Let me go" I screamed hopefully thinking someone's gonna hear me .

And a twisted smile was plastered on his face. You can scream all you want but I can assure you no one would hear your pathetic little voice

I was petrified it was three against me and they were twice bigger and bulkier than me .so I felt my only option was to scream at the top of my lungs praying someone is gonna hear me and come and help me out but I was wrong because the walls of the private rooms were thick cause either its been used for private conversations between Mafiosos or private revendous.

I don't have any other option than to try out my luck with these guys and escape and if I don't act fast they'll take me to their so called boss and I couldn't let that happen.

I'm tired of being trampled upon being told what to do because I'm defenseless everyone sees me as the weak damsel in distress who can't face her demons on her own no not this time I wouldn't go down without a fight I thought to myself .

Writer's POV

She quickly raised her elbows and hit him hard on his stomach. She turned swiftly and kneed him hard in the crotch making him groan .she immediately threw her fragile body on him and started scratching him on his face and arms letting all the rage she felt at that moment down on him.

The other men quickly rushed her and grabbed her off him before she could pluck out His eyes with her nails.
Each held her both arms and she kept on kicking and struggling. While he stood up hr gave her a hard slap across her face .

I believe since she likes the hard way its time to take her to the boss he'll know how to tame her and with that they carried me out of the room

I was shouting at the top of my lungs and kicking my legs in the air while they took me out .
"Shut up you dumb bitch one of the guys said and covered my mouth.

Rosa's POV

We were on the corridor that led to the backdoor of the club when someone came out from one of the rooms a gun in his hand pointed straight at us .

It was him he stood there a gun in his hand his gaze cold and expressionless.
" I believe the lady said let her go he said casually" The guy who I attacked spoke up

who the hell are you and why do you care about this damn slut.
That statement made my blood boil how dare him call her a slut and the look on Rosa's face when he called her a slut was so sad like she was withholding tears from rolling down her cheeks .
She doesn't deserve any of this .

Your going to let her go and I'll let you walk away in peace Luca said and they pulled out their guns and pointed it straight at him then one on my temple .

Luca didn't even flinch for one second he stared at them like he was their soul reaper.

If I were you he started I would think wisely before doing something that you'll regret.

You think we are scared of you "Luca Romano"its so surprising your lap dogs ain't here with you. As you can see its three against one so we suggest you leave while you still can and we'll pretend like we didn't cross paths. Because i don't see any reason why you want to play innocent and save this bimbo because as far as I can remember your just like us .

What is this man saying,and how does he know Luca,and what does he mean by him and Luca are alike,does that mean Luca also kidnaps defenseless women I thought to myself .

"Shut up you dumbass" me and you are not alike and can never be alike you know why because I don't force women to what they don't want.

Now enough with all this chit chat .
You have five seconds to let her go he said calmly with a hint of threat in his words.
What are you going to do

And blood splashed on my face, I felt the the guy that held me grip loosen his grip on me slowly till he fell .
Yes Luca shot him in the head .Get over here he shouted although I was scared ASF
I ran over there and stood behind his him .

I was petrified I closed my eyes so I wouldn't see anything,I heard two more gunshots and my hands covered my ears instantly. I could hear the screams of people in the main room echoing.

He finally turned to me and I opened my eyes tears rolling down my cheeks as I looked down at the bodies each with a hole in the head .
Luca didn't even look affected on bit looked like he's done it a countless number of times .

Boss someone shouted from the other end of the corridor and we both turned and standing there was one of the men at the club that was with Luca .
He finally approached us.

"Beg hai presto il tho damato tempo Angelo" (well you took your damn time Angelo)

"Mi displace capo pensavo Che Rossi ancora occupato con i capelli rossi"
(I'm sorry boss I thought you were still with the red hair)

Your lucky I had everything under control Luca said.

I had no idea about what they were saying but it didn't bother me because I was so relived and happy those men didn't harm me and it was all because of Luca

He's always there
Although he was bossy and dangerous,I am glad he's here . though I still couldn't figure out why he was everywhere. But I'm also kinda relived that I wasn't alone .
Though I'm not supposed to feel safe around him but I just can't help it.

He makes me feel safe to the point that I just want to feel his strong arms around me .
Just a few minutes ago I was almost raped and abducted to be given off to God knows who I was desperate and my only option at that moment was to trust Luca

And I'm glad I did

So Rosa has a guardian angel😇😊😂
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