chapter 5 (oops)

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Since my last encounter with Luca I was more paranoid than usual . I checked every corner and street I passed by,I checked every face and sometimes even a guy with black hair is enough to startle me.
I just couldn't stop thinking about how he knew where I wondered  how he knew where to find me and the coldness in his eyes telling me how much he wanted me like a hunter targeting his next prey.

From the moment I met him I knew he was dangerous and I don't need to stick around long enough to know how much . so I have to stop and get rid of him haunting my thoughts and dreams

The same distressing music blasted through the club like every other night.
And every girl was busy doing their jobs while I was serving the table before me. When my eyes drifted to the disturbance at the entrance of the club .

And for a second I couldn't believe me my eyes it was him . He was here.
Luca walked down the club with so much confidence and elegance like he owned the place, he was followed by three men all dressed in casual black suits.
My heart was racing and my eyes held captive in his every move hoping that he was here for me somehow, but he hasn't seen me and I doubt he would recognize me behind this heavy makeup I put on.
It was clear he wasn't here for me this time "but then why was he here"?
I watched him curiously he walked through the room like a man on a mission

Powerful,rich,admired,protected. Money is definitely not a problem for men like him . he could have anything he wants from,clothes,shoes,cars,mansions,to women. and here I am living a life that everything I ever have is been taken from me at a point .

The special VIP Booth next to the stage ,on the other side of the club was cleared out specially for him and his men. Everything about them is just so intimidating from their looks to the way they walk .
Luca took a leather seat very close to the stage while the rest of his men stood near him like they were guarding him . only a very powerful man with a hand full of enemies need such security detail.

Waitresses rushed in and served them the best wine in the club while another man in his late fifties in a fancy black blazer joined them .
My eyes were fixed on Luca he looks as sexy as the first time when we met.

After some minutes Luca and the man on blazer shook hands like they just closed a business deal.

They made a toast and both took sips of their drinks . then three strippers joined them .one of the girls moved to Luca's laps and straddled his waist as his hands guide her hips to move her closer . then she tilted his head to the side giving her access to nibble and suckle on his skin to give him a hickey. He was looking straight at the stage like he wasn't feeling anything she was doing . but then she turned his face slightly and he brought his lips down on hers savoring her roughly his hand gripped her hair gently tugging her closer. his lips looked so soft although the scene was disgusting and it shows the kind of man he is but yet I feel the tingles in between my legs . the more I stared at them made me wish I was the girl on his lap letting him taste me .

What the hell is wrong with me "I thought to myself".

I left the counter unable to continue watching Luca I went to the changing room. I knew my shift wasn't over and I have to go back out to round up before the boss sees me. But I need Luca to leave ,I don't want him to recognize me or see me here.

"Rosa"Robert Called out
"Everything okay I asked"? He threw some skimpy revealing lingerie on me . it was just like the ones the pole dancers were wearing tonight .

"I need you on stage tonight" he said and for a moment I stopped breathing.
"What"! The club is full tonight and Bella hasn't turned up so I need you to take her place . "No"! Robert I can't please don't make me. Get dressed and get your damn ass on stage "Rosa"
But you have experienced backup dancers why me Robert?
He was furious now
Because men want you and I'm tired of your bullshit .

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