chapter 2

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Rosalia's pov

I ran,watching asshole number two already getting closer .I knew if I wasn't fast enough they will get to me again . I ran into the park this may not be the smartest choice but it is the only option I have now at least I can find a place to hide until they go. I Keep running although the sounds of their footsteps keep making me look over my shoulders

I was running faster when I hit something solid, making me stumble backwards. A
strong arm,snaked around my waist preventing me from falling to the ground .

I open my mouth to scream but the man holding me covers my mouth with his free hand

"And when my eyes meet his I froze"

My eyes widen as they meet with his cold hazel eyes he holds my gaze with so much intensity that my knees grow weak .

I was lost in his eyes they portray darkness and danger but somehow It gave me strange feeling of protection .

He carefully removed his hand from my mouth not breaking eye contact .'shit' i remembered I was on the run what if this guy is one of them I thought to myself. while i was, lost in thoughts i felt a strong hand on my shoulders .i was about to hit him in the face when his hand moved my body behind him as if he was protecting me from someone .

'Hey asshole' that" pussy " is ours one of the men said as soon as they stopped I couldn't see them from behind this man's back .
I trembled, feeling fear take over my whole body "yeah I don't think so " the man protecting me said ,his voice was deep,husky,and demanding .

"let's see about that " one of my attacker said I could notice the defiance in his voice ,I peek behind his back and I see my attackers with knives preparing to attack at any second .

"please" I tried to find the words to say but theman cut me off immediately "stay behind me and don't do anything stupid ".

He was focused on the attackers his expression emotionless ,he was seeking blood and I was terrified fear taking over my fragile body .

One of the men ran towards us his hands turned into fists and in full rage before he got close the man helping me tossed the knife out of his hands and twisted his arms he took his head and smashed on his knee making my attacker stumble back in pain, he kicked him in the crotch he knelt down in severe pain the man helping me raised his head and slit his throat blood oozing out immediately I screamed in fear.

The second attacker threw sharp blades at us but he was fast enough to duck he stood up immediately and threw his fists hard at the attacker's face punching him hard till he fell down. The man helping me used his boots and slammed his head to the ground and he died .

My breath was stuck in my throat the scene was so horrible how can someone be so ruthless I thought to myself .

With his back to me he took out. Tissue from his pocket and cleaned his bloody knuckles ,when he finished he turned around to face me the lights are dim yet I could see the pure darkness in his eyes , he stops staring at me because he knows am afraid of him and he was right he may have saved me but it doesn't erase ,the fact that he killed those men in cold blood in front of me.

"Are you okay"? He asked breaking the silence ,I simply nod trying to put my self together "alright" where do u live?

I didn't want to tell him where I live ,although he helped me he was still a stranger a very dangerous one.

"I will be okay from here " I told him . "do you have a car nearby" he asked! No I need to walk to the bus station okay I'll walk you there he said no need I told him .

Can't you see i'm trying to "fuckin" help you here ! Your in the middle of a park alone and I'm sure these guys aren't the only ones looking for a fragile girl like you to take advantage of
And for for some sick reason I believed him , I took a deep breath and nodded at him And we left the park together

After a few minutes of walking in silence we got to the bus station,I walked away from him a little bit so I could take a better look at him . he is tall ,has a beautiful black hair that matches his hazel eyes . a perfect white tanned skin . A defined Jawline and a little facial hair that makes him look

After a little while of waiting a familiar noise made me look up it was my bus I sighed in relief it got close and stopped I entered and
he shouted after me "hey" tell me your name he said I smiled thinking if I should tell him or not but he saved me after all and I wouldn't see him again
So I decided to tell him

My name is "Rosalia"

Another short chapter I apologize
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