chapter 4 (Thoughts)

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Luca's POV

I sat behind my desk, my dress shirt unbuttoned midway and my suit tossed on the ground a few feet from me because that woman did something to me today.
I was so full of rage and so fucking aroused that I could barley keep my clothes on.

I usually spend up all my days punching someone's face or locked up at my office in the mansion buried in papers,plans,transactions or arranging the dates for deliveries or missions.

But today was different cause I got my mind preoccupied with something else, its short ,its has a long brown hair ,soft green eyes , small doll face and a smartass mouth that drives me fucking crazy. "Rosalia".

I stare outside the windows of my huge office ,my elbows resting on the arms of my leather chair , while I keep try to figure out what's about this woman that drives me so mad about her.

Maybe because I've not met someone with such a pure soul and I don't even know about her yet . the night I saved her she made me respect her and want her with her courage and fierceness.

She amused me with her smartass mouth today when she threatened me and that just made me want her more.
She made me hard without even touching me. I've been with a long list of women far more beautiful and more experienced than her and none of them could pull this off

" how couldn't I be curious"

I want her I could easily grab her tiny body ,carry her over my shoulder and make her mine 'because I'm "Luca Romano" and I can do whatever I please with her .
But i hate when she looks at me with fear buried in her brown eyes

When I grabbed her wrist this morning I felt her pulse change and her eyes filled with fear and panic . it made me feel cold I couldn't do that to her not after everything she has been through.

"When did I become such a pussy" I thought to myself.

"I sighed"
And grabbed a bottle of scotch and filled up a glass. And opened the file Carlos left on my desk this morning.

"This same file that made me storm into that bakery this morning like an insane stalker".
I started reading it again hoping it would satisfy my curiosity somehow.
My eyes darted to the picture on her file. I brushed her face on the picture wishing that I could feel her somehow. Then my eyes moved to her details on the bottom of the file .

Rosalia Baliey, 22 years old, she was only 18 years old when her parent's kicked her out. After that she lived with her boyfriend for 1 year . it was her first and last serious relationship. "The idea of her being touched by another man got me pissed for no reason".

She has been living alone for the past 4 years , no close family,no friends,no relationship, no credit card, no bank account, not many funds,works in a small bakery across town.

As I read this I felt stupid for asking if she had a car that night I saved her. I closed the file and kept it in my drawer's I felt pissed thinking about how she had to fight so hard alone all her life it makes me beyond mad .

how everyone turned their backs on her . how unlucky she has been and yet she still has a pure and glowing soul and innocence in her soft brown eyes that kinda makes me feel humane every time I look at her .

Why do I care about this woman so Much this isn't me and I hate her for making me feel this way that I can't think about anything or anyone else but her.

I'm cold ,ruthless and brutal. compassion and sympathy where the things I lost over the years to become who I am . A man in my position can't have distractions or weaknesses. Because everything good that comes into my life only becomes "Targets" for my enemies.

I couldn't let myself care because that was what killed my parents because they allowed themselves to love and care for me and build their little family they died because of it and I swore to myself that I won't let history repeat its fucking self .

I wasn't actually little when they passed on but I still needed them . I couldn't grief over them because when they died i shut out all my feelings and became a cold repulsive monster. so i wouldn't feel the pain of loosing them. But now the only thing that keeps me going is my hunger and need for revenge on those who killed them and caused me pain.


I reached for the bottle of scotch and filled up another glass. A knock sounded on my door disrupting my thoughts .

Rocco walked inside dressed all black just like the rest of my men , just black hair flipped to the back and his pale tanned skin. Rocco is my second in command and my best friend. I've known him since i can remember. His father worked for my father so we grew up together like brothers.
I trust him with my life and he trusts me with his. Rocco is like my shadow he is the only person who dares to call me out on my bullshit. He makes me see solutions when all I see is blood . we are family and we protect each other with our lives.

"Boss" the meeting is all set for the shipment to arrive in three days time. My mind and brain was still in that damn bakery with her I need to stop this I muttered silently. " the shipment will arrive around ten' o'clock me Carlos ,Angelo and some other men are going to handle the situation he said.

"I nodded"
"chiamami quando finisci il lavaro"(call me when u finish the job)
I said trying to hide my distraction from him.
"Sai Che lo faccio sempre" ( you know I always do). He said and I turned back to face the window when his voice stopped me .

Carlos told me about the search he did on a girl
what happened ?.
Nothing! I met this girl and I wanted to know more nothing I haven't done before.
"Well he started you have never gone after a girl before he says while his eyes are fixed on me awaiting and answer.

I rolled my eyes "Rocco I don't why I did that ,its just that there's something about her that fascinates me .
" oh shit" he held a laugh and I felt like shooting him for it .
Anyways see you later lover boy he said and left .

I took a deep breath and reached for my phone . I searched for Carlos name and called him up. In less than five minutes he was already at the door .

"Boss" come in Carlos.
We have to review the situation about the Scorpio's I said as he sat down I opened my drawers and handed him some files to check on . Those are their last locations ,transactions and shipment arrivals . they have been laying low and hiding their trail for many years .

but now their finally moving up and I want to know what they are up to and why and where have they been hiding . so are we clear? "Yes boss"

We talked for hours about the matter and by the time he left I was exhausted.
In this business there is always a problem to solve,hits to plan, deals to make,and people to protect.

And as the head of the most strong and influential mafia its a fucking nightmare because there's always a dickhead out there trying to claim the empire I built.

I stood up walking around the office trying to calm my nerves down but then my mind drifted to Rosalia again.
"Argh" that damn piccola always ruining my damn thoughts maybe because I haven't been laid this week.
"I sighed" and grabbed my phone and dialed Angelo's number .
"Hello boss" get the car ready in thirty minutes we are going to the club
" okay boss"
I need to get laid so I can get this damn woman off my mind.

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