Chapter-38~Jealous girl

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You could say I'm hatin' if you want to
But I only hate on her 'cause I want you
Say I'm trippin' if you feel like
But you without me ain't right (Ain't right)

You could call me crazy 'cause I want you
And I never even ever fuckin' met you
Say I'm trippin' and it ain't right
But you without me ain't nice (Ain't nice, yeah)
- Ariana Grande.

Finally, Caroline reached the shooting spot in Daniel's Ferrari. She stepped outside and the Guards are standing beside her. She can't spot Daniel anywhere. The place has a beach set up with all the technicians, cameras, etc... At the time it looks like the shooting is over. Everyone is leaving. Care even expected to see any other favorite actress. Cause there are many known celebrities who are engaged in some conversation. The shooting is done outside the Building. She really wants to explore the shooting area and the building. Care hopes one day Daniel will take her inside to show how the movie's being taken.

" Where is Daniel?" Care asked the guard.

" He will come." He replied with a stern look. Care waited for more than 15 minutes not seeing Daniel. Finally, she saw him coming out of the building. She thought of waving at him but she noticed he's talking with some other woman. It's not just a woman, she's a popular Actress who acted with Daniel in many movies. Her name is Jessica. Care never been a fan of her. but she has a beautiful structure and looking hot with her cool sunglasses. She's smiling brightly while talking with Daniel. Jealousy overwhelmed Care. She usually doesn't behave like this but seeing Jessica close with him makes her angry.' Daniel has acted with many famous actresses. He will probably forget me. Iam just a woman working in a cafe' she underrated herself.

" Hey. Sorry. Iam a little bit late." Daniel approached her after waving bye to Jessica.

" It's okay. You probably have many works." Care answered glancing at Jessica.

" No. Iam has done with my today's schedule and are you staring at Jessica. Do you want to talk with her? Are you a fan of her?" Daniel increased her temper without knowing why she's staring at her.

" I am not her fan. If you want to talk with her again. You can go." she let the words out of her control.

" Hmm... I don't know what are you talking about? We can discuss it if you get on the Car." Care followed him inside without waiting. All she wants is to go out of this shooting spot.

" You seem so close to her. Is she your new girlfriend." Care asked once the car started. Her face turned red when she realized he's blinking at her in shock.

" Nevermind. I didn't ask anything." she faked a smile.

" Jessica's not my girlfriend. Iam not interested in her. But we are working together in my new movie. So we are discussing it."

" Oh" Care simply said looking at everywhere but Daniel.

" Are you jealous of Jessica?" Daniel asked making her more nervous.

" Iam not. Why are asking a question like this?" She yelled.

" Nothing. You seem angry."

" I have many other things in my mind. don't mind it and I already know Jessica is your wife in your new movie 'Distant love'." she blurted. She already knew every update of Daniel's movie.

" You know that. Did you searched everything in Google." Daniel laughed.

" Don't laugh, Daniel. You know, I watched every movie of yours. I even have a fan account. I get many updates." she directly looked at him turning red like a tomato.

" There's a reason for my laugh. You don't need to search for anything or have a fan account. Iam sitting next to you. You can ask me anything." he smiled and kept his hands on hers. His touch gave her shiver down her spine.

" Then do you have any girlfriend after Becca?" she asked with hesitation.

" I don't. Now tell me why are interested in it." Care looked at his ocean blue eyes who are eagerly waiting for a reply. At the moment she caught a glimpse of his mansion. They reached so fast. The shooting spot is near his mansion. It's too easy for him to work on his new movie.

" We reached. Open the door," she ordered. The guard opened it and Daniel blocked her path.

" You didn't answer my question?"

" Are you going to invite me to your mansion or not? I really need to come inside." she showed some eager and convinced him. Both made their way towards the mansion. Whenever she comes here, she loves to see the amazing garden. She loves how he's keeping such a beautiful garden. Lost in thought, she forgot about Jessica.

Ring. Ring.

Care glanced at her phone. It's Bill. He will probably be angry for leaving without telling. What she will tell him? ' Hi Bill, Iam with Daniel in his mansion.' she can't tell him.

" Aren't you coming inside?" Daniel asked many feet away from her while she's standing in the same spot.

" I need to attend this call. I will come," she replied and he nodded. At the entrance, Micheal, his personal assistant is waiting for him. Caroline switched off her phone not thinking about Bill right now.

" You said you are gonna bring that girl today. You seemed so interested in her. Why she isn't with you?" Micheal asked without noticing Care who entered right on time. she heard what Micheal told.

" Fuck " Daniel cursed. His personal assistant isn't supposed to talk about Care while she's here in front of him.

" Tell the maid to bring me Coffee. Right now." Daniel commanded.

" But the maid has already left..." Michael stuttered.

" Then make me a coffee by yourself.Go." He shouted and motioned Care to take a seat on the couch. Care already heard what Micheal told. She doesn't know whether she's the girl Micheal has been talking about.' How can an actor like Daniel be interested in me'. she thought. She's not even dressed more impressive. She's just in her pink shirt and a white skirt with some stains in it due to cooking. Maybe Care convinced herself that Micheal might be talking about any other woman. There are many girls who're interested in Daniel.

" I will here within minutes, Caroline," Daniel told her and picked his phone. He walked his way and disappeared from her view. She can't even go and find him in his big mansion. She will be lost. Instead, Care seated on the couch without moving an inch.

After some minutes " Can you wait in his office. Sir will come there and meet you." Micheal said and pointed at the end of the long hall. Care almost recognized his house even it's been many weeks since she met him. Till now, it seems formal to talk with Daniel in his office.

Care nodded her head and walked her way to his office. There are two doors where Michael pointed his hands. She forgot which one to open. She forgot her way to his office room while her mind is fully filled with Homecoming day murder.

She opened a door choosing between the two and stepped inside. She realized it's not his office once she stepped inside.

'Is it Daniel's bedroom?'

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