chapter-26~ haunted house

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With my feelings on fire

Guess I'm a bad liar

Selena Gomez.

A shiver ran down on Care's spine. She can't sit back in her home being a coward. She needs to visit the house. At the backside of the paper, the unknown person mentioned something.

9:00 pm


she got no other choice. She can't tell this to her friends. It's time to face the truth. If the person shows up, she needs to bravely face him. Care isn't brave like Charlotte but she can able to the brilliant right at the most important time. She fixed her mind off going alone. Care is going to meet some threatening person M.W. What is mean by M.W? Is he or she? Will she get the answers today?


Caleb walked to his class with Elliot. The school entrance is so crowded with reporters and detectives. Chloe's classroom is filled with investigators. Her class is changed to another empty class for the rest of the day. Caleb took his seat showing a calm face. He took his phone and scrolled his Instagram post, not wanted to have a conversation with anyone.

" Hey Caleb, do you how where they found the bloodstains? Everyone is doubting that's got to be Becca. What do you think?" Elliot asked adjusting his specs.

"I don't know about that. Why are you guys missing Becca?" Caleb didn't take his eyes off his phone. Sometimes eyes will tell the truth when our mouth can't.

" No one does but this is a serious issue. The bloodstain is on a steel bat. The floor is all clean except the bat. I can't believe someone tried to kill a person with a bat so hard"

" They found the bloodstain in a bat. That's unbelievable. Did they find anything?"Caleb's attention becomes shark hearing the word bat.

" Nothing yet. The investigation is going one. Tiffany,wes can't able to contact Becca's phone.No one can able to track her phone. How's that possible? I am so afraid of studying here. Weird things going around our school. Why everyone's life is in danger in Roshord high?" Elliot's words gave more unbelievable information. Why can't they able to track her with her phone? obviously, it's more than easy cause she's buried in the school. Whatever happened is somehow helping the four of them. They just did a simple mistake of forgetting about the steel bat which is a piece of strong evidence in the murder case.

" Don't think too hard. Becca has a chance of having many enemies. Others life will be perfectly safe," Caleb explained and got a notification right at the moment. It's a message from Ruby's phone. Impossible.

'Am I dreaming' Caleb opened it to see the text.

Ruby: Hey Caleb, Iam alive can you save me?

Ruby: Is that what you are thinking boy. lol. Ruby's dead but Iam here knowing all your secrets

Ruby: How can you calmly sit in your class after burying a girl

Ruby: Answer me, Caleb lowe

' I never thought about Ruby's phone. Her phone might have been burned in the fire accident. Usually Ruby won't carry her phone with her all the time. If not, then who is texting me? how do they know us burying Becca' Caleb brain burst with questions while texting back?

Caleb: Who are you? How did you get her phone? I didn't kill anyone.

Ruby: hm. I believed it. If you want her phone and answers you should meet me in the abandoned house no.23 near the graveyard today at 9:00 pm alone. You can't reject it I know that. Just come and get your dead girlfriend's phone.

Caleb: I will come.

Ruby: good. Hereafter there's no Ruby, so save this number as M.W.

" What are you staring at? Can I see it" Elliot leaned closer to his phone?

" Nothing. don't you dare interfere without my permission," Caleb snapped and ignored his friend for the rest of the day.

8:30 pm

Care sneaked to her front door without telling sisters.

" Hey, where are you leaving?" Chloe spotted her.

" Iam going to Clary's house. I will be in an hour," Care lied closing the front door. She walked by herself to the graveyard.

8:35 pm

Caleb jumped through his room window, walking right to the graveyard.

8:42 pm

Care reached the house before the timings. She already crossed the graveyard and now standing in the front of the old building which can crumble and fall at any moment. The place is filled with many bushes and trees, seems like a large forest. Being alone feels like someone is watching her afar. Bringing some courage she opened the rusted front gate making a shrieking noise. The front door is already wide opened and dark from outside. Care slowly stepped inside with raising heartbeat. There are no lights to turn on, only the darkness surrounds her. There's a big staircase inside the large room. Old couches, chair, more spider webs, creepy sound when stepping on the floor. She regretted coming early to the haunted house. Of course, It's a haunted house. Any child can tell it from the look. She doesn't know where to look for the person or the diary so she stepped on the stairs. Caroline reached a small room with an open door. There are four rooms and only one unlocked door in it. She entered it hoping to find something.

8:47 pm

Caroline spotted her Diary on a table easily. The unknown person won't easily give the diary to her which seems suspicious. Care acted fast by grabbing her diary and running away from the house before nine o'clock.

" Who's that" A familiar voice echoed in the room when caroline turned back to find her brother.

"What...what are you doing here?" Care stuttered seeing him. If the unknown person knows that she didn't come alone, her secrets will be exposed. Did Caleb follow her here?

" I should ask that. Why did you follow me? I was supposed to come alone."He snapped.

" What? I was supposed to come alone and why are you even here?" she shouted back.

"Wait a minute. I can't understand. Something's wrong,"

" You are right. You are hiding something," Care raised her eyebrow.

" Yes. I got a threatening message from an unknown stupid M.W. I don't even know what that means but it's having Ruby's phone. Iam here for it."

" Is that why you are here? I got the same message from the same person and he or she knows what we did to Becca."

" How did they found it easily? we did everything perfectly"

" You should blame me" Care spoke with regret in her voice.

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