chapter-11~ who's excited about homecoming?

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You are a sexy machine

You are a Hollywood dream

And feel it's like Iam homecoming queen

-Selena Gomez


Chloe looked closer at her painting she drew a few days ago. She already drew the burning house which happened in real. It's still hard to believe it. Is she physic?

" Did you bought the dress?" Sara leaned closer near Chloe's bench in drawing class.

" What dress are you talking about?" Chloe asked didn't take her eyes off from her painting. She is painting a princess. This time her drawing is under her control.

" Don't you know that?" Sookie poked her nose in the middle of their conversation.

" She doesn't know that? maybe she doesn't have a date," someone laughed over on the other side. Who will laugh like this except Becca's friend?

" Shut up, Tiffany. Don't you dare intrude between us" Sara warned her but Tiffany avoided and walked over to Chloe's table? the teacher is distracted by a phone call. So the class was so noisy except for some students who are drawing without getting distracted.

" Just accept it. You don't have a date for homecoming."

" so what? I don't care. I am already grieving from Ruby's death. Just go away," Chloe replied, trying not to show her anger which she never knows how to express it. Who cares about Date in this situation? Tiffany is the same as Becca. Her friends will be cruel like her. Like attracts Like. Evil attracts evil.

" Iam talking with you. Stop painting," tiffany ordered and snatched the paintbrush from Chloe's hand.

" Give it back to me" Chloe struggled to get it from her. Tiffany's presence is annoying her and making her favorite painting class as the worst one.

" I won't. What are you gonna do? Cry like a crybaby," Chloe doesn't want to argue with her. She's already in a grieving stage for her innocent friend. She can't take any more problems.

" Take it, I don't care," Chloe shouted in front of the class and pushed every object down from her table. She rarely gets angry and goes crazy. Finally, she has thrown her painting down. All paints spilled on the ground and her painting is spoiled. She didn't give a damn care about her drawing. She can do it again and again.

" What's happening here" the teacher shouted, hung up the phone.

" Iam sorry, mam," Chloe apologized and walked away without cleaning anything. She can't bear the look of her teacher after making a mess in her table. She will never do something but today her attitude feels different.

she walked up to her locker. She doesn't expect anyone to follow her. But she heard someone's footsteps near her. She thought it's Sara or Sookie.

" Leave me alone" she shouted without seeing the person.

" What did I do?" she hears Ian's Soft voice.

" Ian. Sorry, I thought it's Sara," she told him bitting her nails.

" You didn't seem good. Anything you wanna share?" He offered his help.

" It's... " she started but someone from Ian's class called him.

" The class is going to start," A boy shouted at him.

" I will come," said Ian and turned to his friend.

" You should go," she turned towards her locker, acting like looking for some books in her locker. Before Ian responded, someone walked towards Chloe.

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